John Calvinism : TULIP> The Five Points :: SATANS's Masterpiece Theology


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Hebrews 13:9 says that if you dont get your "HEART" established with Grace, then a man-made theology that is demonically inspired will capture your mind and you will become a part of it.

This is inescapable, and that is why you have 45,000 "christian" denominations in the world, including one obviously false one that claims to be the "true church" that teaches complete anti-NT nonsense regarding the Communion and Mary and Water Baptism.

So, what is left?
What is left is the Truth, as its always the Truth that stands up, once you understand how to SEE what isn't true, regarding false doctrine, heresy, and cults.

Now Lets look at Satan's Master Work, that is John Calvinism, or "TULIP">. "Hyper Calvinism".

I want to show the reader who is not yet become a victim of this demonic theological plague on the Body of Christ, how to avoid it.

Now, like all Cult Demonic Theologies........Calvinism is literally erected on about 3-4 verses out of the entire NT that are the CORE warped Theology regarding this "Doctrine of Devils"., with one being the absolute foundation regarding this Cult theology.

I will show you the MAIN offender, later in this Thread... as its twisted by John Calvinists, and once you see this, then the people who live on Forums to try to Sell you their demonic Calvinism, (or from Pulpits)... wont be able to deceive you.
First let me lay some theological and spiritual groundwork.


John Calvin, was a very poor bible student.. And Here is how He Created Calvinism.. with the help of a Demon.

John Calvin did not understand that the "Foreknowledge" Of God,... is simply and only that God knows everything before it happens next.
So, what Calvin did, is he redefined "God's Foreknowledge", as "God pre-destines everything".
See that?
That is the core ROT, the complete twisting of ONE Concept in the NT.. that Calvin abuses to create all of his false Theology.
What He did was RE-DEFINE... "God's KNOWING Everything before it happens next".. .as = "GOD CAUSING it, all, to happen next".
See that TWIST on the definition?
Calvin redefined "KNOWING all" into "PRE-Destining All", and from that demonic redefining.. Calvin and the evolutionist's of Calvin's doctrine.... just kept on going, kept on twisting verses, and eventually made it even more Cross Denying and Satanic, as the finalized end result : HYPER-Calvinism. "TULIP". "the Five Points" of Calvinism.

A.) Calvin redefined God "KNOWING all" as God Causing All. And that is redefining "God's Foreknowing all"... as "predestining all" or "God's sovereignty"... And then they also falsely teach that you have no Free Will, as by teaching that = they can finalize their false doctrine like this...

Because you have no Free will, and because God pre-destines everything....then you :

1.) Will be Chosen, to believe......vs, you giving God your Faith.

2.). You are caused to become a Christian, and you have no CHOICE

3.) Some of you are chosen by God.. to go to Hell and then burn in the Lake of Fire. (You are not allowed to Trust in Christ).

See those 3 lies?
They are ALL created by redefining "Foreknowledge".. as "pre-destined".. and then they remove your free will, so that their doctrine of devil's seems to all work together.
Yet, its all just a clever lie.. a terribly clever lie that insults God's Grace and Convicts God of being Evil, while denying The Cross, also.

Now, i want to show you the Hyper Calvinism verse from Romans... that they will use against the Truth to try to to prove that some people are born to be refused God's Son's Salvation.
And that is the most Satanic part of Calvinism.........because it Denies The Cross.

Reader.....Here is part of the verse that the Deceived Calvinist will try to use to try to falsely prove that God wont allow some people to trust in Christ.

First You must read this Verse., to get the CONTEXT of the Hyper Calvinist verse that i'll show you, down below.

John 3:36.

Pull it up.. do a search... open a BIBLE.. .and use the KJV if possible.

These are unbelievers, who are under God's Wrath.... UNTIL they trust in Christ.
So, understand that the wrath of God..... is ON every unbeliever, until they trust in Christ and are rescued from Damnation.
And here is the thing about this situation......Its God's LONG-SUFFERING that is why these who are "under damnation" are given more time.
God is "not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance... = Believe in Jesus".
See that?
God would that "ALL"...........believe in Jesus.

So, keeping that in mind.. that ALL UNBELIEVERS are under God's Wrath,...John 3:36.... until they Trust in Christ and are DELIVERED from that Wrath... now look at this partial verse.. that John Calvinist's twist, abuse, misuse, and lie about...on Forums, and from Pulpits, and on TV, and in commentaries and in books.

