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I am not saying Abraham didn't have faith. I am saying that in the Abrahamic Covenant described in Genesis 17 there is no requirement nor is there any command or mention of faith in this covenant.You're pretty sure of yourself, not knowing scripture very well. Paul and the author of Hebrews (whether that's Paul or not) tell us plainly that Abraham had faith in Genesis 12:1 when God first called him; he had faith in Genesis 15:6 when God promised him a son from his own body; and he had faith in Genesis 17, both before and after he was circumcised (see the Romans verses below), which was the sign of that covenant in chapter 17.
Hebrews 11:8 "By faith Abraham, when he was called (Genesis 12:1), obeyed by going out ..."
Genesis 15:6 "Then he believed (that's faith) in the Lord; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness, which Paul quotes and affirms in Romans 4:3.
Romans 4:11-12 " ... so that he MIGHT BE THE FATHER OF ALL WHO BELIEVE (that's the father of faith right there) without being circumcised, that righteousness might be credited to them, and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also follow in the steps OF THE FAITH OF OUR FATHER ABRAHAM which he had while uncircumcised.
And the reason is because this is a covenant of God alone. God Himself walked between the animal halves while Abraham slept. Thus, this covenant is bestowed upon Abraham and his seed without any responsibility from Abraham except circumcision.
So, again I say, and it can be proven if one is honest with Scripture that there is no requirement for faith in the Abrahamic Covenant.
There is no Scripture that says that. You're adding to the Bible.God saw that Abraham was a man of faith right from the start, when He called him in Genesis 12:1.
There is no requirement of faith in the Abrahamic Covenant described in Genesis 17.Then Abraham proved he had faith again in
Genesis 15:6. (quoted above) Then in Genesis 17:23-24 Abraham proved once again that he believed God by IMMEDIATE OBEDIENCE to His command by not only getting circumcised himself but ordering that Ishmael and all his servants get circumcised.
Again, there is no requirement of faith in the Abrahamic Covenant described in Genesis 17.You may not see the word "faith" or "believe" in Genesis 17, but Paul confirms that Abraham had faith both before and after his circumcision.
For you to think that faith was not a requirement is absurd. If Abraham didn't have faith, there would have been NO COVENANT. There would have been NO story in the Bible about Abraham. God would have used someone else who had faith.
There is no requirement of faith in the Abrahamic Covenant described in Genesis 17.Paul and the author of Hebrews confirm that faith not only was a requirement in Genesis 17, but has been since Adam and Eve, if anyone wishes to please God (Hebrews 11:4 - Cain and Abel and verse 6), which obviously Abraham did.
For you to say "It matters not (that) Abraham had faith." is false and unbiblical.
Let's look at the Scripture and RIGHTLY divide the word of truth.Where are Gentiles mentioned in the contract? You must be blind or don't want to acknowledge that they are there.
Genesis 17:5-6 " ... For I have made you the father of a MULTITUDE OF NATIONS. I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make NATIONS OF YOU, and KINGS will come forth from you." That's the Gentiles mentioned that you were looking for.
FIRST of all Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham. They were already in existence through Ham and Japheth. Shem is an ancestor of Abraham who was an ancestor of Eber from whom Hebrews derive. Now, let's look at Scripture:
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. Gen. 17:6.
As I said, Gentiles do not "come out of thee" (Abraham.) Scripture says Abraham was Hebrew:
13 And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; Gen. 14:13.
Those that went into Egypt were Hebrews not Gentiles. Now pay attention and learn something:
6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. Gen. 17:6.
Abraham the Hebrew had a son with an Egyptian named Hagar. His name was Ishmael. Ishmael had twelve sons just like Jacob. Ishmael "come out of thee" (Abraham.)
Isaac had two sons. Esau and Jacob. Abraham was their grandfather. These "come out of thee" (Abraham.) Gentiles do not come out of Abraham. The families of Ishmael and Esau dwelt in the land and in the process of time kings were born in this family thus fulfilling the Word God gave to Abraham that nations (non-covenant Ishmael and Esau) and kings did indeed "come out of thee" Abraham.
But Gentiles DO NOT come from the loins of Abraham.
Read above. Gentiles do not come from the loins of Abraham the Hebrew.So no one is adding faith or Gentiles to the covenant. They are BOTH ALREADY THERE.