Who was the Book of John Addressed to?

Take it easy RB.
Rest up...it'll pass...
same thing on this side of the pond...it takes forever to get over it.

Greetings Fran,

My wife and children are saying the same to me; one of my son-in-law's told me to come to the hospital he will have me a room and everything there for me, and wanted me to come and stay until I'm better ~ a lot of my children and even grandchildren are in the medical field. I'm an old man that loves the comfort of my own house, bed, etc.
You're stating that God does not seek man.
Fran, read very carefully what I have said....God does indeed seek his sheep, but not goats. He seeks all without "distinction" from every nations of this world, every tongue, etc., but he does not seek all without exception...Fran, as you well know, some of the first converts to the early church were Italian, some of your own people.

Acts 10:1​

“There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,”

Fran, soon I would love to discuss Cornelius with you and others here very soon Cornelius was a born again child of God before Peter ever met him, Peter was sent to bring the gospel to him that he might be saved in a practical sense, but more on this later.
John 12:32
32 "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself."
'All men" meaning not just Jews only, but all without dictinction, Jews and Gentiles which he did as we see in the rest of the holy scriptures.
And what do you believe John meant when he wrote the following?:
1 John 1:3-4
3 what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.
4 These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.

John wrote his gospel and letters to proclaim what the APOSTELS HAD SEEN.
So that WE also could have fellowship with the Father and Son.
Why would John write the above if he believed God was going to choose the saved?
It would make no sense at all.

1st John 1:3,4​

“That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full."

Fran, John and all the apostles wrote unto others believers, not to the world, that would had been a total waste of time. John made it very clear that he wrote to them, NOT to get any born again, but, so that their present joy, would increase and be full!

Fran, what would we know about Jesus the Son of God without this apostolic declaration? Nothing. We do not believe God and Christ by oral tradition, but many writers (Luke 1:1-4).

What is the purpose of the apostles seeking out God’s elect? For fellowship with God! After the doctrine of Christ – the true body of knowledge about Him – is relationship. There is a practical salvation from the hopelessness of this life in knowing Christ (2nd Timothy 2:10).

Learning of Jesus, where He is now and He will return, is our religion (I Cor 15:19). This comes through the written word of God to us.

v4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

We do not limit these things to the first three verses, but neither do we minimize them. There is fellowship in the verses before and after this verse, indicating both included. Fellowship with God – by doctrinal truth and godly conduct – is the basis of real joy. These things = plural demonstrative adjective for the content of verses 1-3 and more. It is a shame to watch carnal Christians (if they are saved) look for joy in the world.

Why did John write? Why did the Holy Spirit inspire him and then preserve the letter? The that here, like above, is a conjunction for John’s goal and purpose for writing. That. Introducing a clause expressing purpose, end, aim, or desire: often with may. Because this glorious God … and His Son … love us and want our utmost happiness. Any lack of fulness of joy is always our fault, not His, and we miss His intentions. Our God is terrible, but He loves His adopted children and wants to dote on them. Why do any parents adopt? To take a deprived child and drastically improve its life. How much joy does God want us to have? Filled with all you can receive (Romans 15:13).
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Well, hello, did the light just now turn on?! :)
I think the room just got darker!!
I'll answer this in the morning, I'm resting for an hour before supper. In the morning Miss Fran, the Lord be with my friend from across the seas.
Sleepy time here.
Don't go to the hospital.
Stay in your own home unless it's impossible and you need special care.
Too many germs and sick people in hospitals!!
If you could post,,,,you're good.
Will reply tomorrow.
Are you saying we are saved by the faith of Christ and not our own faith?
Please post scripture that states this.
Please post scripture that states that our faith produces perfect obedience.

The jailer in Acts 16:31 was told that he would be saved by BELIEVING.

BELIEVING means to have faith.
Paul didn't tell the jailer that Jesus had faith FOR HIM...
He told the jailer to BELIEVE...to HAVE FAITH.

Why would Jesus need faith?
Faith is something hoped for....
Jesus was God...what did He hope for?
Was He not saved?

Yes. Faith is a gift.
But the person must WANT that free gift.
The gift is FOR ALL....IF they meet the requirements.

YOU believe God picks and chooses based on nothing we could know.

Instead, the entire bible was written so that we could know God and how to please Him.

Here are the requirements:
John 3:16
16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

John 3:36
36 "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."


Every Christian believes the above,,,unless you're using words that to you mean something different.
It is God that works in us.....His elect but by our choice.....

If we were in Christ from all eternity...why is there a time when we become born again?
And would a baby end up in hell if he died BEFORE the time of becoming born again even if he
was chosen from all eternity?
The implication of this is that we would never know if a baby went to hell or heaven....
and the bible teaches that a baby cannot sin.
Faith is for those who need to be saved and Jesus is the Savior and is not in need of being saved.
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