1.) "The Vessels fitted for Destruction.."""'

So, that says that someone is "fitted for destruction".
Now that Destruction, is that they will end up in HELL.......that is the Destruction.. its "Eternal Damnation".
Now, John 3:36, just told you, who these Vessels are, and why they are under God's Wrath..... UNTIL.......What??? ??????????????????????
Until they Trust in Christ....and are rescued... REDEEMED from Eternal Judgement. Delivered from God's Wrath.

So, those are the "fitted ones"...the "Vessels"......Who are ALL under God's "Vessels fitted for Damnation"... UNTIL THEY DO WHAT? ???

A.) Believe in Jesus.

So, that verse is saying this.....>>"every one of us....You, me.. us ALL.....were under the wrath of God.. because of our unbelief, until we trusted in Christ" and were SAVED from that Eternal Wrath.
We, ALL of us, were the "vessels fitted for Destruction" and not because we were "chosen" to go to Hell, as LYING JOHN CALVINISM Taught its deceived Disciples to believe.

See that?
That is very easy understand, because its TRUE.

Now, let me show you Calvin's LIE.. the LIE OF Hyper-Calvinism.

This Lie is simply that some are chosen by God, to never be able to believe in Jesus.. so they are CAUSED by GOD to end up as the "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. according to LYING JOHN CALVINISM.
See that Lie?
And that Satanic Theology... is created by changing "Foreknowledge" into "pre-destined". And then Hyper-Calvinism refines this lie by teaching that because you have no Free Will, you can't of yourself trust in Christ.
So, lying Hyper Calvinism, has you ... pre-destined to be a """ Vessel fitted for Destruction"", by eliminating your free will, by changing "God's Foreknowledge" into "God predestined everything".. that you now become predestined to go to Hell, and have no Free will to believe in Christ.
So, this ends up as God choosing you for Hell, and that is unbelievably Satanic, as a Theology, as it denies that Jesus died for everyone..John 3:16... and then Blames God for it.

A.) = That is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as a Theology.

Now let me show you the most important part of the "vessels fitted" verse so that a Calvinist can't deceive you with it.
The Romans verse says... that God has "long-suffering" toward these "Vessels".
And that is related to this verse...found in 2 Peter

Notice it carefully.

""""The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING toward us, not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.""""""

See that? That verse is written to every unbeliever........ALL of them..,
and we were ALL that at one time.........ALL of us... every person.
And when you read the "vessels fitted for Destruction".. it says the same thing.....that God is "" LONGSUFFERING toward them...""

So, reader, THINK......= if these "vessels fitted destruction" are Pre-Destined before they are born to go to Hell and can't Trust in Christ.... because God wont choose them..according to LYING HYPER CALVINISM.....then why is God "Long-Suffering Toward them???..= exactly as He is "longsuffering" toward "US"... in Peter's verse. ??
Its because God is not pre-destining anyone to Hell, as if He had chosen some for Hell, He would not care if they Go...He would not be "Longsuffering" toward all.....and yet, He is........longsuffering toward these "vessels fitted for detruction" because these are just UNBELIEVERS, who are in John 3:36. And, READER.... that was ALL OF US.. until we were Saved. We were ALL the "vessels fitted for destruction" until we TRUSTED IN CHRIST..

= No one is pre-destined for Hell.
= No one is pre-destined to not be able to trust in Christ.


God is not a Calvinist.
Jesus is not a Calvinist.

Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism, is a Cross Denying SATANIC Theology.

God creates : Christians

John Calvinism, is a ""Doctrine of Devils"", Hebrews 13:9...... and His deceived Disciples feel a inner compulsion, an obsession to try lead you to believe it, and become one.
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1.) "The Vessels fitted for Destruction.."""'

So, that says that someone is "fitted for destruction".
Now that Destruction, is that they will end up in HELL.......that is the Destruction.. its "Eternal Damnation".
Now, John 3:36, just told you, who these Vessels are, and why they are under God's Wrath..... UNTIL.......What??? ??????????????????????
Until they Trust in Christ....and are rescued... REDEEMED from Eternal Judgement. Delivered from God's Wrath.

So, those are the "fitted ones"...the "Vessels"......Who are ALL under God's "Vessels fitted for Damnation"... UNTIL THEY DO WHAT? ???

A.) Believe in Jesus.

