You have tried many times to "bring me down to your level". A level in which you promote to all others that striving to "Go and Sin no more", as instructed, somehow denies the Lord Jesus Christ and that somehow "Loving God with all "my" heart, with all "my" might, and with all "my" soul, as the Jesus "of the Bible" Himself commands, is somehow replacing this Jesus with "my" own sinful efforts.
You are completely ignorant of Paul's teaching in this regard, but especially Paul's teaching in 1 cor. 10. Why did the men who ate and drank of the One Spiritual Rock, the Christ, fall in the wilderness? Was it because they loved God with all "their" hearts, "their" might, "their" soul, like Caleb and Joshua did?
Was it because they went at Goliath, an enemy stronger that they, with everything "they" had, like David did?? Was it because they believed God when HE instructed them to live a certain way, even though the serpent in the garden was telling them, "you can't please God", "you can't obey God", "you don't Love God"?
"praise_yeshua"! It's because they didn't love God with all "their" heart, with all "their" soul, with all "their" might, even though they ate and drank from that Spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ, like Caleb and Joshua did.
Had they "believed" God, like Caleb did, they wouldn't have fallen, just as Caleb didn't fall. Does this mean Caleb never sinned? Of course not, it simply means Caleb Loved God with ALL "his" might. Jesus tries to tell you this in His Prophesy about "Christianity" in Matt. 7. But by your works it is clear that you don't believe in this Jesus.
So, what you refuse to see even after you have been shown, is that it is "our effort", that God wants. That is the First and Greatest Commandment in the Bible. You can read it for yourself.
Putting 300 men against 10,000 is impossible. Having to choose between obeying an invisible God, or being tossed into a furnace of fire, is an impossible choice. Obeying the Christ's instruction concerning whose Words to "live by" in a world full of religions who preach against this very thing, is a daunting command.
But if I believe God, I will strive with all "my" heart, that HE knows, with all "my" soul, that HE gave me, with all "my" might that I received from Him, to "Yield myself" to Him in obedience, as Paul teaches both Jew and Gentile.
And even in my weakness, even in my sinful flesh, if I strive with all that "I am", to become a "Doer" of His sayings, and not a hearer only, my house will stand in that day. If I "press towards the mark" of perfection, even after I fall, God will step in where I am short. Just as the 300 were victorious against the 10,000. Just like Shadrack lived to tell his story to his children, just as Goliath hit the earth dead. Not by "my" power, because it is impossible for 300 men to defeat 10,000. But If I give "all"
that I have, and pray for help in my unbelief, God is faithful to step in where my weakness exists. Because in me God's Power is perfected in my weakness. Just as God's Power was made perfect in the weakness of the 300 men who trusted Him, against the 10,000 that didn't.
But if I listen to you,
Num. 13:
31 But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.
I am doomed to fall, just as those "many" Christians fell in Matt. 7. Just as "many", who also drank of that Spiritual Rock fell in the wilderness.
Sadly, you are more interested in promoting your u-tube channel and transforming yourself into an "apostle of Christ", to concern yourself with what Paul is actually teaching in 1 Cor. 10.
I can't do anything about your agenda, but I can post Scriptures and attempt to engage in honest examination and discussion about them.
Anytime you want to revisit 1 cor. 10: 1-14, just let me know.
Such wickedness and evil in your heart against me, and for what? Because I believe Ecc. 9:20, "AND" Ecc. 12:13, that you can't bring yourself to even talk about? Because I pointed out the absolute Biblical Truth about why Israel fell, even after they drank from the Living Water that followed them, and that Rock was Christ?
You know a lot of things that are not true PY. The mainstream preachers of Paul's time were no different.
This is already a public debate. I have asked you questions, posted scriptures and you refuse to even acknowledge them, much less debate them. How am I to believe you now? You want to go line by line in 1 cor. 10:1-14? You want to go line by line in Romans 3: 1-18, Psalms 5, and 14?
These would be great threads. Start one, and let's see how eager you are to debate them.
Narcissistic projection is a defense mechanism used by narcissists to:
- Cope with their own feelings of inadequacy or insecurity by attributing these negative traits to others.!&&p=ee5a...vbmFyY2lzc2lzdGljLXByb2plY3Rpb24uaHRtbA&ntb=1
- Shift blame away from themselves and maintain their “perfect” self-image.!&&p=ee5a...vbmFyY2lzc2lzdGljLXByb2plY3Rpb24uaHRtbA&ntb=1
- Deny their own flaws and bad behaviors, instead, accusing others of displaying them.!&&p=21ac...Whvdy5jb20vTmFyY2lzc2lzdC1Qcm9qZWN0aW9u&ntb=1
There is treatment for this disorder, but first you must accept the disorder, then want the help.