Excellent word by word analysis of John 1:1


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Excellent word by word analysis of John 1:1 by Mr. R.C. Sproul. And how Christianity took 300 years to make sense of that one Bible verse. May God richly reward him now that he is in God's presence.

Excellent word by word analysis of John 1:1 by Mr. R.C. Sproul. And how Christianity took 300 years to make sense of that one Bible verse. May God richly reward him now that he is in God's presence.
Sorry to say, but three personification or subsistence in one being? that Modalism in Reverse.

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That's not what Trinitarianism is. The "one" is God's essence or nature. The video explains that. It's 3 persons and one nature.
GINOLJC, to all
ok, if what say is true. question, "the second person of the trinity, (the Son), was made empty according to Phil 2:7
G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') v.
1. to make empty.
2. (figuratively) to abase, neutralize, falsify.
[from G2756]
KJV: make (of none effect, of no reputation, void), be in vain
Root(s): G2756

but, he had the same NATURE, G3444 μορφή morphe (mor-fee'), according to Phil. 2:6.

now here's 101G's point. if the Son have the same Nature as God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, (ONE NATURE, 3 PERSON). question, "how much of the one "Spirit", nature was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') while person #2, the Son was in Flesh?"
was it 1/3 of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō'), or 1/2, or all of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō')? your answer Please. REMEMBER, he, (the Son, according to Phil. 2:6 is EQUAL "WITH" GOD in NATURE/G3444 μορφή morphe (mor-fee'), according to Phil. 2:6.

will be looking for your answer.

thanks in advance.

GINOLJC, to all
ok, if what say is true. question, "the second person of the trinity, (the Son), was made empty according to Phil 2:7
G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') v.
1. to make empty.
2. (figuratively) to abase, neutralize, falsify.
[from G2756]
KJV: make (of none effect, of no reputation, void), be in vain
Root(s): G2756

but, he had the same NATURE, G3444 μορφή morphe (mor-fee'), according to Phil. 2:6.

now here's 101G's point. if the Son have the same Nature as God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit, (ONE NATURE, 3 PERSON). question, "how much of the one "Spirit", nature was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō') while person #2, the Son was in Flesh?"
was it 1/3 of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō'), or 1/2, or all of the Spirit that was G2758 κενόω kenoo (ke-no-ō')? your answer Please. REMEMBER, he, (the Son, according to Phil. 2:6 is EQUAL "WITH" GOD in NATURE/G3444 μορφή morphe (mor-fee'), according to Phil. 2:6.

will be looking for your answer.

thanks in advance.

I already explained, in the "Why the Trinity is Wrong: Juxtaposition" thread, that only Jesus voluntarily undertook kenosis, in the Biblical sense.

You ended up running away, while spitting out unwarranted insults, before I could cross examine your modalist heretical view of Jesus. Run 101G Run!
I already explained, in the "Why the Trinity is Wrong: Juxtaposition" thread, that only Jesus voluntarily undertook kenosis, in the Biblical sense.

You ended up running away, while spitting out unwarranted insults, before I could cross examine your modalist heretical view of Jesus. Run 101G Run!
101G never runs away. it's others ... as with you, cannot .. A, accept what 101G is saying. or B. Understand Godly truths

You will not take A which is "accept what 101G is saying"? We both agree to not take A. Excellent!
Correct, but if 101G is saying what the bible says, then it's on you. for example, "do your God the three persons trinity have one soul for each persons in your Godhead, yes or No?

Correct, but if 101G is saying what the bible says, then it's on you. for example, "do your God the three persons trinity have one soul for each persons in your Godhead, yes or No?

Only one Person (the Word of God, Jesus) in the Trinity has a human soul.

I will continue to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying".
this is a easy question, no math involve..... Do God have a Soul, yes or no?

now you said the Lord Jesus has a HUMAN Soul.... (smile), lol, lol, lol, so that takes care of the Lord, now the LORD, all caps who is GOD do he have a soul, yes or no?

so God don't have a Soul?

