Well-known member
Go to the mods and have them check the IP . hurry now . but do prepare to hear , I AM NEITHER OF THOSE TWO .
Go to the mods and have them check the IP . hurry now . but do prepare to hear , I AM NEITHER OF THOSE TWO .
No worries .I only suggested you were one other, not two.
Did i read that correctly . Jim is actually EVEN THINKING and CONSIDERING joining with the CC .You are a poor judge of character, along with being ignorance of biblical truths. God is my judge, I have very seldom got angry of forums, truly cannot remember when. I refuse to allow folks get under my skin, for then then have the upper hand, to get into your mind and frustrate you. It would take more than what you have to offer to do that to me.
Is that why you are thinking about joining with the Catholic church as you said a couple of weeks ago? That spoke volumes to me on your faith and your understanding of the truth! The biggest religious whore in Mystery Babylon. Maybe that's where you should go, go where your heart truly is
I'm there, thank you very much!
John 8:32
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
John 10:27
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:”
Hopefully by now , IF you went to the mods and did as i requested to have the check the IP addressNo, are not the only one...... He (not sure) may be also....Studyman, just a thought that came into my mine by the mannerism of his wording. The moderators can check his IP number
We interrupt this with a brief message that concerns your soul my friend .But you see, Red, you have made a definition of "in the flesh" which is based upon the false doctrine of total depravity, not on its definition according to the Bible. You have the truly diabolical belief that the unregenerate is a murderer since to not murder is God's law and the unregenerate is not capable of obeying God's law. I reject completely that line of thinking. And I suspect that down deep in your heart, you reject that too, but still hold onto the idea that the "not regenerate (still in the flesh) cannot make a choice toward doing the will of God, impossible".
The point is that if one has lived his entire life and disobeyed God only once, then he has not pleased God and cannot please God. That single sin has condemned him. That doesn't mean he cannot continue to obey God's law as he always has except that once.
What passages such as Roman 8:1-11 are telling us is the absolute seriousness of sin. Even one sin condemns. There is no such thing as "a little white lie (sin)". So, such passages, do not so much describe the actions and abilities of the unsaved but rather the absolute holiness of God. There is so much more to be said in this regard, but I will stop here.
@TOTHALORDBEALLGLORYWhat is another gosple .
SOMETHING this lamb aint gonna buy .
BUY THE TRUTH and SELL HER NOT . and any other gospel , any other jesus , WELL that wont be saving squat didly doo .
I was not speaking of Jim, he would never do such a thing ~ I was speaking concerning: praise_yeshuaWe interrupt this with a brief message that concerns your soul my friend .
IS red baker right . DID YOU really say you are thinking about joining with the CC .
I now know otherwise, by a more closely comparison, sorry. You seem to be your own mannow i am study man too . I have no idea what studyman even teaches .
If i am all these people , WHEN on earth do i have time to even breath , LOL . NOW BIBLE TIME . thats been my mission .
Did you just wake up from a really strange dream? That must be it, since I haven't the foggiest idea what you are rambling on and on about.We interrupt this with a brief message that concerns your soul my friend .
IS red baker right . DID YOU really say you are thinking about joining with the CC .
IF so you are being misled big time . That same place also through intereligious interfaith
IS LYING to all religoins , saying to muslims , hindus , buddists and who knows what else
THEY be coming to GOD their own way , BEEN worshiping the same GOD we do . JIM , THAT IS A LIE of anti christ RIGHT THERE .
And you want to join with that . No sir i must warn very very very adamenteley against your decision .
NOW its bible time for us all . The churches have been decieved through a false ecumincalism
a false love , it has transformed them over time right to the Agenda . and that there agenda
IS NOT OF GOD . its all leading to the LIE which will damn every last soul that kissed that golden calf of interfaith
finding common ground stuff . You been warned OUT OF GREAT LOVE . DO NOT head in that direction .
Red baker already explained . IT was not You he was talking about .Did you just wake up from a really strange dream? That must be it, since I haven't the foggiest idea what you are rambling on and on about.
This is just a general reminder to us all and not an accusation .Did you just wake up from a really strange dream? That must be it, since I haven't the foggiest idea what you are rambling on and on about.
Soon the decieved will be as one with the decieved and all will believeI now know otherwise, by a more closely comparison, sorry. You seem to be your own man
"I have no idea what studyman even teaches ~No loss on your part for sure, he's lives in a very small portion of the word of God and has a mixture of SDA, and JW's, with who knows what else? He denies that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh, in the person of Jesus Christ, he calls him "the Jesus of the bible" ~ when in truth he is The Living Word of life, God from the beginning...the I AM THAT I AM.
1 John 1:1
“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto usThat which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”
Jesus Christ was with the Father in the beginning being ONE with him in His Divine Nature as God of Genesis 1:1....One God manifest to us as three "only" according to each respective work in the redemption of God's elect. When we see Jesus we will see God, the only God man or angels will ever see and look upon and handle ~for God is a Spirit that inhabited eternity, always has, always will, that will never change, no, never. Jesus Christ in his humanity will always be in subjection to God who is a Spirit, (1st Corinthians 15:28) this will never change, no never. Without controversy, a great mystery of godliness, yet revealed in the scriptures for God's children to lay hold upon. Selah
"I dont use greek , hebrew , lexicons , or etc . I just say GET in that bible to learn what many men no longer
teach , TRUTH ."
Neither do I, it is a waste of valuable precious time, truth comes by trusting the Spirit of the Living God, to enlighten our understanding when we by faith alone search out his testimony of what truth is, and that testimony is found within his word, so we as children of God live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of our heavenly Father whom we look to to feed us with the True manna from heaven, and All of God's children said Amen, and Amen, it is so true brother Red. Thank you most blessed Lord God for showing us this simple little truth that the wise men of this world refuse to admit that it is the only way to find and know truth.
@TOTHALORDBEALLGLORYWhat does another gospel mean . its any other gospel that in any way , shape , form or fashion
contradicts the one true gospel of JESUS the CHRIST .
and what does that mean , IT MEANS THIS WEE THING aint gonna heed a word one OF IT .