Do we have any Catholics here?

If not how can we get some here does anybody have any ideas? I think it would be great to have this part of the Forum become more active.
I enjoy Sam Shamoun's online videos. He is Catholic. The main problem i have with Catholicism in general is the fact that its main foundation is based on Augustine's teachings. I often wondered what Catholicism would look like if someone could surgically remove Augustine's teachings from that faith. That would be fascinating.

One day I might call Sam on one of his live online sessions and ask him about Augustine.
it is Paul telling you to “ stay true to tradition we taught you” and “ the pillar and foundation of truth is the church”

You think Jesuswould allow his church to go off the rails in one generation?

You have so far dodged the question on meaning.
Its clear what the disciples of John said John meant. They got it from John. He got it from Jesus.

So read ignatius to smyrneans.
The eucharist is of the real flesh valid only if presided by bishop in succession!!
How can that be without a succession?
If your eucharist is not of that form , it’s not the early church .

As a history lesson to prove it , a misunderatnsing on transubstantiationi iswhy romans thought Christian’s were cannibals! “ eating the flesh”

There are clear references to appointment of successors and that the office of “keys “ was a succession office.
Moses seat out lasted Moses In the OT

So why do you think your opinion of scripture trumps what the disciples taught.

believe what you will.
Im justifying what we believe, not asking you to join.

Why don’t you accept the gospel of James? There’s no proof it wasnt written by apostle James.
Why don’t you accept the first canon of scripture, which was outlawed by the church!! If you don’t accept the church authority.
Why don’t you accept maccabees? It was in the Septuagint Jesus quoted.
Do you get to decide your own canon Like Luther did?

Most protestant positions including non denom fall apart on cscrutiny of history. And authority to decide,
But even you were not totally held together once differences began.

There are numerous Orthodox churches, primarily divided into two main groups: Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy. The Eastern Orthodox Church consists of 14 autocephalous churches, including the Russian Orthodox Church and the Greek Orthodox Church, among others, while the Oriental Orthodox Churches include groups like the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Armenian Orthodox Church.

So "THE Church" had those who fell away.

There never will be agreement. It is all in the perception of what one reads .

If I ask you how you get to four.... you might say 1 +3 = 4 when I will be dogmatic that it is 2 +2 =4 and yet another might say we are both wrong... the correct answer is 10- 6 = 4.

Scripture is the only. ONLY, "WORD" that all should follow. But when even Nicodemus could not understand what Jesus was explaining how many others read an are clueless. You might say that is why you need a Pries or I might need a Minister to interpret.

That in good advice until the next Priest teaches slightly different in a sermon or Mass. Same with a Minister.

I will say this though...

I attended a (possible) healing service by a priest a couple of years ago. Saw people slain in the spirit and the entire works. (including my friend)

I also attended the year previously a healing Billy Burke (Katheryn Kuhlman protégé) (have been to 2 of his) and ironically they were fairly spot on with the priests... People slain in the spirit...

I will finish with my thoughts on James. James is too works oriented for my understanding.

I hang my hat on Eph 2:8-9

Catholic Public Domain Version
8. For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not of yourselves, for it is a gift of God.

Catholic Public Domain Version
9. And this is not of works, so that no one may glory.
I enjoy Sam Shamoun's online videos. He is Catholic. The main problem i have with Catholicism in general is the fact that its main foundation is based on Augustine's teachings. I often wondered what Catholicism would look like if someone could surgically remove Augustine's teachings from that faith. That would be fascinating.

One day I might call Sam on one of his live online sessions and ask him about Augustine.
When did Sam become a Catholic
No I wish we did. If anyone knows some Catholics who would enjoy a place where they don’t get mocked or made fun of please invite them. I would like to see a healthy place for them to debate with Protestants, Unitarians, Oneness and people from other faiths.
There are some godly Catholics, just not in their leadership!
When did Sam become a Catholic
I'm not sure exactly when. I began following him about a decade ago when he was and still is the best apologist against Islam. I didn't take notice of what Christian denomination he was in at that time. I was just amazed at what a great apologist against Islam he was and still is. Anyways, as I continued to view his videos I noticed he started to make Catholic videos. Now that was interesting. I actually enjoy his videos. He rarely talks about Augustine which is probably why I enjoy his talks. I might call him up one night and ask him about Augustine in a friendly way.
Sam is quite a brilliant person.
I have no doubt that he is.
In which teaching/faith do you think he will end up in?
At the rate he's going, he's going to try them all, and the last one he's invoked with, when dead comes calling, will be the one, so, it's anyone guess.

