Doctrine of Unconditional Election

He became righteous as every elect child of God becomes righteous! By imputation of Christ's righteousness! Hear from David's own mouth.
He was made righteous BY the death of Christ THROUGH his faith in God's promises. The verses you quoted state that he and others have righteousness imputed to them in place of their own unrighteousness. But it does not state when or how that happens. As I have said before, you must look to other passages for the when and how, like Rom 10:9-10, Rom 6:1-7, Col 2:11-14, Acts 3:19, Acts 2:38, etc.
As the blessing of the pardon of sin cannot be separated from our being viewed as perfectly righteous in the sight of God, Paul further confirms his doctrine by a reference to Psalms 32:1-2

The expression ‘imputeth righteousness without works,’ is important, as it clearly ascertains that the phrase ‘for righteousness, signifies unto the receiving of righteousness. It signifies receiving righteousness itself, not a substitute for righteousness, nor a thing of less value than righteousness, which is accounted or accepted as righteousness. The verse before us contains no explicit refutation of these unscriptural statements, which subvert not only the whole of the apostle’s reasoning on the doctrine of justification, but the whole doctrine of salvation. The righteousness here said to be imputed is that righteousness to which Paul had all along been referring, even the righteousness of God on account of the revelation of which the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, and which, as has been noticed above, is by the Apostle Peter called the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, in which believers have obtained precious faith. That the apostle refers in the verse before us to this righteousness which fulfills the law, is evident, if we look back to what he says in the 21st verse of the preceding chapter, and to what he continues to say respecting it onwards to this 6th verse, and to the effect he here ascribes to it. If any one can suppose that all this is insufficient to settle the question, I shall produce an argument which is unanswerable, and which all the ingenuity of man is unable to gainsay It must be the righteousness of God (or the righteousness of Christ, which is the same) that is here spoken of BECAUSE THERE IS NO OTHER RIGHTEOUSNESS ON EARTH.

To say with many, that the God of truth values anything "as equal to the complete performance of duty," which is not so in reality, is to give a most unworthy, not to say a blasphemous, representation of His character. Far different are the following sentiments of Dr. Owen in his treatise On Justification. "The sinner is not accepted as if he were righteous, but because in Christ Jesus he is so. The majesty of the law is not sacrificed; its requirements are fulfilled in their exceeding breadth; its penalty is endured in all its awfulness. And thus, from the meeting of mercy and loving-kindness with justice and judgment, there shines a most excellent glory, of which the full demonstration to men, and angels, and all the rational creatures of God, shall fill up the cycles of eternity."
As stated above, there is no debate over it being the imputation of Jesus' righteousness that removes our unrighteousness and makes us right with God. But what you fail to recognize or accept is that it is imputed because of our faith. The Scriptures, not me, state that the gift of salvation is received through our faith (Eph 2:8-9), and that our faith is not an internal, mental only, passive thing, it is the substance and evidence of our trust in God. Our faith must be active and obedient or it is dead (James 2:26), and dead faith cannot save you (James 2:14).
Our faith rests upon Christ alone It in effect excludes itself as a work in the matter of justification. It is not a thing upon which a sinner rests; it is his resting on the Surety. Therefore, that man who would bring in his faith as a part of his justifying righteousness before God, thereby proves that he has no faith in Jesus Christ. He comes as with a lie in his right hand; for such is the absurdity, that he trusts in the act of faith, not in its object ~ i.e., he believes in his faith, not in Jesus Christ. Having taken Christ, as he pretends, he would have that very act whereby he received Him sustained at the Divine tribunal as his righteousness. Thus Christ is bid to stand at a distance, and the sinner’s own act is by himself bid to come near in the case of justification. This is nothing else but works under another name. It is not faith, for that necessarily establishes grace.
Faith does not cancel grace. Opening a gift does not cause it to cease to be a gift. Obedience to a master does not merit praise from the master (Luke 17:7-10), but failure to obey the master does merit punishment and condemnation (Matt 25:26-30).
Doug, you are confused to speak mildly. Once Adam sinned he lost God's image and took on the image of his new master~the devil himself.

To understand what this image consist of them we need to look at the image we receive from God at the new birth.

