The Elect

When God sends people into the lake of fire will He be as you say unloving ? Matt 25:41

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
I never said it was unloving nice try- you think its unloving, not me. I can reconcile Gods love with His longsuffering, judgement, wrath etc...
All are not Christs Offspring, He is Elect and so is His Offspring in Him

You are the offspring of Adam and Eve. You're ignoring this so you can deny love for you brothers in Adam.

You hate some of your brothers in Adam and you show it in your theology. You justify your hatred by claiming your hate them because you believe God hates them.

Christ is nothing more than a means to you.
You are the offspring of Adam and Eve. You're ignoring this so you can deny love for you brothers in Adam.

You hate some of your brothers in Adam and you show it in your theology. You justify your hatred by claiming your hate them because you believe God hates them.

Christ is nothing more than a means to you.
some of the worst crimes committed in human history were at the hands and authority of religious nut jobs. men hide behind God and justify their hatful and murderous actions.
some of the worst crimes committed in human history were at the hands and authority of religious nut jobs. men hide behind God and justify their hatful and murderous actions.

So true. If a Calvinist had power (like God)....

How many people would you think would survive from this forum?
Really? Can one not see it is unloving and disingenuous to claim to desire salvation for man while actually determining his destruction.
somehow they call that benevolent. just another case of having to turn a blind eye to the very basic meaning of a word to uphold a doctrinal position one believes.
You are the offspring of Adam and Eve. You're ignoring this so you can deny love for you brothers in Adam.

You hate some of your brothers in Adam and you show it in your theology. You justify your hatred by claiming your hate them because you believe God hates them.

Christ is nothing more than a means to you.
All are not the offspring of Christ. Just the Elect seed. And you are slandering me again
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