Do we have any Catholics here?

I had a channel until they started deleting my posts - I, a former RCC, talked at length to a young man called 'lightninlad' and after some time he informed me I was not qualified to "teach" him because I was not a "bishop" or higher in his church.

I then wondered what made him qualified to teach me???

Go figure.
Right !

Well, actually, it's because he believes that the CC has the 4 pillars of the faith and has the COMPLETE faith and has the AUTHORITY to teach.

I really have to agree.....
until about the 300's,,,then everything changed.
For the worse.
Sam Shamoun is not Catholic unless something happened very recently.
I believe he's of the Coptic church.
Usually when people say Catholic...they mean of the Roman rite.
But, like I said, he might have changed.
He says he's Catholic and he's friendly to the Assyrian, Coptic, and EO Churches.
What makes you think Catholicism is based on Augustine?
He is their top Church Father.
That was in the 5th century.
What do you think Catholics believed before that?
Same as the entire Christian Church.
Or what do you think they believe that Augustine believed?
He has produced many books and articles that are widely accessible.
MT....we protestants bunch up too. It's happened to me many times.
It happened on this very forum just a couple of days ago...
but I don't mind...when I'm certain about something, I don't mind the degating.
Debating....not arguing. If it turns into an argument,,,I just stop.

Catholics are not very knowledgable and what they know comes from the bible, the catechism of the Catholic church
and some of it comes from saints that have written about their experiences.

I DO also believe the early church fathers when I need to know something..
they were taught by the Apostles and surely know more than those on YouTube
In truth I am sometimes guilty of that here also, but by bunching up I speak of having been at the bottom of the pile, all alone and they jumped all over me like Philly did to Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl.

And like him in that game... it has happened more then once and will again I am sure.
Sam Shamoun is not Catholic unless something happened very recently.
I believe he's of the Coptic church.
Usually when people say Catholic...they mean of the Roman rite.
But, like I said, he might have changed.
Did you not read:
He changed his faith/teachings more than my teenaged granddaughter changes clothes, which is several times a day.
Tomorrow, who knows what he may be calling himself, and who really cares, God does not.
they jumped all over me like Philly did to Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl.
I am sure you were dancing all over your sunroom, or wherever you have your TV when Philly won. Do you have any video so I get a good laugh? I'm glad they won. they had two Clemson players on their team, and that's were some of my children went and grandchildren and some still there. Of course having so many grandchildren, they have gone to many different universities, but since we live so close to their campus, we pull for wife worked on the campus for AT&T taking care of only Clemson ~all of it, the whole area. She does not even like sport enough to sit down and watch it with me. :( but, she will watch golf and the Master is coming soon, been to a few of them, there when Tiger won his first major.
I am sure you were dancing all over your sunroom, or wherever you have your TV when Philly won. Do you have any video so I get a good laugh? I'm glad they won. they had two Clemson players on their team, and that's were some of my children went and grandchildren and some still there. Of course having so many grandchildren, they have gone to many different universities, but since we live so close to their campus, we pull for wife worked on the campus for AT&T taking care of only Clemson ~all of it, the whole area. She does not even like sport enough to sit down and watch it with me. :( but, she will watch golf and the Master is coming soon, been to a few of them, there when Tiger won his first major.
Hey, KC Fan all the way here... When the Steelers are not playing.

Philly I dislike almost as much as Baltimore and Cleveland. They play dirty... all three of them.
He says he's Catholic and he's friendly to the Assyrian, Coptic, and EO Churches.

He is their top Church Father.

Same as the entire Christian Church.

He has produced many books and articles that are widely accessible.
Oh. So I should read all this books?!

Thomas Acquinas would be the top Catholic scholar/theologian.
Augustine also because of his brain power...
but the CC teaches free will, which Augustine did not.
Augustine taught that God predestinates who will be saved,,,the CC does not.
Augustine taught that babies go to hell if they're not baptized because of PERSONAL SIN...
the CC does not teach this.

Can't think of anything else right now.
In truth I am sometimes guilty of that here also, but by bunching up I speak of having been at the bottom of the pile, all alone and they jumped all over me like Philly did to Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl.

And like him in that game... it has happened more then once and will again I am sure.
Stick up for your rights!!
Did you not read:

Tomorrow, who knows what he may be calling himself, and who really cares, God does not.
Yes....he does change a lot.
But he studies a lot and has been studying the Early Church Fathers and this does change one's perspective.
It happened to me too.

I hope you mean that God doesn't care because He'll accept those that
believe and obey....
Which I think is all we need to be saved.
Who gave them that "fallen nature" to begin with?
synergy, I do not know you, so it's hard to answer you.. If you are asking in sincerity no problem on how to address you question; if you are mocking, then you do nor even deserve the time of day from God's children.

