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Ready for you @Red Baker.Okay, it is time to test these famous last word. Going to Romans nine next to answer these famous last words.
Ready for you @Red Baker.Okay, it is time to test these famous last word. Going to Romans nine next to answer these famous last words.
I don't know very much about Particular Baptists.@ GodsGrace
Dear Fran,
1689 confession of faith, the 2nd edition, the first one came out in 1648, or thereabout is the one that I enjoy and could easily embrace. Samuel Richardson and other Particular Baptist were not of the Reformed faith community of believers ~they were Baptist period, never been Reformed, they did not need to go through the Reformation, they were never part of Rome, never.
I do not live by confessions/creeds written by men, but by the word of God, yet I see nothing wrong with them as far as letting others know what you stand for, but that's as far as it goes with me.
I'm not going to debate this RB.@ GodsGrace
You dear sister, are not following very well, no pun intended. I do not believe in a secret rapture as taught by man and Matthew 24:40,41 is not speaking about the rapture as many teach.. If you followed by words carefully I said one shall be take, or, caught up into the air when Christ returns, and the others left to be judge and then cast into the lake of fire which will be this earth when it will be destroyed with fire at Christ's coming and the end of the world.
Another subject for another day, yet there is NO SUCH TEACHING in the scriptures concerning 70 A.D. a fable that many have fallen for. I would love to discuss Matthew 24. Mark 13; and Luke 21, 2nd Thess 2; and Revelation 6-19 soon. I'm an Amill Idealist ~ that should tell you a lot of what I believe and teach.
Not answering the question that Jesus died for the sins of the world and desires salvation for everyone brother. -Pharaoh hardened his own heart at least 5 times (Ex. 8:15, 8:32, 9:34, etc.). Maybe more-hence the Imperative to read the Scriptures exegetically and not eisegetically.@Johann @GodsGrace
He's very close in what he is saying. God hardens hearts by not showing mercy to them, and in this sense he hardens man's heart. He does not need to work in them to cause them to be harden, they have a sinful wicked heart already "very capable" of hardening itself ~ and does, to the degree God leaves man to his own sinful heart, as he did to Pharaoh in Moses' day.
Give me time, I do have other obligations to attend to as well. Trust me Johann, there are not one scripture that I have not seen and most likely addressed over years, so I just need time to get to all of them ~ but, be sure I will.Not answering the question that Jesus died for the sins of the world and desires salvation for everyone brother. -Pharaoh hardened his own heart at least 5 times (Ex. 8:15, 8:32, 9:34, etc.).
Oh how well do I know!Maybe more-hence the Imperative to read the Scriptures exegetically and not eisegetically.
You might consider saving us the time and effort--you are avoiding questions and verses, in context of course.Is Individual Election to Salvation Taught in Romans Nine? (part one)
by Matt Perman
A real needful reminder to us all my friend . I would not HEED JOHN piper at all . that may sound mean , harsh .You might consider saving us the time and effort--you are avoiding questions and verses, in context of course.
Matt Perman is a Reformed (Calvinist) theologian and writer known for his work in theology and productivity from a biblical perspective. He has been affiliated with organizations such as Desiring God, which is closely associated with John Piper and the Reformed tradition.
His article "Is Individual Election to Salvation Taught in Romans Nine?" reflects a Calvinist interpretation of election, arguing for unconditional election in line with Reformed soteriology. Given his theological background and affiliations, Perman approaches Romans 9 from a Calvinistic viewpoint, emphasizing God's sovereignty in choosing individuals for salvation apart from human will or effort.
Back to the Scriptures without bias @Red Baker.
Is Individual Election to Salvation Taught in Romans Nine? | Monergism
by Matt PermanAre you unsure about what to believe about predestination? Do you believe in predestination, but are looking for a greater defense of
"I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,"~ I can follow a man of God like Paul, what a blessed joy to know, what is written and spoken by men of God, they did so as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, though what may seem to be private thoughts, yet we know they spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and spoke out of love for those they spoke to, which is the example for all of us to follow. They held back not word that they knew their hearers needed to know, even when they may had thoughts that they would not be received as the truths of the word of God, which made them to work even harder to convinced them of the truth as it is in Jesus Christ.Romans 9:1-5~" I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh: Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen."