The image of God is true righteousness, holiness, spiritual knowledge, wisdom and understanding~all which Adam lost when he disobey God. In the new birth these are created in our new man again after the image of Jesus Christ.
Please show me where in Scripture it says that man "lost God's image". It is not there. Yes, man took on a nature of sin, and was cut off from God in spiritual death. But an olive branch does not cease to be an olive branch just because it was cut off from the olive tree. It is still an olive brance even though it now has the nature of death also.
No man should take another man as being infallible, we spend our life being converted to a more perfect knowledge of the truth, but we shall never be without fault, it is part of our fallen nature.
So can we take from that that you're including yourself in that as well?

. The Elect’s Salvation

Jesus Christ by His death did purchase salvation for the elect that God gave unto Him before the foundation of the world. The free gift of eternal life is given to them and none else. Only these have interest in Him, and fellowship with Him. He makes intercession for these to His Father in their behalf, and to them alone does God by His Spirit apply this redemption Eph.1:4

4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Matt 1:21

21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.

John 6:37-40

37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.

38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

In Vs 37 the giving denotes election, and it occurred before the coming ! 5
@Doug Brents

He was made righteous BY the death of Christ THROUGH his faith in God's promises.

Thats not right, he was as all Gods Elect were, made righteous by Christs one act of obedience. Rom 5:19

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Now Faith will eventually be given to them who have been righteous by His One obedience so they can be persuaded of it.
He was made righteous BY the death of Christ THROUGH his faith in God's promises.
Doug~Faith is not the impulsive or moving cause of Justification. It is an act of pure and free grace, without any motive in the creature: Therefore the Apostle saith,
Ephesians 1:7~“being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption which is in Jesus Christ”
But this benefit would not be of grace, but of works, was our faith the impulsive cause of it: because faith is a work or act of ours, as we learn from the words of Christ:
John 6:29~“This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent”
Salvation is not of works, in any branch of it;
Ephesians 2:8,9~“for by grace are we saved, through faith; that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast”
From whence it is evident that Justification, which is a considerable part of salvation, cannot be by works. The grace of God eminently appears in contriving the way of our Justification by Christ’s righteousness, and in sending Him into the world to work out a righteousness for us, in which we stand complete in His sight: Hence we are said...
Titus 3:7~“to be justified by his grace, that we might made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
No other cause can be assigned why sinners are justified in the sight of God, than His free favour and sovereign pleasure, as the effect of which He determined to justify them in the righteousness of His Son. So sad this is still even being debatable, but the generation of serpents never die, and will not until Jesus returns again per Matthew 24:34!
The verses you quoted state that he and others have righteousness imputed to them in place of their own unrighteousness. But it does not state when or how that happens.
Doug just as the words save/saved/salvation are used in different senses, we also see such doctrines as Justification used in different senses. It is used in an eternal sense, as well as legal and practical and final! Time and space will not allow me to discuss this, but consider two close passages and see they are not used in the same sense.

Romans 4:25​

“Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.”
Without question justification is is used in a legal sense~but not so in the very next verse:

Romans 5:1​

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:”
Here is is our faith, which takes place in our conscience! This is justification being used in a practical sense, certainly not in any other sense.

Romans 5:2​

"By whom“also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
This comes to the heart of a regenerate child of God after he/she hears, the gospel and understands what he/she hears, it may come over time, generally not at first, since we all are newborn babes and it takes TIME to learn, and grown, and comprehend this great salvation we have in Jesus Christ.

Consider this carefully, and I'll come back and fitnah your post.
Acts 2:38, etc.
Doug, I may have not discussed this particular verse with you, so I will do so now, the others I have more than once, if not with you I have with others.

First, do you mind if I ask you a question~are you a church of Christ member? If not then you are without question affiliated with in some manner.

I have many friends in the past that were part of this group~and I was a member of a church of Christ forum for a few years, and had a cordial relationship with them, even though we strongly disagreed.

I still post there from time to time. You might know some of them.

