That is false. Christ gave the Gospel message to the Pharisees, but most of them refused Him. The message went to the Jews first, but they refused the Gospel and so the Gospel was given to the Gentiles.
So, you're talking about Replacement Theology then.
In Jeremiah 31 God says He's making a New Covenant with the House of Israel. Are you Hebrew? Jew?
The covenant God made with Abraham and his seed (the children of Israel/Jacob) He said it's everlasting. A covenant with no end.
8 And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. Gen 17:8.
This covenant is both natural and spiritual. And notice there is no requirement of "faith" in this covenant. The land is the natural aspect and circumcision, while physical/natural, it also accommodates a spiritual accommodation if later prophecy connected to circumcision of the 'heart' (life.)
The Mosaic Covenant was made with the children of Israel/Jacob (a son of Abraham.) This covenant was not made with any Gentile or seed of Gentiles. None. The prophecy/promise in Jeremiah 31 is a New Covenant with the House of Israel (and Judah.) All twelve tribes. No Gentiles mentioned here also. This covenant God makes with the House of Israel is everlasting as well for it builds upon the covenant God made in the desert with the children of Israel (Abraham.)
All the Pharisees did not reject their Messiah nor what Messiah meant to the Judaic/Abrahamic/Mosaic covenants. Today, when a Gentile is born again there is no declaration of any covenant God makes with the person. God is merely bringing in Gentiles as prophesied. But the covenants and all the promises are held by the children of Israel known today as the Jews.
4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the
adoption, and the
glory, and the
covenants, and
the giving of the law, and
the service of God, and
the promises; 5
Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Rom. 9:4–5.
Christ came as the God of Abraham "
in the flesh" to and for Israel. John says this in John 1:31. Jesus says this in Matthew that He was sent TO (and FOR) the lost sheep of the house of Israel, a people who hold
all the promises and covenants Paul mentions above. But God made no such covenant with Gentiles. The Times of the Gentiles is a sort of sideshow, an opportunity to bring in Gentiles, with no covenant they can speak of. God is USING Gentiles in this epoch of history to make His Bride and Church who is Israel jealous and then "all Israel shall be saved." Paul doesn't say, "all Israel will accept their Messiah the Pharisees rejected, but that merely all Israel will be saved, and they will be saved through covenant with or without faith. Joseph of Arimatea and Nicodemus were Pharisee. In Acts 6 read what it says:
7 And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a
great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7.
A great company of 70 priests. What shall we say, a majority of the 70? So, although the ones that made decision to kill Jesus may have been among the "great company" who were obedient (saved), and most probable is priests who didn't vote to kill Jesus - either way - were among the 3000 Jews saved at the Feast of Harvest in Acts two. The New Covenant Church of Israel was founded by Jews and is a continuation of the covenants and prophecies and promises God made with the house of Israel which is an everlasting covenant. So, it matters not that those Pharisees reject their Messiah God is rich in mercy over all His covenant people and they will ALL be saved, not by faith, but through covenant merely because God chooses to keep His Word to Israel and save them.
At the Marriage Supper Israel will be there through covenant.
Gentiles are there by invitation (Matt. 22:1-14.)
For Gentiles to steal a heritage of covenants and promises God gave to Israel is sin. They may do it in their false interpretations of the Jewish Scriptures but in the end will not get away with it.
And the gospel was not given to Gentiles. They merely stole and usurped it from Israel after the destruction of the Temple. But when the Times of the Gentiles is over, and God turns His full attention to His Bride and True Church who is Israel, and the two witnesses of Revelation make the scene and begin their prophecy it won't be Gentile doctrine they witness to but the First Covenant Jewish Scriptures. And
all Israel
shall be saved.
There is no Jew or Gentile as far as the Gospel is concerned. All are one in Christ: those Jews who did not believe were cut off from Israel, and those Gentiles who did believe are grafted into Israel.
First, Paul writes to Jewish Christians who founded the Jewish home churches after the "split" with their Judaic Jewish brethren in all the area of Asia Minor. Paul is referencing the spiritual aspect of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit in bringing in Gentiles, but the covenant made by God included no Gentiles. God is merely bringing in Gentiles without covenant because His purpose is to make His true Bride and Church who is Israel jealous. Notice Gentiles are being grafted into the
natural branches which is Israel. The reason being is that Gentiles have no covenant upon which to stand on.
The heretic Marcion tried to unmoor Jewish Christianity from its Jewish roots but got shot down. My guess is Gentile Christians did the shooting. Today, it's the same heresy with a twist. It's not an 'unmooring' but an actual replacement (theology) in the Gentile Church today. Sorry to say but Gentiles will get a very rude awakening when Israel's Jewish Messiah returns.
False. All are born into sin (with a sinful nature, not that we are guilty of "original sin"), and all will sin and are in need of a savior. No one is born "in Christ". Every single person must put his/her personal faith in Christ.
I didn't say "all are born in Christ." I said that a person whose name is in the book of life born into the world with a sin nature is not seen by God as a swine, or a goat, or a wolf. God ever sees the people He's going to save as "sheep." What I am also saying is that such a person born with a sin nature whose name is in the book of life of the lamb is not a goat, becomes saved, and is now a sheep. It doesn't happen in the natural world, and it doesn't happen in the spiritual world.
This whole post may be the most ungodly thing I have ever read. It is not adultery to show love, compassion, grace, mercy, and kindness to someone other than my wife (or to those outside of the Church).
Whether sexual, emotional, or any other affection a husband gives to someone other than his wife, and vice-versa, is adultery. Make friend with the world, James says, and you are an enemy of God. Love the world of unbelievers and you are not of 'the father.' I don't have to worry about sinning against God in this fashion. I am a faithful and obedient bride member.
It is commanded that we reach out to those outside of the Church and bring them into the Church, and we do that through our love. If those in the Church had not sought to bring others into the Church, then the Church would not have grown from the 120 souls in the upper room on Pentecost and they would be the only souls in the NT saved.
Really? And God has spoken to you as taught and revealed in Scripture? (Acts 13:1-4). You actually have a calling He's told you about and you know your place in the body of Christ? You also know your spiritual gifts? God told you? Were there really 120 people in the upper room on Pentecost? Or maybe it was only eleven Galileans the people heard speak in their languages? (Acts 2:7.)
Since Jesus was prophesied to and for Israel. And was revealed to and for Israel. And Jesus came to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. and the Holy Spirit of Promise was promised as per covenant with the house of Israel to and for Israel, and the fact that it happened on the day of a Jewish feast in which there was no one but Jews in attendance, and that 3000 Jews were saved that day, it would be inconsistent for God to turn on a dime and His first messages are to Gentiles and their dumb idols. The Temple still stood. The "ism" of Judaism was in full swing. The New Covenant Church was founded by Jewish Christians and in the first four decades God was pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh of the house of Israel since the prophet and the prophecy is to and for Israel. When you look at your bible and see the First and Second Testaments, don't look at it as the first half of the bible is Jewish and the other half is Gentile. The Jewish Christians that authored those writings in the second half of the bible was really Authored by the Holy Spirit of Promise and the message within its pages is a message from God to and for His Bride and Church Israel.
But God made no covenant with Gentiles.