What is the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming?

Miss the Rapture?

Catch him on the Rebound!

That would only be true for those IN Jesus but still sinners. All Gentiles during the GT who never chose Jesus God will send a strong delusion on them for them to choose the Antichrist, 2 Thess. 2:8-12

But those that need to "overcome" in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 will go into the GT and will be those who are martyred. Thyatira, Sardis and Laodecia. Philadelphians will be protected by God.
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Wonderful - appreciate the colorful input; 'But Now,' was it prophets under the law /
covenants / God's Prophetic program? Or, could it possibly be:

'Prophets' in The Body Of Christ, Under Grace / God's "But NOW" Mystery Program?:

1Co_12:28 "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets,..."​

"How that By Revelation He Made Known Unto me The Mystery; (as I wrote​
afore in few words, Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge​
in The Mystery of Christ)..." (Ephesians 3:3-4)​

Seriously? You expect us to 'take your word'?: "Made known to OT / law prophets,
who wrote it in Scriptures"? Nay, but Rather, we Take God's Word, As He Says:

"...Which in other [ OT / prophetic? ] ages was NOT made known unto the sons of men,​
as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets By The Spirit" (Ephesians 3:5)​
Surely then, it was these new Grace prophets that preached, with Paul, Jesus Christ,
According to [ Now Revealed ] The Revelation Of The Mystery, carried Paul's letters
[ Scriptures ] with them, and copied them [ Scriptures ] for other churches, and so on
and so on...

Now that would be the Correct meaning of Paul's "And By The Scriptures Of the [ Grace/
Mystery ] prophets", Right?

Precious friend(s), Grace And Peace to you!

Studying Very Carefully and prayerfully?:

View attachment 475
I think there is a strong aversion to Dispentational teachings brother-there's a question I want to ask you-but not here.
Sarcasm-unbefitting a Christian Forum-some are here to learn and be edified.

Did you know God in the Bible was often sarcastic?

I'd bet you report God to the moderators.

Wouldn't you.

Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following;
for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem. (Lk. 13:33 NKJ)

Or how about:

It cannot be that Christian would be unjustly rebuked outside of a Christian forum?!
Exactly. Many are called, few are chosen.

It is not just the apostles, there are other offices also in Ephesians 4. Notice the word "gave."

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,

Thanks again. I love learning something new every day.

In 2000 God spoke to me and said "I am giving you the office of Teacher." After that I noticed something. 1 John 2:27.

David, if you haven't been born again of the Spirit and been filled with Him, repent and seek it, for only those who are born again can understand Scriptures fully.

Brother, let me know if you find anymore key words.
If i were you i would repent from denying the Truth of God's word.

You indeed are a teacher but not from the Holy Spirit.
Exactly. Many are called, few are chosen.

It is not just the apostles, there are other offices also in Ephesians 4. Notice the word "gave."

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,

Thanks again. I love learning something new every day.

In 2000 God spoke to me and said "I am giving you the office of Teacher." After that I noticed something. 1 John 2:27.

David, if you haven't been born again of the Spirit and been filled with Him, repent and seek it, for only those who are born again can understand Scriptures fully.

Brother, let me know if you find anymore key words.
Did the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the scriptures i posted for you since they speak of current and ongoing Truth?

According to your previous posts you claimed that the word "gave" is past tense and therefore those scriptures do not apply to you.
Yes, because it's almost like it's written somewhere.

It's more problematic for your position than mine.

It's not like "all" isn't "many," is it.

I try not to run it through any personal philosophical perspective, like, "what would that REALLY mean if God is love"?

Yeah, right.

The whole basis of objection for Calvinism is that they don't like God "letting" people be lost.

That's a philosophical and emotional objection, not a Biblical one.
Yes, because it's almost like it's written somewhere.

14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

I take scripture for what it says. I try not to run it through any personal philosophical perspective, like, "what would that REALLY mean if God is love"?
So when God calls someone there as n refuse to come that’s fantastic. Throw irresistible grace out the window. :)

Romans 8- And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

hope thus helps !!!
Did the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the scriptures i posted for you since they speak of current and ongoing Truth?
If John 6 I answered you on that. John again uses a derivative of the word "gave" and only the apostles did not leave Jesus. That should warn you that not everyone in the church is OSAS. That teaching which is only for the chosen offices should not even be taught. It affects only a few in the church.
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If i were you i would repent from denying the Truth of God's word.

You indeed are a teacher but not from the Holy Spirit.

Did the Holy Spirit open your eyes to the scriptures i posted for you since they speak of current and ongoing Truth?

According to your previous posts you claimed that the word "gave" is past tense and therefore those scriptures do not apply to you.
That must have been someone else because I never mentioned anything being "past tense" in this thread. I spoke of John's use of "key words" in his writings that indicate something important.
Exactly. Many are called, few are chosen.

It is not just the apostles, there are other offices also in Ephesians 4. Notice the word "gave."

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,

Thanks again. I love learning something new every day.

In 2000 God spoke to me and said "I am giving you the office of Teacher." After that I noticed something. 1 John 2:27.

David, if you haven't been born again of the Spirit and been filled with Him, repent and seek it, for only those who are born again can understand Scriptures fully.

Brother, let me know if you find anymore key words.
These are your words:
"Exactly. Many are called, few are chosen.
It is not just the apostles, there are other offices also in Ephesians 4. Notice the word "gave."
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,"

According to your own words from post #108 = "gave" and "given" are past tense and therefore those scriptures do not apply to you.
Here are your own words again:

"Did you know that the verses you were quoting in John 17 is a prayer to the Father about His apostles. John uses key words in his writings.
The key word about the disciples is the word "given" of "gave."
As in Ephesians 1 we see that verses 1-12 is again about the apostles as , those who first believed. Now going back to John look at chapter 10. See the key word given again? It is they that are never going to be snatched out of God's hand, because the were "given" to Jesus by the Father. "29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.
The western church doesn't always understand eastern writing styles."

@charismaticlady says: "Verse 20-26 was after His prayer for the apostles, then after that, He went back to praying for the apostles from 24 down.
The point is the word "gave" or "given" was not used in speaking of those who will believe in Me through their word."

By your own words then, Ephesians does not apply to you since "gave" is past tense.
As of right now your 'advanced' knowledge is tainted with confusion and denial along with manipulation.
God is not the author of confusion so you are in need of fellowship in the Holy Spirit because HE will never lie nor confuse us.
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