The Day of Jacob's Trouble main target is Jerusalem/the Jewish people AND Christians.
“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” – 1 Timothy 5:14
Setting aside the issue of gender roles for the moment, Paul clearly states that marriage and children are good things for young women to do.
Clearly there is a different context. This proves the need to rightly divide prophecy from mystery information.
During this dispensation of God’s grace revealed to Paul (Eph 3:1-2), we are not living in the prophetic time of tribulation. God’s wrath is not the word, but God’s grace and peace offered to the world through Christ.
Consequently, it is not a woeful thing to have children today.
If Christians really believed we were living in the last days of Matthew 24, then why don’t they follow the Lord’s warning about having children?
Why don’t they shut down the family ministries! While they give lip service to Matthew 24, their choices betray their beliefs and force them to follow Christ’s instructions to Paul.
Christ will return to the earth, and that after he returns in the air for his church, but Matthew 24 is not written about us. Instead it is written about Israel going into the time of great tribulation.
The great mystery of Christ and the church, the Body of Christ, had not yet been revealed.
The audience of Israel in Matthew 24 is different than the audience of the church in 1 Timothy 5.
We are living in a time that was not prophesied, it is a time of mystery ‘kept secret since the world began’ (Romans 16:25). Separating prophecy from mystery will change the way you view the Lord’s instructions … and possibly the size of your family.
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning
of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
~ Matthew 24:21
1. Introduction
a. End times study concerns when Christ returns and how Prophecy will be fulfilled
b. The next thing that will happen is God’s removal of the church from the earth
c. The Lord’s coming for the church can happen at any moment (imminent)
d. The Lord’s coming to conquer and reign in Israel is preceded by many signs/events
e. In bad times, people fear we are in prophetic tribulation with signs everywhere
2. What is it?
a. It is not general trouble/suffering – 2 Co 1:4, Rom 5:3, Phi 1:29, 1Thes 3:2-5
b. It is a time of the righteous judgment from God – 2 Thess 1:4-7
c. “Day of the Lord” –Isa 2:12,13:6-9,Jer 46:10,Joel 1:15, 2:11,Am 5:18, Zp 1:14-15
d. “Great Tribulation” unlike any other – Matt 24:21, Daniel 12:1
e. “Jacob’s trouble” – none other day like it, but Israel shall be saved - Jer 30:7
f. What kinds of things? 25% of the earth dead by war, hunger, disease, wild beasts
g. Great earthquakes, worldwide lightning, angels, devils, poison water, serpents
h. When will these things be? – Matt 24:3, 15
3. Daniel’s 70th Week
a. “Seventy weeks are determined…to seal up prophecy” – Daniel 9:24, Rev 10:7
b. The time of the coming Messia, and his being cut off - Dan 9:25
c. The destruction of the city & temple, and the prince that shall come - Dan 9:26
d. “Confirm the covenant with many for one week” – the 70th week – Dan 9:27
e. The 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy includes the great tribulation
4. The Purpose of the Tribulation
a. The great controversy of Zion – Deu 25:1, Is 34:8, Jer 25:31, Hos 12:2
b. “Times of the Gentiles” – Luke 21:24, Jer 30:3, 8-11, 16-24
c. To conquer the Gentile nations –Zech 14:1, 14:8-9 (Rev 22:1-2)
d. Preparing Israel for restoration – Isa 4, 61:2-4; Mal 3:2-3; Zech 12:9-10
i. Peter preached repent for the trouble was coming - Acts 2:17-20, 3:19-21
e. No mention of the church is ever found in tribulation passages
f. The tribulation is a part of future Prophecy that does not concern the church.
Shalom brother.