John 18:37,38​

“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all."

Pilate was looking at the truth, the way, and the life, and it meant nothing to him, and neither was it ever revealed unto him as far as we know.
Who gave them that "fallen nature" to begin with?
You should know, ask the father of your religion and see if he will tell you, he's probably laughing at your ignorance that he gave to your father (and mine) Adam.
As many as the Lord our God shall call among each" to do what with their "fallen nature"?
Those that The Lord God called out of darkness into his marvelous light, he created a new nature within them, and left the old Adamic nature (this body of sin and death) along. It is worthless, sinful and at enmity against God. I could go into depth, but the knowledge of this is above fools, who are more than satisfied eating the crumbs that fall from the children of light table, and rightly so.

Hey, KC Fan all the way here... When the Steelers are not playing.

Philly I dislike almost as much as Baltimore and Cleveland. They play dirty... all three of them.
Oh I see, I assumed because you were from Pitt., PA, that you were pulling for Philly~I do not blame you, I no dancing video this time. I would had love to see a old women dancing. :) Like that TV commercial that's on TV now, have you seen it? Sherry and I laugh time we see it, it comes on Fox News.
Oh. So I should read all this books?!

Thomas Acquinas would be the top Catholic scholar/theologian.
Augustine also because of his brain power...
but the CC teaches free will, which Augustine did not.
Augustine taught that God predestinates who will be saved,,,the CC does not.
Augustine taught that babies go to hell if they're not baptized because of PERSONAL SIN...
the CC does not teach this.

Can't think of anything else right now.
Ok. I guess that's why Sam doesn't mention Augustine that much in his Catholic talks. Augustine reminds him of his Calvinist days. Lol.
Ok. I guess that's why Sam doesn't mention Augustine that much in his Catholic talks. Augustine reminds him of his Calvinist days. Lol.
Calvin loved Augustine and got his ideas from him.
Augustine started out OK when he decided to become Catholic.
But he couldn't leave behind 10 years of being in a gnostic cult.
He was a manichaen.
This cause him to change his mind about free will and returned to
believing that man has no free will.
No free will is going to lead to all the other points of TULIP.
synergy, I do not know you, so it's hard to answer you.. If you are asking in sincerity no problem on how to address you question; if you are mocking, then you do nor even deserve the time of day from God's children.

John 18:37,38​

“Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all."

Pilate was looking at the truth, the way, and the life, and it meant nothing to him, and neither was it ever revealed unto him as far as we know.

You should know, ask the father of your religion and see if he will tell you, he's probably laughing at your ignorance that he gave to your father (and mine) Adam.

Those that The Lord God called out of darkness into his marvelous light, he created a new nature within them, and left the old Adamic nature (this body of sin and death) along. It is worthless, sinful and at enmity against God. I could go into depth, but the knowledge of this is above fools, who are more than satisfied eating the crumbs that fall from the children of light table, and rightly so.

Wow Red Baker....
Actually @synergy is asking a question that is not easy to answer
and which doesn't really have an answer.

Here it is again:
Why did Adam sin if the sin nature, caused by sin, had not entered into the world yet?

See. It's a vicious circle.
If you think you know the answer...let us have it.
Sam Shamoun is not Catholic unless something happened very recently.
I believe he's of the Coptic church.
Usually when people say Catholic...they mean of the Roman rite.
But, like I said, he might have changed.
Here is where Sam tells us the story of how he ended up in the Catholic Church:

Wow Red Baker....
Actually @synergy is asking a question that is not easy to answer
and which doesn't really have an answer.

Here it is again:
Why did Adam sin if the sin nature, caused by sin, had not entered into the world yet?
Greetings GodGrace.,

That's not what he asked:
Who gave them that "fallen nature" to begin with?
Who gave them their fallen nature? with no explanation as to what he meant by nine words. Now you came and presented it is a totally different format of a question, which I do not mind addressing at all and have more than once even on this forum.
Here it is again:
Why did Adam sin if the sin nature, caused by sin, had not entered into the world yet?

See. It's a vicious circle.
If you think you know the answer...let us have it.
A vicious circle assuming you mean: is a negative chain of events that reinforces itself, with no obvious way to stop it. Correct?

You are assuming (but GodGrace, you are not alone) a position that's not taught in the word of God, pure and simple, not too deep to follow, if one is looking and trusting in the scriptures alone for their bible answer than it is right before their eyes. You said:

"Why did Adam sin if the sin nature" ...........God created Adam after his image, in true holiness/upright, with (spiritual) wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, this we know by knowing what the new birth consist of when we are recreate after the image of Jesus Christ. See Ephesians 4:20-24; Colossians 3:9,10; etc.

