Don’t know.What kind of a Bible do you need to get the verses directly from Jesus's lips? Is that like the audio Bible? Where do you download that one?
Yes, as long as one is applying the Holy Spirit of Yahava and allowing Christ in them, to move them to doing the next thing, which is ultimately for the benefit of another though at a cost of our own life. To go and do good to your neighbor in agape love, which Yahavah expresses by and through showing his love for us by sending his son.But the good new is that studying the Bible helps us avoid theological error. The Bible tells us, "Watch your life and doctrine closely" (1 Timothy 4:16), adding that we "must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1).
The bible has no authority, and it was not written to us specifically. While some things are inspired by God through the writings of the Old Testament, not everything in it is inspired by Yahavah. Such as the people of Israel sacrificing their children to Molech. There is some decernment in what you are suggesting. While I believe the Bible can be trust worthy, it is something that has been copied on copies of copies… some things could have slipped in there that are not authentic or inspired by God…If the Bible is our authority for faith and life, then the inspired words it contains will help us to avoid error.
The Bible in general is a reference guide to spiritual life.
Not always, people can accept man made ideas by and through virtue of scripture… doesn’t make it true, or what Yahavah could be portrayed to be as, which could be the most horrible version (in my opinion), far right field, in a God that elects only certain people in this lifetime and sends everyone else to hell to burn for his glory… and he chose to do this and continues to send 95% of the population in the lake of fire all burning alive for his glory…In a pluralistic world with many religious and non-religious ideas competing for attention, studying the Bible provides us with a firm foundation in God's truth rather than the errors of the world.
Knowing God, is much more than knowing the Bible. It is life eternal to seek after the true God and the one whom he had sent in knowing them. The Bible doesn’t contain all the answers and when going through the scripture it’s believed by most it is needed to go through the scripture by the Holy Spirit of Yahavah.Knowing the Bible also helps us respond to error and answer questions that skeptics and others may have about it, which Civic is great at doing.
Any teaching that goes on to be dogmatic, forced upon people in to acceptance such as the trinity, is wrong for presupposing it upon them. It’s a mystery and incomprehensible… why believe something like this?
Why not try to know God by seeking him out in spirit and in truth, while I believe yes Yeshua was the Word of God, he is the expressed image of his Father by virtue of Yahavah working in and through his Word, by the Spirit in order to get the will of Yahavah done, which was a willingly work all together for Yeshua…
I have no issues with Civic. He is free to believe how he will, even if he does believe that Jesus is Yahavah, while I see that is incorrect, in aspect of Jesus being his Father himself, and not being the Word of God which comes forth from the Father…
I don’t see how God can die, let alone the cross. But the Word of God was silenced for three days for the promise which Yeshua had spoken by virtue of his Father, in dying by giving up his life on a choice which he didn’t have to do…
Yahavah and His Son… man they both have my utmost respect, and honor. But I’m not gonna honor manmade doctrine teachings.