I'm not ashamed of the gospel

Certain folks will cite John 6:29 and say, there it is. Believing is a work just like any other work, yet I believe that Jesus was using a play on words here in John 6:29, when He said - "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent," when He answered the Jews (who were taking a legalistic approach) when they asked, "What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Jesus was implying here that believing is just "another" work in a series of works in a quest to receive salvation by works, in contradiction to Ephesians 2:8,9. Through believing, we are completely trusting in "Another's work," (Christ's finished work of redemption - Romans 3:24-28).
Don't you think in John 6 Jesus is saying the only thing that matters with God is faith which means those with faith are doing Gods work. Much like we read in Ephesians 2:8-10- the purpose or result of Gods grace through faith in our salvation is good works ?

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
You're being deceived, Calvinism is a doctrine of devils. Calvinists believes God casts people into hell without any say in the matter. They are unable to believe or to repent. That goes totally against the bible. They can’t really believe in John 3:16, because the god of Calvinism is a monster.

Resisting Calvinism is the only way you can remain faithful to The True Gospel itself. Don't fall for the lie of Calvinism.
You're being deceived, Calvinism is a doctrine of devils. Calvinists believes God casts people into hell without any say in the matter. They are unable to believe or to repent. That goes totally against the bible. They can’t really believe in John 3:16, because the god of Calvinism is a monster.

Resisting Calvinism is the only way you can remain faithful to The True Gospel itself. Don't fall for the lie of Calvinism.
You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
We live in a time of unprecedented widespread deception. Sad news my friend is Calvinism is the worst of the bunch. There are many games you found in Calvinism that Christians should be aware of.

Many Christians would quickly affirm that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. Without the blinding presuppositions of Calvinism, most believers in Christ are not reluctant to tell everyone that “God loves you, and Christ died for you.”

One of the key tenets of Calvinism, is that Christ died only for the elect. He did not die for everyone. Bible clearly teachers that is false. Christ's death on the cross paid the sin debt completely. It's a done deal we just accept if by faith. Salvation is for whosoever will to leave in Him.
We live in a time of unprecedented widespread deception. Sad news my friend is Calvinism is the worst of the bunch. There are many games you found in Calvinism that Christians should be aware of.

Many Christians would quickly affirm that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world. Without the blinding presuppositions of Calvinism, most believers in Christ are not reluctant to tell everyone that “God loves you, and Christ died for you.”

One of the key tenets of Calvinism, is that Christ died only for the elect. He did not die for everyone. Bible clearly teachers that is false. Christ's death on the cross paid the sin debt completely. It's a done deal we just accept if by faith. Salvation is for whosoever will to leave in Him.
You also You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
You also You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
Actually only one of us being deceived, And that would be the Calvinist. This is short description of the deception found in Calvinism.

The problem with the spiritual deception found in Calvinism is that it’s always more subtle and conniving than an armed, frontal attack. Paul warned that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and his servants as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:14-15).

Satan doesn’t come in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork, laughing wickedly as he promises to take you with him to hell. He comes offering greater “light” on difficult issues. His servants are not outwardly, obviously evil. They pose as servants of righteousness, promising freedom, while inwardly they are enslaved by various lusts (2 Pet. 2:18-19).

Jesus warned about wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). Their disguise enabled them to mix among the flock, but their aim was to destroy for their own gain.

Exposing the Biblical, Theological, and Practical Errors of Calvinism
Actually only one of us being deceived, And that would be the Calvinist. This is short description of the deception found in Calvinism.

The problem with the spiritual deception found in Calvinism is that it’s always more subtle and conniving than an armed, frontal attack. Paul warned that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light and his servants as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:14-15).

Satan doesn’t come in a red suit with horns and a pitchfork, laughing wickedly as he promises to take you with him to hell. He comes offering greater “light” on difficult issues. His servants are not outwardly, obviously evil. They pose as servants of righteousness, promising freedom, while inwardly they are enslaved by various lusts (2 Pet. 2:18-19).

Jesus warned about wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matt. 7:15). Their disguise enabled them to mix among the flock, but their aim was to destroy for their own gain.

Exposing the Biblical, Theological, and Practical Errors of Calvinism
You also You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
You also You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
Is there an echo in here? I just do not believe that. And I find it hard to anyone could possibly believe it. But you my friend seem to be extremely hung up on it. To the point that it's becoming an obsession. You may need to seek professional counseling. Just kidding with you:ROFLMAO:... you're entitled to believe whatever you like even if you are wrong.
You are deceived because TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
You're wrong I'm not being deceived by Calvinism. And I can prove it. Unlike yourself who seems to be able to post only the same 12 words over and over.

Try this one on for size.

