Well-known member
Sorry but you're extremely misinformed at just what FAITH is in regard to God's involvement with it and how it's imparted and what are the principles in regard to how it works. I don't mind you having a closed mind.....but I trust and hope you haven't cemented it shut.Faith is one of the laws that God in the New Covenant promised to write in the hearts of His Elect People, for instance Jer 31:31-34
There is a truth faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Rom 10:17 Why? Because the word of God is the knowledge of God. The word of God reveals his will, desire, and disposition in all matters that pertain to life and godliness. That includes his will that not any human being perish who dwells on the earth. You of course have rejected the FAITH you should have in that statement.
Two things are required to have actual FAITH after God has delivered his word. Actual FAITH is faith you're willing to accept his word and expressed desire as being true. The Roman Centurion shows us what great faith is. Jesus said he did. He believed two things. 1) God is of a good and noble character and he keeps his word. He said when I speak my servants obey....Just speak then the word only Jesus, you're good and you keep your word.
So knowledge of God's word, if you're going to choose to believe he is a noble character God has provided the foundation for you to believe. It can still however be resisted and rejected where they make a decision to believe maybe God is not credible. Such was what Adam and Eve did. They yielded to Satan's declaration considering it wasn't credible. (you will not surely die) Gen 3:4 The foundation for faith was provided however for he had done much good and created a wonderful world for them to live and gave them Dominion over it.
The foundation for faith was provided BUT they rejected it. God provides through his word the foundation for faith but men can still suppress it and reject it or as we say today they walk in denial. A Calvinist looks upon faith as something God clamps down upon one with no capacity to reject or suppress which is totally and absolutely foreign to God's character.
One must however choose to act upon the foundation of faith God has provided and such marks the difference between FAITH a noun, and believing....a verb. Believing is putting into motion or into action the foundation of faith God has provided. Calvinists falsely claim that a foundation for faith can be constituted as the same thing as believing. IT ISN'T.