Right Faith..vs Wrong Faith


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God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation."

Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it.

Jesus is not a Calvinist.

Listen and think....

= If God caused you to have faith in Christ, He would not require you to believe In Him ., as there would be no need for the requirement that you "BELIEVE".

Now, within everyone is the capacity to believe, as that is a "measure of Faith."

All have it.

Even right now unbelievers believe in something..... but that is wrong faith... but its still faith, and God didnt make them believe wrong,, and God does not make them believe right..
He allows us all to believe and this is why preachers preach, and teachers teach. We are giving you the TRUTH To Believe in....
Its why the world of unbelievers are always being led (drawn by The Cross and the Holy Spirit) into RIGHT FAITH, that God will accept.

See.. .and listen now.. Readers...

An Atheist has FAITH.... just like a Believer has Faith.

The Atheist BELIEVES there is NO GOD and No Salvation needed, as that is their FAITH, and God can't accept that Faith.

BECAUSE..."all who come to GOD must BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS">... = Hebrews 11:6


The Believer's FAITH is IN CHRIST, and God accepts THAT Faith, the very moment it's in your heart.

See it?

Both have a "measure of Faith" but the Believer's Faith, is the Faith that God accepts.

Here is another way to see it, Reader.

Cain and Abel both went to God, but Cain was rejected because he did it the wrong way.


See it?

Both had FAITH, but God has a WAY you must believe, that you must come to Him... and in the NT, .. .TODAY>.. = JESUS IS THE WAY....The Cross of Christ.

John 14:6

God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation."

Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it.

Jesus is not a Calvinist.

Listen and think....

= If God caused you to have faith in Christ, He would not require you to believe In Him ., as there would be no need for the requirement that you "BELIEVE".

Now, within everyone is the capacity to believe, as that is a "measure of Faith."

All have it.

Even right now unbelievers believe in something..... but that is wrong faith... but its still faith, and God didnt make them believe wrong,, and God does not make them believe right..
He allows us all to believe and this is why preachers preach, and teachers teach. We are giving you the TRUTH To Believe in....
Its why the world of unbelievers are always being led (drawn by The Cross and the Holy Spirit) into RIGHT FAITH, that God will accept.

See.. .and listen now.. Readers...

An Atheist has FAITH.... just like a Believer has Faith.

The Atheist BELIEVES there is NO GOD and No Salvation needed, as that is their FAITH, and God can't accept that Faith.

BECAUSE..."all who come to GOD must BELIEVE THAT HE EXISTS">... = Hebrews 11:6


The Believer's FAITH is IN CHRIST, and God accepts THAT Faith, the very moment it's in your heart.

See it?

Both have a "measure of Faith" but the Believer's Faith, is the Faith that God accepts.

Here is another way to see it, Reader.

Cain and Abel both went to God, but Cain was rejected because he did it the wrong way.


See it?

Both had FAITH, but God has a WAY you must believe, that you must come to Him... and in the NT, .. .TODAY>.. = JESUS IS THE WAY....The Cross of Christ.

John 14:6
Yes it’s what a person does with their faith. It has nothing to do with as the Calvinists claim God gives those he has predetermined to save , salvific faith via regeneration followed by faith. When in reality man believes on his own free will then God regenerates them with His Holy Spirit to dwell in them.
Yes it’s what a person does with their faith. It has nothing to do with as the Calvinists claim God gives those he has predetermined to save , salvific faith via regeneration followed by faith. When in reality man believes on his own free will then God regenerates them with His Holy Spirit to dwell in them.

There is this Teaching that the more hyper Calvinists seem to employ.

This.. = "You must be born again, before you can believe, before you can give God your faith".

Now, any Believer who is born again for 12 seconds, can see that this is exactly backwards, and is an impossible situation to EXIST.

That teaching is teaching that God would join Himself to a sinner, as "one with God" "in Christ"...= before God has received their faith to then forgive their sin.

So that teaching is... "you are born again, before you have heard the Gospel, and before you have BELIEVED IT">

That is,= "Salvation comes to you.... before the hearing of faith..... and before you trusted in Christ.....

That teaching is...."you are born again to then be able to have faith in Christ".

Now, see how CRAZY Calvinism that is??
That teaching is Theological insanity, and is one of the best examples of... Hebrews 13:9, = "doctrines of Devils".

THat Teaching is a rejection of "All that believe in Jesus, shall be saved".

That Teaching is : Galatians 1:8
There is this Teaching that the more hyper Calvinists seem to employ.

This.. = "You must be born again, before you can believe, before you can give God your faith".

Now, any Believer who is born again for 12 seconds, can see that this is exactly backwards, and is an impossible situation to EXIST.

That teaching is teaching that God would join Himself to a sinner, as "one with God" "in Christ"...= before God has received their faith to then forgive their sin.

So that teaching is... "you are born again, before you have heard the Gospel, and before you have BELIEVED IT">

That is,= "Salvation comes to you.... before the hearing of faith..... and before you trusted in Christ.....

That teaching is...."you are born again to then be able to have faith in Christ".

Now, see how CRAZY Calvinism that is??
That teaching is Theological insanity, and is one of the best examples of... Hebrews 13:9, = "doctrines of Devils".

THat Teaching is a rejection of "All that believe in Jesus, shall be saved".

That Teaching is : Galatians 1:8
Not just hyper Calvinists

The problem is Calvinism extends to men spiritual blessing apart from and not in Christ

Election to salvation and regeneration

But all spiritual heavenly blessings pertaining to salvation are in Christ

Ephesians 1:3 (ESV) — 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,
Now, see how CRAZY Calvinism that is??
That teaching is Theological insanity, and is one of the best examples of... Hebrews 13:9, = "doctrines of Devils".
That's a strong way of putting it but that's exactly what it is. I totally agree. Not that I believe all Calvinists are evil themselves but they've allowed something very strange and unusual to happen to their minds in how they process information.
That's a strong way of putting it but that's exactly what it is. I totally agree. Not that I believe all Calvinists are evil themselves but they've allowed something very strange and unusual to happen to their minds in how they process information.