Johann, beginning at this verse, it is so clear, Paul is not addressing Israel as a nation being used as a earthy, historical role, as far as being a medium through which God is made known to world, when actually they were commanded to not even go unto them and learn their way! You know the scriptures ~ that's why they were forbidden from eating certain meats in the OT, not that the meats themselves were unclean and made a person sinful, but they were given as a type of Gentiles themselves being unholy that the Israelites should not learn their ways ~ Acts 10 shows the truth behind forbidden meats of the OT. Enough on that, but Israel for sure was no medium for God's service to be used only for this purpose and this purpose according to you and others helps to explain what election meant in these scriptures before us, when nothing could be farther from the truth.Romans 9:6-8~"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed."
Being a fleshly Israelite means nothing more than you are a kinsmen of Abraham, that does not give one a right to eternal life as we all know, nor, does it give them a right to boast of being God's people, for they are not, just because they can traced their genealogy to Abraham. What makes a person children of the Living God? One must be a child of God's oath and promises, if not, then that person is not a child of God.
Well now Johann, who do you think you are sending articles to me from? Calvinist,? No, your friends from the school of Armenians.You might consider saving us the time and effort--you are avoiding questions and verses, in context of course.
Matt Perman is a Reformed (Calvinist) theologian and writer known for his work in theology and productivity from a biblical perspective. He has been affiliated with organizations such as Desiring God, which is closely associated with John Piper and the Reformed tradition.
His article "Is Individual Election to Salvation Taught in Romans Nine?" reflects a Calvinist interpretation of election, arguing for unconditional election in line with Reformed soteriology. Given his theological background and affiliations, Perman approaches Romans 9 from a Calvinistic viewpoint, emphasizing God's sovereignty in choosing individuals for salvation apart from human will or effort.
Back to the Scriptures without bias @Red Baker.
Is Individual Election to Salvation Taught in Romans Nine? | Monergism
by Matt PermanAre you unsure about what to believe about predestination? Do you believe in predestination, but are looking for a greater defense of
HI Red@Johann @GodsGrace
Gleanings in Romans nine ~ by D. W. "Red" Baker..... with a purpose of showing the true Holy Ghost given meaning of election in these scriptures... for service, or, election by His grace to inherit eternal life according to God's oath and promises of grace, which are totally unconditional on their part ~ conditional only by "two immutable acts of God"...his holy unchanging oath and promises which is is impossible for God to lie.
Johann, I decided to just glean through here, keep from making another booklet which I'm known for; I also decided to just start a new work on this chapter different from what I have posted a few times over for the last fifteen years or so on other forums.
Yes. Paul states that he had a love for his kinsmen...which indeed is what Romans 9 is about....THE JEWS."I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost,"~ I can follow a man of God like Paul, what a blessed joy to know, what is written and spoken by men of God, they did so as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, though what may seem to be private thoughts, yet we know they spoke under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and spoke out of love for those they spoke to, which is the example for all of us to follow. They held back not word that they knew their hearers needed to know, even when they may had thoughts that they would not be received as the truths of the word of God, which made them to work even harder to convinced them of the truth as it is in Jesus Christ.
"That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh:" Without going into the pro's and con's of what Paul meant here, which seems at first reading that he had a love for his kinsmen above what the law demanded, by willing to be made a curse for them that they may have what he knows to be the truth, which he had. For sure, Paul had great heaviness and a continual sorrow for his brethren, his flesh and blood kinsmen. Yet, he will show us, that he understood why some of his own kinsmen were not children of God and some would never be, even though as a nation they were the most favored nation upon the face of the earth at one time, but no longer, and never shall be again.