We have to have word definitions that we agree with. When you say God, is that a person or a nature that comes to your mind?

Always remember to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying". I will occasionally remind you of that agreement.
We have to have word definitions that we agree with. When you say God, is that a person or a nature that comes to your mind?
Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"

now last time do God, the LORD, have a SOUL, yes or NO?

Hebrews 1:3 "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;"
We differ on the definition of the word God. The Greek word for “God” (θεω) has an energy word structure (an “ω” at the end of the word) as do other Greek energy verbs such as “run” (τρέχω), “see” (διαβλέπω), or “burn” (κατακαίω). Therefore, the word Greek word “God” itself is an energy word which denotes His Nature, signifying how we relate to God, through his Divine Energies. The Greek NT is chalk full of the Greek word energia (energy) and its derivatives. I can list out all those verses if anyone is interested.

So why the transformation between God's name of "Eli" or "I AM" denoting existence to God's name of "θεω" denoting his nature that he imparts? Pentecost. The Old Testament (Joel 2:28) prophesied that God would pour out his spirit and He did that at Pentecost (Acts 2:16-47). It is His Divine Nature that He imparts to man.
now last time do God, the LORD, have a SOUL, yes or NO?
We have to agree to what the word God denotes before I can intelligently answer your question. You do want an intelligent conversation, right?

Always remember to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying" and you will never go wrong.
We differ on the definition of the word God.
well since you don't KNOW 101G will help you out. this is the LORD Speaking, Isaiah 1:14 "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them."

and Hebrews 1:3 states that his, the Lord Jesus character, or SOUL is the express image of his, God, the LORD, person. meaning it's the same one PERSON. for the term character is synonyms with SOUL. this can be found at https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/character.html#C0-1
and the Word Express is synonyms when used "To embody in visual or physical form", with equate, equate with, show, embody, personify, manifest, incarnate, give human form to, be the embodiment of, give physical form, make human, equal this can be found here at https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/express.html#C0-27

so the Lord Jesus the equate, or the EQUAL, of the LORD GOD, which means, "consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another" the same one person. "EXACT"

so Hebrews 1 agrees with 101G. ..... (smile) .... :cool:

I keep telling you to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying" and you will never go wrong.

This is a perfect example of that. The Greek word definitions and Greek text is not "Hogwash".
well since you don't KNOW 101G will help you out. this is the LORD Speaking, Isaiah 1:14 "Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them."

and Hebrews 1:3 states that his, the Lord Jesus character, or SOUL is the express image of his, God, the LORD, person. meaning it's the same one PERSON. for the term character is synonyms with SOUL. this can be found at https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/character.html#C0-1
and the Word Express is synonyms when used "To embody in visual or physical form", with equate, equate with, show, embody, personify, manifest, incarnate, give human form to, be the embodiment of, give physical form, make human, equal this can be found here at https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/another-word-for/express.html#C0-27

so the Lord Jesus the equate, or the EQUAL, of the LORD GOD, which means, "consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another" the same one person. "EXACT"

so Hebrews 1 agrees with 101G. ..... (smile) .... :cool:

Of course Jesus is the express image of a Person, God the Father. How can anyone be an express image of a nature?

Always remember to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying" and you will never go wrong.
I keep telling you to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying" and you will never go wrong.

This is a perfect example of that. The Greek word definitions and Greek text is not "Hogwash".

Of course Jesus is the express image of a Person, God the Father. How can anyone be an express image of a nature?

Always remember to honor our agreement for both of us to not "accept what 101G is saying" and you will never go wrong.
he does have a point-

The word Nephesh occurs 754 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. Each occurrence is noted in the margin, but it will be useful for the Bible student to have a complete list.

In the A.V. and R.V. it is translated " soul " 472 times, while in the other 282 places it is represented by forty-four different words or phrases.