Matthew 11:25​

“At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.”

Most likely it will not be the true religion of Jesus Christ, for that comes by divine revelation, not through/by man's intelligent
I have no doubt that he is.

At the rate he's going, he's going to try them all, and the last one he's invoked with, when dead comes calling, will be the one, so, it's anyone guess.
Personally, I would rather examine all faiths than to stick with just the faith I was born in. You might have a different opinion. Our free choice is given to us as a gift for us to make proper use of.
You have a YouTube channed?
Is it called Dizerner?

What do you discuss?
I had a channel until they started deleting my posts - I, a former RCC, talked at length to a young man called 'lightninlad' and after some time he informed me I was not qualified to "teach" him because I was not a "bishop" or higher in his church.

I then wondered what made him qualified to teach me???

Go figure.
Personally, I would rather examine all faiths than to stick with just the faith I was born in. You might have a different opinion. Our free choice is given to us as a gift for us to make proper use of.
I was born a Lutheran baptized and confirmed as a teenager. I would never return to them. :)
Ahhh, so Muslims are exercising their gift of free choice but in a wrong way, is that right?
They are doing so according to the only nature they have~Adam's fallen nature that's at enmity against the God of the Israel of God ~ Jews and Gentiles, as many as the Lord our God shall call among each.
Truer words are rarely spoken.

I engage with some RCC folks in another forum but always wish I hadn't as things get rolling along.
Of course my belief that Mary was not a perpetual virgin did not help or my belief the elements in communion do not become actual flesh and blood either..

This example shows how ingrained their beliefs are in themselves. I have a relative who grew up Catholic and his first marriage was following the church. After a divorce he became less and less involved, but never found another church that suited him.... not even after he remarried.

Of course, being divorced he really is no longer Catholic. Could not receive.. or should not... last rites, and cannot take Holy Communion....
But he will attend mass... (without his current wife) ... and follows an online Catholic something every morning... because, as he tells me... "They are the one true church".

Not long ago we were sitting in the kitchen and I had been talking to his wife... and when he came into the room I mentioned a couple of things from the bible to use as example of things that get debated on some of these forums...

He was clueless one way or the other... and I simply told him they are in HIS bible go look them up. (Dont remember the specifics) and his wife is pretty clueless also....

The next visit he asked me if I was still on the forums and I said yes.... LOL View attachment 1413 he told me I better stop because it was dangerous.... shame on you you dangerous people.........

Have not said a thing to him about anything religious since. View attachment 1414

But I am up to engage if any join. If one joins there will be more. I have learned that they rarely debate one on one for long, and it is not like when we might stick our 2 cents worth into someone else's conversation... they tend to bunch up View attachment 1415 (safety in numbers???)
MT....we protestants bunch up too. It's happened to me many times.
It happened on this very forum just a couple of days ago...
but I don't mind...when I'm certain about something, I don't mind the degating.
Debating....not arguing. If it turns into an argument,,,I just stop.

Catholics are not very knowledgable and what they know comes from the bible, the catechism of the Catholic church
and some of it comes from saints that have written about their experiences.

I DO also believe the early church fathers when I need to know something..
they were taught by the Apostles and surely know more than those on YouTube.
I enjoy Sam Shamoun's online videos. He is Catholic. The main problem i have with Catholicism in general is the fact that its main foundation is based on Augustine's teachings. I often wondered what Catholicism would look like if someone could surgically remove Augustine's teachings from that faith. That would be fascinating.

One day I might call Sam on one of his live online sessions and ask him about Augustine.
Sam Shamoun is not Catholic unless something happened very recently.
I believe he's of the Coptic church.
Usually when people say Catholic...they mean of the Roman rite.
But, like I said, he might have changed.

What makes you think Catholicism is based on Augustine?
That was in the 5th century.
What do you think Catholics believed before that?

Or what do you think they believe that Augustine believed?
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