Interesting Red.Johann, beginning at this verse, it is so clear, Paul is not addressing Israel as a nation being used as a earthy, historical role, as far as being a medium through which God is made known to world, when actually they were commanded to not even go unto them and learn their way! You know the scriptures ~ that's why they were forbidden from eating certain meats in the OT, not that the meats themselves were unclean and made a person sinful, but they were given as a type of Gentiles themselves being unholy that the Israelites should not learn their ways
Almost midnight here.~ Acts 10 shows the truth behind forbidden meats of the OT. Enough on that, but Israel for sure was no medium for God's service to be used only for this purpose and this purpose according to you and others helps to explain what election meant in these scriptures before us, when nothing could be farther from the truth.
"Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect"~ Israel's rejecting of Christ and them being no longer the medium where God is known and worshipped as His people, is perfectly understood by Paul as he pondered the word of God and sought his comfort from which brought some peace and comfort to his sorrowful and heavy heart.
He knew that the word of God had not fail, according to God's eternal purposes in Christ from being fulfilled, all was right on course, moving to it desire end, were all that were chosen in Christ, according to the purpose and will of God, shall indeed reach their eternal home, supported by God's two immutable acts, his holy oath and promises in Christ to his seed, secured by His Son fulfilling the duty of being their surety...which he did so perfectly, (blessed be his name) that the pleasure of the LORD prospered in his hand.
Isaiah 53:10
“Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.”
"For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:"~Now Johann, you have a burden of proof laying heavy upon your shoulder to prove that Paul even had on his mind, that election under consideration in Romans nine has reference to service, and not to salvation from sin and condemnation, a burden that I know is too heavy for you to escape from, without you, dear sir, wresting God's testimony that is before us, in an attempt make it support your bias agenda ~ and bias against God it is.
What does it mean to be the Israel of God? Need help Johann? It is to be part of the very elect, not just in name only! Jesus used this phrase:
Matthew 24:24
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Are all of the children of God's oath and promises of grace were made to, through their head Jesus Christ, the Very Elect of God through whom God's carried out his eternal purposes which he purposed within the council of His own will, which will will proper just as God willed it to do. Do you believe this? I do. 100%.
Isaiah 42:1
“Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.”
Just as it was in Moses' day, Christ's day, even so now.... "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel"~ name only, profession only, means nothing, show me the proof and generally Johann, it is seen in knowing the truth ~with godly fruits supporting one's confession ~ cannot have one, without the other ~but, I do agree knowledge is something that takes time to perfect, and never will it be in this lifetime, not even from the best of God's saints. Neither are our fruit perfect, always could be better and must increase.
2nd Timothy 3:7
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
Being a fleshly Israelite means nothing more than you are a kinsmen of Abraham, that does not give one a right to eternal life as we all know, nor, does it give them a right to boast of being God's people, for they are not, just because they can traced their genealogy to Abraham. What makes a person children of the Living God? One must be a child of God's oath and promises, if not, then that person is not a child of God.
So far, Johann, your burden is increasing, for these scriptures at the beginning of Romans nine is without doubt limited to Salvation from sin and condemnation, being a vessel of MERCY oppose from being a vessel of God's wrath. I'm trying to keep this as short as possible.
"but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." Johann, stop, think, and humble yourself under God's mighty hand and accept the truths taht are clearly being taught to us by the apostle Paul. These eleven words are words of SALVATION, not service! It truly should concern you if you fear God, (I trust you truly do) that you will not allow yourself to hear what the scriptures are clearly saying.
Many Israelites did not believe, yet Paul took comfort for himself knowing that God's word has not fail to accomplish its purposes, that all of the children of God's promise are counted for the promised seed beginning at Genesis 12 and can be seen all through the scripture who they are, and we shall see two of very soon. Salvation, Johann, not service my friend.
The Lord be with you Johann, and fulfilled Ephesians 1:17-19 in your life, is my prayer for you.
Coming back to continue...RB
Well now Johann, who do you think you are sending articles to me from? Calvinist,? No, your friends from the school of Armenians.
Okay, I agree we both need to stay with our own thoughts which I had already purpose to do, just in the meantime, I sent that to you as something to read, but, I do not need to do so, I can take care of myself and defend my own teachings.