So Adam had no sin nature to deal with as we all do~Children of God have a dual nature (the old and new man) that is at constant war with each other.

"caused by sin"...............So I'm making sure I'm following you correctly ~ so are you saying the sin nature was caused by sin? Which is correct and that puts us on the same agreement so far, correct?

"had not entered into the world yet?" Here is where this is no vicious circle. God created Adam after his own image and placed him in a beautiful garden with all he needed to live happy and very contended, with a beautiful wife well favored, I'm sure since she came directly from hands of Infinite wisdom, unlimited createability that we see in creation itself, we can only imagine in our wildest dreams, she did not roll out of some local beauty parlor, that puts all fake beauty on women, Eve was the read deal as we would say.

God gave them only one simple commandment to do, yet what he did not do, was to secure them in the state in which they were created, he left them to the power of their own will, (as he did the the angels that kept not their first estate). This is the first covenant at work, the covenant of work......."This do and live, sin and die". God was not under obligation to secured them by any oath or promises as the New Covenant is built upon, but not the first with our first parents.

So there, the vicious circle as you called is broken with Genesis 3:15 promised and enlarge upon through the everlasting covenant gradually made know to us through covenants made with men in the scriptures beginning with Noah, then Abraham, to David, to Christ the head of the covenant of grace with all of his elect members of his body.
Calvin loved Augustine and got his ideas from him.
Augustine started out OK when he decided to become Catholic.
Calvin highly respected Augustine would be a better way of saying this. He disagree with him on quite few positions. But, I'm no experts on either of hem even though I have read more from Calvin than Augustine. Augustine's work on Revelation 20 is way ahead of his time and truly one of the best out there to read. I do not think Calvin wrote very much on end time prophecy if he did I have yet to locate any.
Augustine started out OK when he decided to become Catholic.
Augustine was no Catholic, he refer to the Catholic Church not as we think of the Catholic church today, it used it in its true meaning, meaning Universal church world wide. but he would have in no way supported what that whore teaches. The Catholic church took some of his writings and twisted it to make folks taht he was part of them when nothing could be farther from the truth. He retracted some of his earlier teaching to his own sorrow. I would be very careful not to slander his character, not saying you are, but men look for faults in others more than the good they did.

Infant baptism is a lie, and for the life of me, I do not see how some of the great men of God gave in to false teaching, but they did, which only shows me, that we should not put our full trust in any man, but totally follow scriptures.
returned to
believing that man has no free will.
No free will is going to lead to all the other points of TULIP.
Augustine like all of God's children from the Apostles down to us, we gradually get converted with more understanding and knowledge as we grow in grace as we all should.

As far as free will, man lost God's image of the power to have spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding which allows our wills to submit to the word of God, man was taken captive by sin and the Devil himself, and only the new birth sets one free again, but "not" until then! No such thing as free will to do righteous acts toward God in our fallen nature, impossible.
God gave them only one simple commandment to do, yet what he did not do, was to secure them in the state in which they were created, he left them to the power of their own will, (as he did the the angels that kept not their first estate).
You're now conceding that man's will factors into his salvation. In other words, salvation is not monergistic, it is synergistic
This is the first covenant at work, the covenant of work......."This do and live, sin and die". God was not under obligation to secured them by any oath or promises as the New Covenant is built upon, but not the first with our first parents.
What exactly are you promoting here with your "covenant of works" statement? How is that any different than the 10 Commandments Covenant?
So there, the vicious circle as you called is broken with Genesis 3:15 promised and enlarge upon through the everlasting covenant gradually made know to us through covenants made with men in the scriptures beginning with Noah, then Abraham, to David, to Christ the head of the covenant of grace with all of his elect members of his body.
Thanks for confirming that the vicious circle is broken by man's will. That's all I needed to know
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Oh. So I should read all this books?!

Thomas Acquinas would be the top Catholic scholar/theologian.
Augustine also because of his brain power...
but the CC teaches free will, which Augustine did not.
Augustine taught that God predestinates who will be saved,,,the CC does not.
Augustine taught that babies go to hell if they're not baptized because of PERSONAL SIN...
the CC does not teach this.

No, but just like some protestant churches they baptize babies for some reason.
Can't think of anything else right now.
Oh I see, I assumed because you were from Pitt., PA, that you were pulling for Philly~I do not blame you, I no dancing video this time. I would had love to see a old women dancing. :) Like that TV commercial that's on TV now, have you seen it? Sherry and I laugh time we see it, it comes on Fox News.
Nope. Opposite end of the state and bitter lrivals.

This year they played the Steelers which is rare and trounced the Steelers like they did KC.

Yes, it is a funny one for sure.
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