Thomas... My Lord and my God

I am not arguing that Jesus existed before being a man. I am saying that Jesus isn't God. That's my main point in the Trinitarian subforum. Why are there no examples of Jesus creating or atleast a reference to a trinity creating in the Bible?

I think I have already asked you this before, but when you get a moment, just literally pick any verse that has the word "God" in it and replace it with "Trinity." This shouldn't be a problem for you because God is a trinity in your beliefs and wouldn't violate the rule of adding to or taking away from scripture. What you will discover is that literally anywhere you replace the word "God" with "Trinity" that it creates massive contextual issues and actually debunks the deity of the Jesus, placing him external to the trinity, on more than one occasion. Just try it in your free time.
But you try to deny that Jesus raised himself from the dead per John 2:19-21. This places him alongside the Father and the Holy Spirit. You could not properly reject the testimony of scripture here.
It is true if you replace God with Trinity, the text would not likely read well. What we find is God talking to the Angel of the Lord. If you put Trinity instead of God, then God would be talking to himself instead of to the Son.
How many times do you think the New Testament mentions the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit at the same time? Would you believe 160 times? And I may have missed some!
Yes, I have the list if anyone is interested.

I could say that that should tell us something, but probably not to those who stubbornly refuse to believe evidence, even if it's right under their nose.
It's an incredible effort at denial

How about you? Want to take a stab at it...

The only thing I want to learn here is why?

Why would God come to the earth as a man? Such a concept accomplishes nothing. Romans says a man (Adam) caused sin to enter into the world, and also that a man would have to redeem it from sin. The Bible specifically says that a man must do it. The book of Corinthians makes the same point Romans does when it says “For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:21). There's nothing in the Scriptures that says why God would come to the earth as a man. Nothing. But your Catholic eyes cannot see what is written. You see God the son when the Scriptures say son of God and then make up a reason why God would come to the earth as a man that is not in the Scriptures. Search until you are blue in the face. You will not find a verse that says why God came as a man to the earth.

How about you? Want to take a stab at it...

The only thing I want to learn here is why?

Why would God come to the earth as a man? Such a concept accomplishes nothing. Romans says a man (Adam) caused sin to enter into the world, and also that a man would have to redeem it from sin. The Bible specifically says that a man must do it. The book of Corinthians makes the same point Romans does when it says “For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:21). There's nothing in the Scriptures that says why God would come to the earth as a man. Nothing. But your Catholic eyes cannot see what is written. You see God the son when the Scriptures say son of God and then make up a reason why God would come to the earth as a man that is not in the Scriptures. Search until you are blue in the face. You will not find a verse that says why God came as a man to the earth.
Maybe God sent his Son from heaven for love of the world. If he just selected some human who died as a martyr in the hands of a rebellious people, this would be meaningless. And how would the death of someone not divine and sent from God save the world. Maybe you should brush up on John 3:16-17 so you can understand the gift of God's divine Son.
Also, you keep using sort of missing the better terminology. God sent his Son from heaven who experienced the same things as people born of a man and woman. This shows God the Son could be a priest who knew the difficulties of people. Hmm. These could make for some great verses in the Bible. What's your next copy-and-paste topic?
Maybe God sent his Son from heaven for love of the world. If he just selected some human who died as a martyr in the hands of a rebellious people, this would be meaningless. And how would the death of someone not divine and sent from God save the world. Maybe you should brush up on John 3:16-17 so you can understand the gift of God's divine Son.
Also, you keep using sort of missing the better terminology. God sent his Son from heaven who experienced the same things as people born of a man and woman. This shows God the Son could be a priest who knew the difficulties of people. Hmm. These could make for some great verses in the Bible. What's your next copy-and-paste topic?
What verse is this...
Maybe God sent his Son from heaven for love of the world. If he just selected some human who died as a martyr in the hands of a rebellious people, this would be meaningless.

What verse is this...
God sent his Son from heaven who experienced the same things as people born of a man and woman. This shows God the Son could be a priest who knew the difficulties of people.

What's your next copy-and-paste topic? Would the text be different if I hand wrote it each time?
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