In fifty-three of these places there is a marginal rendering which calls attention to the fact that the word is " Nephesh ", while in 229 passages the English reader has hitherto been left in ignorance of the fact. The English word "soul" is in every occurrence the rendering of the Hebrew Nephesh , except in Job_30:15 and Isa_57:16. See the notes. the time has come to "open the book", and let it speak for itself. Henceforth, every one who uses The Companion Bible will have complete information as to the facts, and can use it in determining his definitions, making his own classifications, and formulating his doctrines as to the Biblical use of the word.

Though, with these two exceptions, the English word "soul" always represents the Hebrew Nephesh , Nephesh is not always translated "soul".

This Appendix will exhibit all the varieties of translation; and, while it is not intended to teach either Theology or Psychology, it will give such information as will enable every Bible reader to form his own views and come to his own conclusions on an important subject, about which there is such great controversy. his can be done only by giving every occurrence of the Hebrew word Nephesh .

Each occurrence is noted in the margin of The Companion Bible ; but it is well to present a complete, separate, and classified list of the recognized Lexical usages of the word; and the reader will be left to form his own judgment as to how far the following classification is correct.
The usage of the word Nephesh by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God is the only guide to the true understanding of it. It will be seen that the word "soul", in its theological sense, does not cover all the ground, or properly represent the Hebrew word " Nephesh ". The English word "soul" is from the Latin solus = alone or sole , because the maintenance of man as a living organism , and all that affects his health and well-being, is the one sole or main thing in common with every living thing which the LORD God has made. The correct Latin word for the theological term "soul" (or Nephesh ) is anima ; and this is from the Greek anemos = air or breath, because it is this which keeps the whole in life and in being.

[The usage of the corresponding New Testament word psuche will be presented in a later Appendix.] The first occurrence of Nephesh is in Gen_1:20, "the moving creature that hath life ( Nephesh )". (*1)
The following are twelve classifications of Nephesh :
I. Nephesh is used of the lower animals only, in twenty-two passages, and is rendered in nine different ways :--

Gen_1:21, Gen_1:24; Gen_2:19; Gen_9:10-12. Lev_11:46.
Lev_11:10. Eze_47:9.
Gen_1:20, Gen_1:30.
"the life"
Gen_9:4. Deu_12:23. Pro_12:10.
Lev_24:18. (See margin.)
"the soul"
Job_12:10. (See margin.)
Isa_19:10. (See margin.)


III. Nephesh is used of the Lower Animals and Man in seven passages, and rendered in three different ways :--

"the life"
Lev_17:11; Lev_17:14.


V. Nephesh is used of Man , as an individual person, in 53 passages, and is rendered in six different ways :--

Gen_12:5; Gen_2:75; Gen_46:18; Gen_46:22; Gen_46:25-273.

Not rendered
Num_31:35 (Lit. "and the soul of man...were 32,000 souls.")

Of course Jesus is the express image of a Person, God the Father. How can anyone be an express image of a nature?
not an express image of his nature, but the EQUAL SHARE ... "of" his nature, his own self shared in flesh. supportive scripture, OT first. Zechariah 13:7 "Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones."
understand that term "Fellow"
H5997 עָמִית `amiyth (aw-meeth') n-m.
1. companionship.
2. (hence, concretely) a comrade or kindred man.
[from a primitive root meaning to associate]
KJV: another, fellow, neighbour.

now NT, Philippians 2:6 "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:"
the term "Form" here is NATURE, and God is a, a, a, a, Spirit. so, the million-dollar question is, "How is God EQUAL TO HIMSELF in flesh AS SPIRIT?' the answer lay in the term "Form" it's root, which is
G3313 μέρος meros (me'-ros) n.
1. a portion (i.e. an amount allotted, a part of something).
look up what "portion" is synonyms with.... answer, "SHARE"... BINGO, the Lord Jesus is the "EQUAL SHARE" of himself in flesh. if one would just let the Holy Spirit lead you, and root out words, one will get the answer, the TRUTH.

so the ECHAD in the OT is the EQUAL SHARE of God himself in flesh. it's just that simple.

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