Jesus Christ is the gospel, not Calvinism. The gospel is not a set of theological beliefs or a system of theology, but rather the person and work of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message of salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and it is not limited to any particular theological system or denomination.
Is there an echo in here? I just do not believe that. And I find it hard to anyone could possibly believe it. But you my friend seem to be extremely hung up on it. To the point that it's becoming an obsession. You may need to seek professional counseling. Just kidding with you:ROFLMAO:... you're entitled to believe whatever you like even if you are wrong.
Unfortunately not to believe it means you've been deceived by you know who
You're wrong I'm not being deceived by Calvinism. And I can prove it. Unlike yourself who seems to be able to post only the same 12 words over and over.

Try this one on for size.

Jesus Christ is the gospel, not Calvinism. The gospel is not a set of theological beliefs or a system of theology, but rather the person and work of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the message of salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, and it is not limited to any particular theological system or denomination.
Yes you have been hood winked
Yes you have been hood winked
Nope you're still Wrong. The truth of the matter because I've been saved by the blood of the lamb. You're the one believing the LIE of Calvinism.
Calvinism can't save you. Only Jesus can save you and believe in him. I know the truth and the truth is set me free. Calvinism puts you in bondage.

The truth is, that the biblical gospel is Jesus Christ, including everything about Him and related to Him.

The gospel is centered on Jesus Christ, and everything that emanates from Jesus is “gospel truth.” And what is it that emanates from Jesus Christ? Everything! From the creation of the universe to the future of the universe, all is dependent upon Jesus Christ. The truths about reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection all require Jesus Christ.

The gospel has nothing to do with Calvinism. Without Jesus, there is no such thing as forgiveness, grace, mercy, hope, or healing. It's all about Jesusd.

Calvinisms all about tulip. You can keep your wilted flower, It's dead and without power.
Unfortunately not to believe it means you've been deceived by you know who
Pray this:

Lord Jesus, I’m so glad You came to deliver those who are oppressed. Thank You for helping me realize that my oppression comes from Satan . . . and for providing the weapons of your Word and prayer that I can use to break free from Calvinism and the devil’s powerful clutches. I pray, Lord Jesus, that I will remain free both now and forever. Amen.

Many has been delivered from the description I'm praying that you will be one of them.:love:
TULIP Truths are the Gospel of Gods Grace.
One of the best ways to judge a doctrine is to look at its founder, or in the case of Calvinism, the one who popularized it - John Calvin. There's not much about his character that would cause people to want to follow his doctrine - certainly very little grace, in fact often just the opposite - murderous anger and hatred and unbiblical teaching.
On the other hand, the founder of Christianity, Jesus, displaces true grace and truth.
Nope you're still Wrong. The truth of the matter because I've been saved by the blood of the lamb. You're the one believing the LIE of Calvinism.
Calvinism can't save you. Only Jesus can save you and believe in him. I know the truth and the truth is set me free. Calvinism puts you in bondage.

The truth is, that the biblical gospel is Jesus Christ, including everything about Him and related to Him.

The gospel is centered on Jesus Christ, and everything that emanates from Jesus is “gospel truth.” And what is it that emanates from Jesus Christ? Everything! From the creation of the universe to the future of the universe, all is dependent upon Jesus Christ. The truths about reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection all require Jesus Christ.

The gospel has nothing to do with Calvinism. Without Jesus, there is no such thing as forgiveness, grace, mercy, hope, or healing. It's all about Jesusd.

Calvinisms all about tulip. You can keep your wilted flower, It's dead and without power.
The Truths of TULIP set forth the Gospel of Gods Grace, but many have been deceived into thinking its a mans doctrine, that's unfortunate.
One of the best ways to judge a doctrine is to look at its founder, or in the case of Calvinism, the one who popularized it - John Calvin. There's not much about his character that would cause people to want to follow his doctrine - certainly very little grace, in fact often just the opposite - murderous anger and hatred and unbiblical teaching.
On the other hand, the founder of Christianity, Jesus, displaces true grace and truth.
It's amazing isn't it? All the information about how twisted Calvinism is in Plainview for all see. And yet followers of John Calvin's heritage blindly Ignore it. Plus the fact that the false god of Calvinism would condemn most of mankind to eternal torment with no possible chance of being saved.

Why does God waste His time and effort and the time and effort of His many prophets pleading with those who, according to Calvinism, cannot hear Him and who—even if they could, being totally depraved—would never respond to His appeal by believing and obeying Him? Would it not be the worst kind of hypocrisy for God to express concern for the eternal welfare of those He has predestined to eternal torment? Why create this elaborate fiction of mourning and weeping over multitudes who God knows will not only refuse to repent but who, unless He regenerates them, cannot repent because of their total inability to do so?
Pray this:

Lord Jesus, I’m so glad You came to deliver those who are oppressed. Thank You for helping me realize that my oppression comes from Satan . . . and for providing the weapons of your Word and prayer that I can use to break free from Calvinism and the devil’s powerful clutches. I pray, Lord Jesus, that I will remain free both now and forever. Amen.

Many has been delivered from the description I'm praying that you will be one of them.:love:
Tulip is the Gospel of Gods Grace, may He be pleased to deliver you from the deception.
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