No one who is born again, starts out as a Calvinist.

How do you know?

Its because the Gospel is not..>"all of you who are chosen by limited atonement, as the predestined elect, please now be forced to believe in Jesus".

See how stupid that is?..

So, THAT Nonsense is : Hebrews 13:9, that told them...>"Get your heart established in God's Grace, or a doctrine of devil's is going to take your MIND and ruin your Faith".

That is : Calvinism

God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation."

Jesus said..>"all that believe in me".....>He never said..>>"all that i cause to Believe will believe"., as that is John Calvinism's demonic twist on it.
Then handle: John 6:44, and Eph 2:8,9

God requires faith in Christ before He gives you HIS "Gift of Salvation."

The Jesus "of the Bible" had Faith in His Father and my Father.

Heb. 5: 7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; 8 Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered;

This is living faith.

Everything HE did was to please His Father and my Father.

John 8: 29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.

This is Living Faith.

This Jesus knew that Eternal Life wasn't possible without knowing His Father and my Father.

John 17: 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

This Living Faith that was "In Christ Jesus", is the Faith men are to strive for, and it is worth pressing towards.

Phip. 3: 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this "one thing I do", forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God "in Christ Jesus".

So yes, the Living Faith, "that was in Christ Jesus", is the Faith worth laboring for.
Then handle: John 6:44, and Eph 2:8,9

John 6:44: No man can come unless the Father draws him…

God must always make the first move to extend the offer of grace to man. The choice to offer salvation and to save itself is totally God’s.

Eph 2:8-9: Doesn’t contradict anything in the OP.

Then handle: John 6:44,


Jesus said..."If i be lifted up ( on The Cross)... I will DRAW (call) All people to me".

and Eph 2:8,9

The "gift" isn't the faith.....

The Gift is God offering Jesus as THE GIFT.

Here is how to understand this "Gift'..

1.) "The Gift of Salvation"

2.) "The Gift of Righteousness"

3.) "The Gift of Eternal Life".

Those are the "gifts" that God gives, when someone gives God = THEIR Faith in Christ.

See, God is not looking for His Faith.....He's looking for YOUR Faith..., as "ALL who call on the name of Jesus, shall be SAVED".

Jesus said..."If i be lifted up ( on The Cross)... I will DRAW (call) All people to me".

The "gift" isn't the faith.....

The Gift is God offering Jesus as THE GIFT.

Here is how to understand this "Gift'..

1.) "The Gift of Salvation"

2.) "The Gift of Righteousness"

3.) "The Gift of Eternal Life".

Those are the "gifts" that God gives, when someone gives God = THEIR Faith in Christ.

See, God is not looking for His Faith.....He's looking for YOUR Faith..., as "ALL who call on the name of Jesus, shall be SAVED".
Except that FAITH is based in God's WORD to the person. a human can't generate faith without it being enabled in Him by God. Humans can "believe" (give mental assent), but without God's WORD to them, faith is impossible (the "Hearing of FAITH") Rom 10:17
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Cain and Abel both went to God, but Cain was rejected because he did it the wrong way.

You don't think that Cain was a worshipper of Ba'al, the god of fertility, and made his bloodless sacrifice in favour of this pagan god? This was not the start of a religious war on earth?

I remember being taught with cutesy pictures about two young boys , not hardly men at al, who were rivals for a place in the family.

But Seth was born to replace Able when Adam was some 130 yrs old so
if Adam and Eve had a child each year until then and these children started to have their own children at age 15 or so, in a very short time, 125 years, (out of a 900 year lifespan that is) the exponential increase would be huge with 125 years being between 9 and 10 generations, on the order of between 20 billion and 289 billion people in this model.

So, if Cain and Abel were born about Adam and Eve's 90th year on earth, there might have had a very large population indeed by that time, lots of time for paganism to arise and new religions in strife with each other. Cain grew up to aposticize and to slay his brother over their religious differences, and shortly after that, Seth was born in Adam's 130th year, Genesis 5:3, to replace Abel.
. a human can't generate faith

You're teaching one of the classic "lies of Calvinism", that every deceived Calvinist teaches.


Right now, 2 Billion Muslims have FAITH in ALLAH, and MUHAMMED.

Did God gift them that "faith"? "Gift"?

Look again. @Bob Carabbio

Right now, 60 million Voters in the USA, have FAITH, that if Donald Trump, can get "re-elected" then the BORDERs will be "closed".

Did "God gift them that gift of Faith"?

So, Calvinism, is so incredibly stupid, that this works as a spiritual trap, to create a destroyed Logic in the "Calvinist's mind".

Let me show you again @Bob Carabbio .

Right now a world filled with ATHEISTS who have FAITH in "the Big Bang Theory".. .also have FAITH that GOD does not Exist

Do you understand?
Do you comprehend?

Can you understand, that EVERYONE HAS FAITH, AND WHAT GOD IS LOOKING FOR, is for you to give YOUR FAITH in CHRIST, To God.,,, as then YOUR FAITH "Is counted by God"... Not His.

See, God is not looking for HIS Faith....He's looking for YOUR FAITH.,,, @Bob Carabbio

See it?

You have to : THINK.
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You're teaching one of the classic "lies of Calvinism", that every deceived Calvinist teaches.

Do you understand?
Yup. what I understand is that there's a great difference between BELIEF, and biblical FAITH, whish is the result of God's WORD to you.
Can you quote a passage where it says Jesus believed ? thanks
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