The Gentiles you mention would be circumcised Gentile proselytes for in the beginning lasting about four decades the witness of Messiah and the Holy Spirit experience was being disseminated among Jews, mainly in the Temple in Jerusalem, in local synagogues in Israel and also in Gentile lands, for these events and experiences were happening to Jews specifically and the twelve tribes in general and Gentile proselytes would be attending their sabbath gatherings and in Jewish homes after the split with the Judaizers and hear these things taking place among the Jews.
Remember, the New Covenant was promised to the House of Israel and Judah (northern and southern kingdoms.) Hard-core, uncircumcised non-covenant Gentiles (Roman or otherwise) did not live among the Jews but had their own sectors and were separated from the Jews because the Jews considered these Gentiles as unclean, and separation would rule the day. So, the things and conversations taking place in Israel and in Gentile lands where Jewish Christians lived were taking place outside the purview of Gentiles.
There is only ONE Church and this Church ("called out [ones]") consisted of Jewish Christians born-again by the Holy Spirit which is fulfillment of covenant and the New Covenant prophecies in Jeremiah 31:31-34. Christ is the fulfillment of covenant and prophecies. And if Gentiles were not mentioned when the covenants were made then they would not be included when the covenant prophecies were being fulfilled. All this Gentile attempts at inheritance thefts based upon Galatians 3:28-29 is error. From Scripture there is no such thing as a Gentile Church for the one main reason being that the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets do not record the existence of a Gentile Church. But there is mention many times over of a Jewish Church but it is being called the "Great Congregation" in Scripture and this Church belongs to God and His Christ/Messiah. God made no covenant with Gentiles and the fact that hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles have been born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit is taking place without a covenant. So, why all these attempts by these same Gentiles at trying to elbow their way - yes, even usurping - the covenants God made with the House of Israel and trying to join themselves into covenants they are never mentioned when created as being a part of.
Let's be honest here. I have asked many times for someone to prove to me through the Law, Psalms, and the Prophets (Hebrew Scriptures) of any mention or inclusion of uncircumcised Gentiles in these three covenants (Abraham, Mosaic, New Covenant) and no one can do it.
Let's be honest here, too, that the New Covenant writings of Saul, Peter, James, Matthew, John, etc., are letters to the various Jewish Churches throughout Israel and Gentile lands by these same men only discussing and attempting to understand to their counterparts the effect Messiah and the Holy Spirit's arrivals had on these same covenants because this was the "new thing" [Isaiah] God was doing in the earth (Israel) and it took time to search the Hebrew Scriptures to understand just that - the New Covenant. It happened daily, in their synagogues, in the Temple, in the marketplace, in the streets on the road, everywhere Jews were talking about Messiah's coming out of His tomb and this experience of a Holy Spirit impacting their lives. If you and I were Jews living in that time we would be participating in this 'national' discussion. It was a Jewish phenomenon taking place among the Jews, not uncircumcised Gentiles. Not yet at least. Christ was building His covenant Church so why don't we let Him without we Gentiles looking for ways to get in these covenants when in these same covenants there is NO MENTION in the Law, Psalms, and Prophets of God EVER making covenant with Gentiles. If He did, they would be clearly mentioned and there might even be Gentile Scriptures - but He didn't and there aint. Now, tell me, are these things I am saying reasonable? Are these things I am saying a correct and reasonable, as well as Scriptural view of these things that took place with the Jews and the main characters involved? James writes "to the twelve tribes scattered." The book of Hebrew is just that: TO THE HEBREWS. Saul's letters contain Jewish history, Jewish Messiah, Jewish Law, Jewish Psalms, Jewish prophets, Jewish people, Jewish covenants, Jewish culture, Jewish customs, Jewish daily religious life and practice, Jewish thought and mindset all about Jewish life. The gospels are a historical to the Jews so that they may believe this Jesus promised through covenant and prophecies was actually and truly their long-awaited Messiah. Matthew contains the greatest number of references to the Hebrew Scriptures that no uncircumcised Gentile would understand let alone care to even discuss, unless that Gentile was a circumcised proselyte.
Everything is coming to a head. Prophecy is being fulfilled in many places and who is the central subject at hand? It is Israel. When Christ returns His foot is not going to touch down in Washington D.C, or at NATO headquarters in Brussels, or even in Rome. His foot will touch down outside of Jerusalem. And who will God gather against Israel? Hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles, and personally I believe Gentile Christians will also be against Israel. Saul writes God has blinded Israel's eyes and is USING Gentiles to make His Bride jealous. When this finally sinks into their consciousness and God turns His full attention back to Israel and the Holy Spirit is again dealing with Israel Gentile Christians will feel this effect in their walks and in their prayers and in their relationships with other Christians as Gentile Christians must decrease and Israel MUST increase.