No, Saul had something specifically in mind when he said, "another gospel." Name it. What was Saul referring to?
Different (Gr. heteros, v. 6) means different in kind, whereas another (Gr. allos,
v. 7) means another of the same kind. Paul is saying that the teaching the Galatians are
listening to is not a harmless variation of the truth, but a completely different, false
gospel. This “gospel” (1) is a turning away from the grace of Christ (v. 6); (2) brings
trouble to the faithful; (3) will pervert the gospel of Christ (v. 7)—it is a distortion of
the truth, a mixture of truth and falsehood; (4) is accursed or anathematized by the
Church (v. 8); and (5) is intended to please men (v. 10), not God.
Paul's warning about we, or an angel from heaven is not hypothetical. Angels can
and have delivered the gospel to us: they announced Christ's conception (Lk 1:26–38),
birth (Lk 2:9–15), Resurrection (Mt 28:5–7), and Ascension (Acts 1:9–11). But angelic
messages are not necessarily true; they may come from fallen angels, who are accursed.
How they had rejoiced when Paul first came to them with “the preaching of the cross” and “the gospel of the grace of God”! As they heard him preach, and noted the difficulty, and perhaps pain, he experienced with his eyes, one said to another: “I wish I could give him my eyes! I would gladly do without them. He needs his sight so badly, and think of the joy and blessing he has brought to us!”
Soon after his departure, however, they were taken in by the Judaizers who “zealously affected [courted]” them to draw them away from Paul and his message (Gal. 4:17). And now Paul had to write them:
“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel” (1:6).
“O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched [charmed] you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently [plainly] set forth, crucified among you?” (3:1).
“WHERE IS THEN THE BLESSEDNESS YE SPAKE OF? for I bear you record, that, if it had been possible, ye would have plucked out your own eyes, and have given them to me” (Gal. 4:15).
Gone was the blessedness! Those who had rejoiced so greatly in the riches of God’s grace proclaimed by Paul, had now turned back to Moses and the Law.
In Paul’s epistles we find both the tendency on the part of believers to depart from the path of blessing and God’s diagnosis of the particular cause of the trouble. In every case the cause is rebellion against Paul’s God-given authority and departure from his God-given message and program.
THE RESULTS OF DISOBEDIENCE The Church, even the true Church of believers in Christ, is doubtless larger today than it has ever been. Yet it is weak and sick, confused and divided. Many feel that the causes of the Church’s low spiritual state are: failure to live separated lives, lack of prayer,