I'm not ashamed of the gospel

It seems that you don't know what you're talking about because I'm not ashamed of the Gospel. I'm not ashamed of the one I love. How could I ever be ashamed of what Jesus has done?
  1. Jesus willingly died to take on the punishment we deserve for our sin, satisfying God’s wrath and removing our guilt.
  2. He made a way for us to have a new loving relationship with God through the atonement.
  3. Jesus delivered us from darkness, granting redemption and forgiveness of sins.
  4. He defeated sin's power, allowing us to identify with Him.
  5. Jesus taught the plan of salvation, including the purpose of life and the gift of Salvation.
  6. He's delivered me from shame guilt and set me free.
  7. I can come boldly to the throne.
Despite claiming to be "The Gospel and Nothing Else," there is no gospel in Calvinism whatsoever. This video explains why.

If ashamed of TULIP that is what scripture sets forth in Total inability, Unconditional Election, Limited Particular and Saving Atonement, the Effectual Call of Grace and the Preservation of the Saints, its to be ashamed of the Gospel of Gods Grace !
If ashamed of TULIP that is what scripture sets forth in Total inability, Unconditional Election, Limited Particular and Saving Atonement, the Effectual Call of Grace and the Preservation of the Saints, its to be ashamed of the Gospel of Gods Grace !
I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The main irony or problem with lots of the disagreement that comes from Calvinists is that it lacks grace and the misappropriation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's robbing God of His Glory to say that Calvinism is the gospel.

Calvinism says that Christ only died for a few elect when the Bible says that Jesus died for the world and all men, making salvation available to all
okay, whether i can or cant explain it, its the Gospel and you reject it
For gospel we talking about? The true Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or the fake man-made teaching of Calvinism that I reject. And that you've placed your hope in. Good luck with that. There's a judgment coming for those that reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The gospel, as Jesus teaches us, is unconditional loyalty to Him. As humanity’s true king, he deserves full surrender and loyalty. Don't believe the lie of Calvinism.
I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The main irony or problem with lots of the disagreement that comes from Calvinists is that it lacks grace and the misappropriation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It's robbing God of His Glory to say that Calvinism is the gospel.

Calvinism says that Christ only died for a few elect when the Bible says that Jesus died for the world and all men, making salvation available to all
TULIP Truths sets forth those Truths that promote Glory to His Grace Eph 1:4-7

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6 To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

And you are ashamed of these Truths of Grace !
For gospel we talking about? The true Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or the fake man-made teaching of Calvinism that I reject. And that you've placed your hope in. Good luck with that. There's a judgment coming for those that reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The gospel, as Jesus teaches us, is unconditional loyalty to Him. As humanity’s true king, he deserves full surrender and loyalty. Don't believe the lie of Calvinism.
The True Gospel is grounded in the Truths of TULIP which you know about and reject
The True Gospel is grounded in the Truths of TULIP which you know about and reject
So you're saying that God grounded the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Calvinism? How did people get saved before Calvinism?

That would mean for 1600 years man did not have the gospel.

The truth of the matter is Calvinism has nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvinism is simply a deceptive man-made theology.

I'm sorry that you fell for it.
So you're saying that God grounded the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Calvinism? How did people get saved before Calvinism?

That would mean for 1600 years man did not have the gospel.

The truth of the matter is Calvinism has nothing to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Calvinism is simply a deceptive man-made theology.

I'm sorry that you fell for it.
You call it calvinism, thats on you. The Truths of TULIP set forth the Grace of God in Salvation, you scoffingly call it calvinism
You call it calvinism, thats on you. The Truths of TULIP set forth the Grace of God in Salvation, you scoffingly call it calvinism
No it's not on me... you're the one that brought tulip into the conversation. I'm not the one that uses the acronym tulip in designating the beliefs found in Calvinism.

You want to call it Scoffing because I point that out be my go for it.

Calvinism is not the gospel.
No it's not on me... you're the one that brought tulip into the conversation. I'm not the one that uses the acronym tulip in designating the beliefs found in Calvinism.

You want to call it Scoffing because I point that out be my go for it.

Calvinism is not the gospel.
Yes it is on you.
Yes it is on you.
How so, please explain It to me. Since you're the one that brought up tulip. Don't try to dump your garbage on me. It's really easy to go back and look through the thread you brought it up. Right here look at the post I wasn't even talking to you and you threw your two cents in. And now you want to claim that it's on me. You're wrong it's on you. Now clean it up.

How so, please explain It to me. Since you're the one that brought up tulip. Don't try to dump your garbage on me. It's really easy to go back and look through the thread you brought it up. Right here look at the post I wasn't even talking to you and you threw your two cents in. And now you want to claim that it's on me. You're wrong it's on you. Now clean it up.

What you mean please explain ? Its explained and you reject it
What you mean please explain ? Its explained and you reject it
Oh okay I think I see what the problem is here. You're probably doing the best you can with what you have to work with.

I'm not rejecting what's a fact. You just don't have any. You won't admit when you're wrong.

How so, please explain It to me. Since you're the one that brought up tulip. Don't try to dump your garbage on me. It's really easy to go back and look through the thread where you brought it up. Right here look at the post I wasn't even talking to you and you threw your two cents in. And now you want to claim that it's on me. You're wrong it's on you. Now clean it up.

Calvinism is definitely not the gospel. Jesus is the gospel, not calvinism. The gospel is centered on Jesus Christ, and everything that emanates from Jesus is “gospel truth.” And what is it that emanates from Jesus Christ? Everything! From the creation of the universe to the future of the universe, all is dependent upon Jesus Christ. The truths about reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection all require Jesus Christ.

It is the height of idolatry to say, as some Calvinists do, that “Calvinism is the gospel, and the gospel is Calvinism.” I see tulip has been thrown around this thread quite a bit. I I don't wish to rain on anybody's parade but tulips not the gospel either.
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