Doug, as a young believer back in 1974 I read every commentary I could get my hands on to see what others had to say concerning this scripture, since at that time, I worked with some men who were part of the church of Christ and they constantly bombarded me with this scripture, along with Mark 16:16; Acts 22:16; as their main go to scriptures. As a sincere believer, I wanted to know the truth, and was willing to follow the truth wherever God's truth took me, God being my witness. What kept me sound in the what little truth I then possessed, I held fast that salvation from sin and condemnation was totally of God's grace through the obedience of ONE, Jesus Christ~ it kept me from following their corrupt doctrine of adding my own works/obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ as though God would accept them as my righteousness, even though covered with just being obedience to Christ and his gospel. I struggled with this a little, not too much, for around two to three years of trying to fully understand the truth as it is in Jesus Christ. Below is my understanding concerning conclusion of studying this subject thoroughly out as much as I could.
First, the key to Acts 2;38 is found in verse 37.

Verse 37 said clearly that after hearing Peter's sermon concerning Christ concerning David's prophesying~being a prophet knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne; He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption. This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.

Doug, when some of these men heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, which is a biblical evidence they had been born of God. Can I prove this? Yes. Compare Acts 2:37 to Acts 7:51-54.
Stephen preached one of the most powerful sermons ever preached outside of Matthew 5-7, without a question~yet look at the results of his preaching. Compare the two events, and you must confess that those in Acts 2:37 were already born of God before Acts 2:38!
Peter a man of God knew that their words to him proved that they were born of God and desired to do whatever God commanded of them in order to please him and for them to submit to Jesus Christ as Lord over all.
"For" here in this verse means "because of" and I say this based upon the overall text and other scriptures! For does not mean in order to obtain like the CoC teaches, that is heresy, pure and simple. Consider other scriptures where the word for is used:

They too would receive the KNOWLEDGE OF the Holy Ghost and His power in the lives of all believers.

Our interpretation of Acts 2:38 flows with all scriptures not against any.
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As stated above, there is no debate over it being the imputation of Jesus' righteousness that removes our unrighteousness and makes us right with God. But what you fail to recognize or accept is that it is imputed because of our faith.
Doug, our faith is the system God has chosen for evidence that we have received the gift of free justification from God by his grace, through Jesus' faith and obedience.

Romans 4:9

Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness.”
Paul had shown from the Jewish scriptures that God declared Abram righteous by faith (4:3). This is the only basis we should ever say anything authoritatively – inspired wisdom from God revealed for us to know truth in any matter (Job 32:6-10; Ps 119:128; 2nd Tim 3:16-17). Here Paul used the synonym reckoned for counted in Genesis 15:6 and in Romans 4:3. Whether counted, reckoned, accounted, or imputed, the sense is the same ~ God considered, esteemed, regarded, and declared Abraham’s faith as the evidence of his righteousness~which was freely imputed to him by grace alone, a gift secured by Jesus Christ for his elect seed.
The Scriptures, not me, state that the gift of salvation is received through our faith (Eph 2:8-9),
Doug, Ephesians 2:8, 9 does not say that, you are adding that because in your mind you have come to accept that.
Ephesians 2:8,9~"“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that (faith) not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
If faith was of ourselves, then it would be a work~1st John 3:23

The faith in Ephesians 2:8 is Christ's faith, for Paul said clearly, and "that" not of yourself! God provided all spiritual blessings for us in our surety included perfect faith and obedience!
Our faith must be active and obedient or it is dead (James 2:26), and dead faith cannot save you (James 2:14).
These scriptures are speaking of a profess believer's practical faith, without which his profession is no more than devils who believed and tremble during the days of Christ on earth. You are separate Doug, by trying to use such scriptures as far as being means of regeneration. This is a very weak attempt to prove your position~actually, you hurt yourself more than help.
Faith does not cancel grace.
As far as being a means of regeneration it does.
Please show me where in Scripture it says that man "lost God's image". It is not there. Yes, man took on a nature of sin, and was cut off from God in spiritual death. But an olive branch does not cease to be an olive branch just because it was cut off from the olive tree. It is still an olive branch even though it now has the nature of death also.
Okay...later in another post.
Doug Brents said:
Please show me where in Scripture it says that man "lost God's image". It is not there. Yes, man took on a nature of sin, and was cut off from God in spiritual death. But an olive branch does not cease to be an olive branch just because it was cut off from the olive tree. It is still an olive branch even though it now has the nature of death also.

