God bless you always, Studyman.
Some spiritual leaders among Evangelical congregations have placed a horrific emphasis in our intrinsic inability to reach righteousness, but little or no emphasis in God's power to effectively bring us to righteousness in this life.
They seem to ignore that the Bible is FULL of references to righteous human beings.
The idea "You are evil, you deserve nothing..." repeated ad nauseam is a favorite mantra of bad pastors to abuse their flock psychologically (and financially, in many cases). Many evangelicals act in Internet Forums as if the gospel was a bitter experience.
Thanks for the kind words. And yes, we are warned in the Bible about "many" deceivers who "Come in Christ's Name", who call Jesus Lord, Lord, that shall deceive many. Jesus said not to be like unto them.
Like the serpent in the garden, they quote "some" of God's Word to deceive others, while rejecting, or as Jesus said "omitting" God's Words which bring question to their worldly religious philosophy. This causes those who listen to them to believe things about God that are not true, AKA, "become deceived".
"Many" promote a philosophy that God placed impossible Laws on the necks of men who trusted Him, that HE lied to men by telling them they could keep His Laws and that they were good for men to walk in, then slaughtered them by the thousands when they couldn't obey. So they create a religion where
they define clean and unclean, righteousness and unrighteousness, Holy and unholy, and they create an image of God in the likeness of a handsome long-haired man, then they create their own high days in worship of this image.
And the religion itself becomes their god, as they preserve, defend and promote their manmade religious traditions and doctrines which vary according to the name above the door of their manmade shrines of worship. And they compete against other religions for contributing members to fill the seats of their shrines of worship, without which their religious business could not survive. This religious system has been the dominate force in this world since the fall of the Tower of Babel.
There is no joy in their words and actions. No humor. No laughs. Salvation, in their minds, is about adhering to the "right creed" and not about being free and happy.
I would respectfully disagree with you on this part. They sing in their synagogues and shrines of worship every week. They have TV shows watched by millions where they are dancing and singing and laugh unto the Lord. As long as you agree with their particular religious philosophy, they are happy and joyful and full of praise for you. But once you open their own Bible and through it expose a sin in them, like Jesus did the mainstream religion of His Time, that is when we see what is in their heart.
I believe religion itself is the greatest Spiritual danger men encounter in this world, based on the warning in Scripture. It is a religious tradition of this world to seek out a religious sect or business which suits us, and then adopt its philosophies and traditions, support it financially and defend and promote it to others, and there are many to choose from.
There is Islam, Jewish and Christian religions which profess to know the God of Abraham as "God", in my understanding. How many religious sects in Islam, 8? Which breaks down further into over 70 I believe? In Judaism there are 4 main sects which breaks down into several branches off of these as well I believe. I am not an expert in the specifics of all these different religions, only that they exist and there are many of them.
Christianity is divided in 3 main groups, which divides itself further into well over 20,000 different denominations and sects worldwide. Each one promoting their own religious traditions and doctrines as "The Way".
And astonishingly, they all have One thing in common, they all transgress God's Commandments by their own manmade religious traditions. I find this undeniable truth fascinating.
I don't believe this world's religious system is what the Jesus "of the bible" promoted, and certainly not what Paul promoted. I can love another without adopting his religion. Jesus said to love these hypocrites who sing and pray unto God in their manmade synagogues, but HE also said not to be like unto them.
I can Love God and "Seek HIS Righteousness", as His Son instructs, without adopting the religious traditions or philosophies of the religions of this world God placed me in, that HE warned me about.
In the Bible, the Jesus described therein was born into a religion whose religious leaders were children of the devil. For 30 years He lived in the heart of this religion in which God's Commandments were rejected over manmade doctrines, philosophies and traditions for centuries, by men who professed to know Him. And HE maintained His love and obedience to God, and for others, not by choosing or adopting the religious philosophies and traditions of man or as Paul calls them, "Rudiments of this world" which surrounded Him. But because HE rejected the religious tradition of man, and "lived by" instead, Every Word of God.
It was in this way, that HE achieved righteousness. And I too, if I believe Him, can also become righteous, if I walk as HE walked, this world's religious assertion to the contrary notwithstanding.
In Baha'i Scriptures, God indeed expresses his desire for us to be happy and laugh. The Scripture is quoted in this song:
Truly the whole point of the Gospel as defined in the Holy Bible, in my understanding, is to prepare men for the Joy to come.
Luke 6:
20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye "shall" be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye "shall" laugh. 22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and "when they shall separate you from their company", and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
1 Peter 1:
5 Who are kept "by the power of God through faith" unto salvation ready to be revealed "in the last time". 6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: 7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory "at the appearing of Jesus Christ": 8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: 9 Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.
I am joyful in my sufferings. I am happy to patiently wait for the end of such sufferings for the unspeakable Joy that awaits whose refuge is the Lord.
Although I love you, and the manner of your discourse with others, and look forward to many discussions in fellowship as we share our understanding of God and the Race HE has placed before us. I must also tell you that I am a purchased possession, given to the Lord's Christ "of the bible" and will not look for or to another Prophet or "Christ" for instruction. And I will not be adopting or promoting any of the philosophies or traditions of this world's religious sects or businesses as I have come to understand the spiritual danger in doing so. And I believe God will reveal in me, as HE has done throughout my journey, the traditions and doctrines of men that still exists within me, although I might not know of them now.
God bless you and your family my friend, and may HE lead us both into HIS Eternal Truth.