Here's a puzzler

Romans 1:1 N-ANS
GRK: ἀφωρισμένος εἰς εὐαγγέλιον θεοῦ
NAS: set apart for the gospel of God,
KJV: separated unto the gospel of God,
INT: set apart for [the] gospel of God

Romans 1:9 N-DNS
GRK: ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ τοῦ υἱοῦ
NAS: in my spirit in the [preaching of the] gospel of His Son,
KJV: spirit in the gospel of his Son,
INT: in the gospel of the Son

Romans 1:16 N-ANS
GRK: ἐπαισχύνομαι τὸ εὐαγγέλιονδύναμις γὰρ
NAS: For I am not ashamed of the gospel,for it is the power
KJV: ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
INT: I am ashamed of the gospel [the] power indeed

Romans 2:16 N-ANS
GRK: κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιόν μου διὰ
NAS: according to my gospel, God
KJV: according to my gospel.
INT: according to the gospel of me by

Romans 10:16 N-DNS
GRK: ὑπήκουσαν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ Ἠσαίας γὰρ
NAS: heed the good news; for Isaiah
KJV: all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias
INT: obeyed the gospel Isaiah indeed

Romans 11:28 N-ANS
GRK: μὲν τὸ εὐαγγέλιον ἐχθροὶ δι'
NAS: From the standpoint of the gospelthey are enemies
KJV: As concerning the gospel, [they are] enemies
INT: indeed the gospel [they are] enemies for sake of

Romans 15:16 N-ANS
GRK: ἱερουργοῦντα τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ θεοῦ
NAS: ministering as a priest the gospel of God,
KJV: ministering the gospel of God,
INT: administering in sacred service the gospel of God

Romans 15:19 N-ANS
GRK: πεπληρωκέναι τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ χριστοῦ
NAS: I have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
KJV: have fully preached the gospel of Christ.
INT: to have fully preached the gospel of Christ

Romans 16:25 N-ANS
GRK: κατὰ τὸ εὐαγγέλιόν μου καὶ
NAS: you according to my gospel and the preaching
KJV: to my gospel, and
INT: according to gospel my and
Great. More "borrowed" work.

Do believers suppress the truth? Verse 18
I've never advocated for a female pastor but I know a few women that would be much better at it then the men doing it now. Priscilla was a excellent example. She assisted her husband in correcting Apollos.

This doesn't create a scenario where Priscilla should have been a pastor but women certainly should have a voice among us. Especially when they are right.

I have many issues with Elevation. They preach a social gospel like many today. Same with Saddleback.

I personally know a woman for over 30 yrs who would be a wonderful pastor.

She knows a lot of Bible.

I have another close friend, a female, who attends a church where the pastor is a woman.

I teach that a woman can do everything in "ministry" except for be a pastor, because she isn't a Husband.

I will let them preach, teach, minister, deaconess, missionary... all of it., as long as they have Paul as their Doctrinal Headquarters and not Calvin, or any other man.

Ive been banned from a forum that agrees with "women pastors", because i was talking to a Gay Woman Pastor who is there a lot..., and i didn't appreciate her the way the MODS felt i should... so, after a few days of "back and forth" with this Lesbian Pastor, ... i got "reported" enough by the usual types..., and finally the Mods caved in and they lost me, but Kept the Lesbian Pastor

Welcome to : Christian Forums in 2024. You never know what you'll be listening to next....on them.

So, regarding my good friend Charlotte, who goes to the Church with the non-Gay female pastor.........well, i can't live their Christianity for them, as they have free will to do whatever they want to do.

I show people who are women pastor's this verse by Paul, and they all manage to find a new bible version that is very "worldly" so that they can say.,. "but in my bible".. It says"..

See that?
The Devil caused that confusion, because he is the one who changed God's word in Genesis, and now he does it with "new Bibles", and with Calvin, and with Joseph Smith, and Mary Baker Eddy, and JEROME.. .and many others..

If one of you here, who is reading my post....... is a Preacher, in a Church, then you know what it's like to say, "turn to ....... Verse,".....

And you read it, and some of the people are looking around....while you are reading... they look confused.


Because THEIR BIBLE, doesn't have the verse in it, or its so worded that the meaning is completely different then the Bible you're using to teach.

Satan did that, as He is the "author of confusion and strife, and every evil work"..

and notice the "every evil work" as A Calvinist would say that GOD is the author of evil works.

This "just before the Trib starts" world of Christianity, is....... a sight to behold.
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I have many issues with Elevation. They preach a social gospel like many today. Same with Saddleback.

The more NT truth you put out, the smaller is the group you will have show up, steadily, but those who do show up will be the real deal.

Its also true that if you want to build a "20,000" seater, and a BIG TV Ministry... then preach "Health and Money". Preach amateur Psychology.. Preach "Im ok and you're ok". Preach "lets all get along with whatever".

Now, that is not the same as teaching "there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ" or to teach that the Believer born again is become "the righteousness of God in Christ".
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Ive been banned from a forum that agrees with "women pastors", because i was talking to a Gay Woman Pastor who is there a lot..., and i didn't appreciate her the way the MODS felt i should... so, after a few days of "back and forth" with this Lesbian Pastor, ... i got "reported" enough by the usual types..., and finally the Mods caved in and they lost me, but Kept the Lesbian Pastor

Sorry, if your church has a gay pastor (of either sex), it's not a church. A church is the "called out". When the Bible says "that is what some of you WERE", the operative word is "WERE".
Ive been banned from a forum that agrees with "women pastors", because i was talking to a Gay Woman Pastor who is there a lot..., and i didn't appreciate her the way the MODS felt i should... so, after a few days of "back and forth" with this Lesbian Pastor, ... i got "reported" enough by the usual types..., and finally the Mods caved in and they lost me, but Kept the Lesbian Pastor
They probably did you a favor
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