Well-known member
no angel dared to ever say what CHRIST Did .They ALL do.
Refusal of the TRUTH causes hardness of heart and blindness.
no man upon earth had ever claimed such things .
I am the RESSURECTION . Not just saying He knew truth , or had life , BUT IS TRUTH AND IS LIFE .
Show me where one angel , one saint , one prophet ever said such a thing .
That would for sure have sounded blasphemous to many . JUST who do you MAKE yourself ..........
You aint even fifty years old and yet you have seen abraham .
Not only did Jesus said Oh i seen him , BUT BEFORE ABRAHAM EVEN WAS I AM .
that is one bold statment . The prophets are dead , abraham is dead .........................
Look at his speech . And when we do remember this
FOR this reason was i born and for this cause came i into the world
all who are of the Truth hear my voice . HIS WORDS are truth
and yet many cannot see the truth within His own words .
JESUS is not a man that he can lie .
JESUS CHRIST the same YESTERDAY , TODAY and forever .
WHO is the one constant that cannot deny Himself , that cannot change His own nature
but simply remains ...............
THE WORD was WITH GOD and GOD IS THE WORD . its about as simple as that .
And unless folks want to beleive in pantheism , which be a lie
GOD is NOT THE CREATED . BUT the creator .
GOD created man from the dirt
But later one would come in the form of man , WHO HAD NO BEGINNING
who was not created but had created all . folks are in trouble in these last hours
and many have no idea the removal and seperation of GOD and of CHRIST was A PLANNED EVENT .
in order to put THE CHRIST on the same level as every other prophet in any other religoin
SO as to eventually mold them as one . A LIE has BEEN SENT and many have loved this lie .
My advice to one and to all is , BIBLE UP and if it is written DONT TWIST IT , JUST BELIEVE IT .