Satan's (and our) free will was based upon knowledge...please bear with me.
1. GOD knows fully and completely everything HE creates as He is omniscient.
2. GOD, by HIS omniscience, knows fully and completely every possible permutation of change as a possibility.
3. When GOD decreed our ability to make a true free will choice, HE did not decree the outcome of that choice or we were choosing by HIS will, not our own will. GOD did NOT choose for some to have faith and others to never believe and so be condemned. These things happened by the real, true choice of the individual.
4. Therefore, before each true free will choice was made, HE did not know as fact what choice each person would make but only each possibility. This is h HowE did not create those who would end in hell, a creative act HE could never have made.
5. Therefore some people might choose to become HIS eternal enemies fit only for hell against HIS desires but HE did not "create them damned" because He did not know in fact what they would choose but only every possibility.
6. Therefore by omniscience He could not save anyone from hell by not creating them because free will decisions were not decreed as to which known possibility would be chosen.
Pre-Conception Existence theology also contends that proof destroys the true free will choice. Not all free will but for that choice, yes.
If I tell you that a door leads to death but another leads to life and that you must choose one, do you have a real choice? Not really...without more information you merely have a total guess. That is what TRUE means in a true free will must be a real choice, not an uninformed guess from ignorance.
If I spend enough time with you for you to learn to trust me and to know that I am a person of much knowledge and I tell you that behind the first door, the one right there on the left, has a tiger behind it and if you open it, the tiger will kill you; then you have a choice to believe me or trust me or not but you have some knowledge about the situation so you are not blindly guessing anymore.
BUT if I open the doors a peek and let you see the tiger behind one door and a path to freedom behind the other door, do you still have a free choice? No you do not - the proof of the tiger impinges your self interest so that you are constrained to choose the door to freedom and since the FREE of free will means uncoerced, this choice has no free will in it.
Proof coerces our will to choose in our best self interest, not that which we might otherwise have chosen for ourselves.
I contend that in the true free will choice to accept GOD's purpose for our creation and receive HIS free gift of election backed by the gospel promise of salvation if we should ever choose to be evil in HIS sight (the path to freedom)
to reject HIS purpose for their creation and thereby put themselves outside of HIS will forever by self creating themselves as the eternal enemies of GOD, (the tiger),
that once HE proved HIS divinity and power by the creation of the physical universe before all our eyes (as per Romans 1:20) and every knee did bow and every voice did sing HIS praise, Job 38:7, that no more free will decisions could be made about HIS divinity nor our relationship with HIM as the proof HE was GOD now controlled all our choices by our self interest, not by free will.
AS well, the true free will of some of the elect was seriously damaged and destroyed by their choosing to become sinful in HIS sight over the damnation of HIS eternal enemies, as implied in the parable of the wheat and the tares, rendering them slaves to sin, completely addicted to sin and without a free will of their own.
Therefore when GOD made the earth for them to live to learn about sin and to learn to hate it, HE gave us programmed lives to live down here, restraining our sins and the sins of the non-elect by HIS grace while HE brought us to redemption in the blood of HIS Son and sanctification to holiness in the Spirit.
HE did not program every choice we make. No free will does not mean no ability to choose but manages our choices for us so we can learn the great lesson of all life - to hate evil and to choose only the good.
In context here, I suggest it was imperative that everyone choosing to put their faith in YHWH's claims or to reject HIM as a liar and therefore a false god had to have a perfect understanding of what these claims entailed and chose where to put their faith based purely on the kind of reality they wished to live in... Since Faith is an unproven hope, all faith decisions for or against HIM were unproven and reflected only the deepest desire of the individual, NOT the desires of GOD HIMself. And when we all saw the proof of HIS divinity and eternal power when HE created the physical universe before our eyes, Job 38:7, our self chosen fates were sealed for eternity.