First~ I will shew wherein the image of God, in which our first parents were made, consisted. Abstracting from the spirituality of their souls, and the erect and graceful posture of their bodies, peculiar to rational animals alone, which are but a faint shadow of the image of God, (if they can with any propriety be called a shadow of it at all), this image doth principally at least shine in the soul, and those glorious qualities wherewith man was endued, that is, both the man and the woman.

1. The image of God, after which man was created, consisted in knowledge, Colossians 1:10. He was created wise: Not that he knew all things, for that is proper to the omniscient Being alone; but he was ignorant of nothing that he was obliged to know; he had all the knowledge that was necessary for life and godliness. He had clear and distinct apprehensions of God, his nature and perfections, far superior to any knowledge of that kind that can now be acquired by the ‘most diligent and the most laboured researches of human industry. And we can hardly suppose that he was ignorant of the great mystery of the Godhead. This knowledge or wisdom of man appeared in his knowledge of the miraculous formation of Eve, whose nature and duty, as well as his own towards her, he declares; which he could not know but by the knowledge in which man was created with. The primitive pair had God’s law written on their hearts, Romans 2:15. even that same law which was afterwards written on tables of stone, and promulgated from mount Sinai. It was concreated with them; so that no sooner were they man and woman, than they were knowing and intelligent creatures, endued with all the knowledge necessary for their upright state. Adam’s giving names to the beasts, and those such as were expressive of their natures, Genesis 2:19. was a great evidence of his knowledge of nature. Thus his knowledge reached from the sun, that glorious fountain of light, to the meanest glowworm that shines in the hedge. And that God gave them dominion over the earth and all the inferior creatures, is an evidence that they were endued with the knowledge of managing civil affairs, which a wise man will manage with discretion. Far from being a idiot caveman, who looks more like a monster in a horror movie than a man just created from the hand of God. Adam and Eve were the two most beautiful flesh and blood man and woman that ever walked on this earth.

2. The image of God consisted in righteousness, Ephesians 4:24., There was a perfect conformity in his will to the will of God. He was endued with a disposition to every good thing, Ecclesiastes 7:29. ‘God made man upright.’ His will was straight with God’s will, not bending to the right or left hand, without any irregular bias or inclination. And he had full power and ability to fulfil the whole law of God. As, in respect of knowledge, he perfectly knew the whole extent of his duty, so he was created with sufficient powers for the due performance thereof.

3. It consisted, in holiness, Ephesians 4:24. Man’s affections were pure and holy, without being tinctured with any vitious appetite. They were regular and orderly, free from all disorder and distemper. They were set on lawful objects, and that in a right manner, loving what God loved, and hating what he hated; loving and delighting in God with all his heart, strength, soul, and mind. Yet all this happy disposition was mutable, he was not confirmed therein, nor set beyond the reach of falling therefrom, as the event has mournfully shewed.

This is that image of God wherein man was created, consisting in original righteousness, where his reason was naturally subject to God, his will to his reason, and his affections to his will, and consequently all duly subordinated to God, and directed to him, without any propensity or inclination to evil. A signal of this was, that both our first parents were naked, and yet were not ashamed, nor susceptive of shame.

That man was created in this condition, wise, altogether righteous, and holy, is not only clear from the above-cited scriptures, but is also agreeable to reason; which suggests, that nothing impure or imperfect, nothing having any vitious tendency or inclination, could proceed out of the hands of an holy God, who cannot be the author of evil. Man was created after the image of God; and in knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness, the scripture shews us, the image of God consists. Moreover, God made all very good, Genesis 1:31. Man’s goodness consists in these excellent qualities; and without these he would not have been fit for the end of his creation. How was it possible for him to have exercised the dominion he was invested with over the creatures, or served his Creator in the manner that became him without such endowments? Impossible.

So, you said, prove that man lost this image of God. I just did above~by quoting Paul that we should put on the new man which after God is created within us......Adam lost this image, which is now called in the scriptures the old man, the first man who was indeed created after God's image, but was stolen from him by the devil, and taken captive by him and Adam took on the image of his new master.

