The Issue of Limited Atonement

It is not that it is certain, it is whose choice necessitates that certainty. God can know what I will choose without having decreed it.

I did not ask about control. I asked is the future set in stone?

So man controls what occurs in the future and God merely observes it?

I would assert that violates Gods aseity. His knowledge is not dependent on your foreseen choices.
You did not answer the question.

If a choice is foreknown and certain can you choose otherwise?

Tom will now dodge this question which should be a no brainer
Wrong you will of course do what is foreknown

foreknowledge makes the act certain not necessary
Nope. And you refuse to deal with the issue. Your choices are a illusion. They are foreknown and certain and you cannot choose otherwise.

LFW is a fantasy
Conflating and equivocating is your only answer since you have zero scripture for your assumption but instead use a philosophical question.

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