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Red Flag ( ) Statement # 1?:
"Now to Him that is of Power To Stablish you according to my Gospel, andthe preaching of Jesus Christ, According to The Revelation of The Mystery,Which Was Kept Secret since the world began" (Romans 16:25)1) Seems correct, since it was Never revealed "since the world began", Because it was,
until "The Revelation Of The Mystery", "...Hid In God..." (Ephesians 3:9), Right?
Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That Differ!” (online):
2) Was the "Hid In God rapture" revealed in 'Prophecy' In Matthew 24:39-40,
as some think?:
"And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall alsothe coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the oneshall be taken, and the other left."
Clear and Plain meaning of context: "as the flood took them away" in God's
Judgment of Destruction (Genesis 7:21-22), so is the "one [ who ] shall be taken"?
Again, Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That Differ!” (online):
How then is that the same thing as:
3) "The Mystery, Hid In God rapture" Revealed to Paul in:
"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with themin the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with theLord. Wherefore Comfort one another with These Words." (1 Thessalonians 4:16)
Which hermeneutic scholar authorized "reading from one [ heretofore Unrevealed ] context"
and "inserting it into another Different context," thereby changing the meaning Of
God's Truth?
My Bible has nothing about any Destruction [ Never being with The Lord ] that Is
Comforting [ "Ever Being With The Lord!" ], yours?
You are missing something very important in Romans 16:25-27
Please read it again, very carefully and then let me know if you see it.
Peace my Brother