Jesus Christ came in the likeness of sinful flesh, condemned sin in the flesh by his own faith and obedience~Jesus is indeed the image of the invisible God, and when one is born again, God creates a new man within him (after the image of Jesus Christ) and by the faith of this new man overcomes sin, the world and the devil.
Paul teaches clearly that Election, which is a ground from an Eternal perspective, of Salvation by Grace, is unconditional, observe in quoting Gospel writer Moreno Dal Bello:

Election " not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy" (Rom. 9:16). “‘of him that runneth’ is a metaphor taken from the foot-races as Paul may very possibly have seen them practised at Corinth. (see 1 Cor. 9:24,26; Gal. 2:2; 5:7; Phil. 2:16; 3:14). The meaning is that the prize does not depend on human will or human effort, but on the grace of God. By ‘willeth’ he means the thought and strenuously active endeavour of heart, and by ‘runneth’, good works, to neither of which he gives the praise, but only to the mercy of God. The idea is of one actively moving in the path of right. His energy may tempt him to think that he originated the motion; but he did not. It depends not on the striving and urgent endeavour of man, but on the will of the merciful God. Not that human willing and running are illusions, but they are not the cause of mercy. They follow it, but they are not the cause of it. Its origin is not of them. The experience of God’s mercy does not depend on man’s resolve or effort, but on God’s merciful act (see 1 Cor. 9:24 ff.).This, of course, merely repeats Romans 9:12,13, buttressing the principle of God’s Sovereign freedom in the exercise of mercy by reference to His own word in Exodus 33:19: ‘And He said, I will make all My goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy’”. Salvation by grace and mercy means, “God is laid under no obligation by a human will, or a human work”. Salvation is not God responding to a human will, or human work, salvation is God acting according to His will by His grace and mercy in order to save His people from their sins. If election is not of the will of man, if man cannot, and so, does not elect himself to be saved via his free will and works, then it is clearly not conditioned or reliant upon man, not on works, but on grace alone. It is not man who makes the first move, for election and salvation would then not be according to God's will and grace, but a man's will and works. It would no longer be a gift but a reward, and man would have reason to boast. The fact that there is no boasting which a man can engage in, is a testament to the fact that prior to being made alive a man is lifeless and hopeless in sins. 5
Paul teaches clearly that Election, which is a ground from an Eternal perspective, of Salvation by Grace, is unconditional, observe in quoting Gospel writer Moreno Dal Bello:
You are mixing up the Predetermination/Election of the Cross with our Salvation and making a total mess of things. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob around Christ's trial) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened. Salvation is only now possible. As regenerated believers we are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is our responsibility to act accordingly. It is a massive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you with regeneration because you happen to win the election lottery.
You are mixing up the Predetermination/Election of the Cross with our Salvation and making a total mess of things. Everything leading up to and including the Cross was predetermined. Stubbornly evil people who were in the path of the Cross had their hearts hardened so that the Cross would happen. From the OT (the Pharoah) to the NT (the mob around Christ's trial) they had their hearts hardened for the Cross to happen.

Now we're in Post-Cross times. The Cross has happened. We are now regenerated with the Holy Spirit to guide us. The OT Saints were not regenerated. Pentecost had not happened. Salvation is only now possible. As regenerated believers we are now predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ. We must be willing agents of that. It is our responsibility to act accordingly. It is a massive Calvinist error to be inert, do nothing, and expect God to zap you with regeneration because you happen to win the election lottery.
Lol, you the one making a mess of things.
Calvinists are so boring. 🥱 🥱
You guys offer no counterarguments whatsoever. You offer only cackle laughter.
Wishful thinking on your part. You know better, you want others to believe that they do not. I say "they" for I'm not a Calvinist in the sense in which many use the word, even though, I agree with them on many points.
Wishful thinking on your part. You know better, you want others to believe that they do not. I say "they" for I'm not a Calvinist in the sense in which many use the word, even though, I agree with them on many points.
None of their statements stand up to how the English language is constructed or common logic. So they end up just offering cackle laughter. That's so boring. 🥱:sleep:
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