So, that verse is saying this.....>>"every one of us....You, me.. us ALL.....were under the wrath of God.. because of our unbelief, until we trusted in Christ" and were SAVED from that Eternal Wrath.
We, ALL of us, were the "vessels fitted for Destruction" and not because we were "chosen" to go to Hell, as LYING JOHN CALVINISM Taught its deceived Disciples to believe.

See that?
That is very easy understand, because its TRUE.

Now, let me show you Calvin's LIE.. the LIE OF Hyper-Calvinism.

This Lie is simply that some are chosen by God, to never be able to believe in Jesus.. so they are CAUSED by GOD to end up as the "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. according to LYING JOHN CALVINISM.
See that Lie?
And that Satanic Theology... is created by changing "Foreknowledge" into "pre-destined". And then Hyper-Calvinism refines this lie by teaching that because you have no Free Will, you can't of yourself trust in Christ.
So, lying Hyper Calvinism, has you ... pre-destined to be a """ Vessel fitted for Destruction"", by eliminating your free will, by changing "God's Foreknowledge" into "God predestined everything".. that you now become predestined to go to Hell, and have no Free will to believe in Christ.
So, this ends up as God choosing you for Hell, and that is unbelievably Satanic, as a Theology, as it denies that Jesus died for everyone..John 3:16... and then Blames God for it.

A.) = That is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as a Theology.

Now let me show you the most important part of the "vessels fitted" verse so that a Calvinist can't deceive you with it.
The Romans verse says... that God has "long-suffering" toward these "Vessels".
And that is related to this verse...found in 2 Peter

Notice it carefully.

""""The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING toward us, not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.""""""

See that? That verse is written to every unbeliever........ALL of them..,
and we were ALL that at one time.........ALL of us... every person.
And when you read the "vessels fitted for Destruction".. it says the same thing.....that God is "" LONGSUFFERING toward them...""

So, reader, THINK......= if these "vessels fitted destruction" are Pre-Destined before they are born to go to Hell and can't Trust in Christ.... because God wont choose them..according to LYING HYPER CALVINISM.....then why is God "Long-Suffering Toward them???..= exactly as He is "longsuffering" toward "US"... in Peter's verse. ??
Its because God is not pre-destining anyone to Hell, as if He had chosen some for Hell, He would not care if they Go...He would not be "Longsuffering" toward all.....and yet, He is........longsuffering toward these "vessels fitted for detruction" because these are just UNBELIEVERS, who are in John 3:36. And, READER.... that was ALL OF US.. until we were Saved. We were ALL the "vessels fitted for destruction" until we TRUSTED IN CHRIST..

= No one is pre-destined for Hell.
= No one is pre-destined to not be able to trust in Christ.


God is not a Calvinist.
Jesus is not a Calvinist.

Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism, is a Cross Denying SATANIC Theology.

God creates : Christians

John Calvinism, is a ""Doctrine of Devils"", Hebrews 13:9...... and His deceived Disciples feel a inner compulsion, an obsession to try lead you to believe it, and become one.
"Since God chose His own in eternity past; and, since He grants repentance and faith needed in order to come to Him; and, since all He has chosen will, in fact, come to Him and all who come to Him are eternally secure; then, it follows that man isn’t involved in salvation." And IF that were the case why share the gospel?

Calvinism is a low view of the gospel. The gospel literally means “the good news.” How can you share the good news to the non-elect?

This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.

The message Jesus' disciples preached to the world was that all who put their faith in Jesus will receive the grace of God.

God will take Jesus' death on the cross as payment for the sins of those who believe and will give them credit for the perfectly righteous life Jesus has lived.

In short, the good news is that all who accept Christ are welcome in the kingdom of heaven through faith in the Son of God.

Hebrews 13:9 says that if you dont get your "HEART" established with Grace, then a man-made theology that is demonically inspired will capture your mind and you will become a part of it.

This is inescapable, and that is why you have 45,000 "christian" denominations in the world, and one false one that claims to be the "true church" that teaches complete anti-NT nonsense regarding the Communion and Mary and Water Baptism.

So, what is left?
What is left is the Truth, as its always the Truth that stands up, once you understand how to SEE what isn't true, regarding false doctrine, heresy, and cults.

Now Lets look at Satan's Master Work, that is John Calvinism, or "TULIP">. "Hyper Calvinism".

I want to show the reader who is not yet become a victim of this demonic theological plague on the Body of Christ, how to avoid it.

Now, like all Cult Demonic Theologies........Calvinism is literally erected on about 3-4 verses out of the entire NT that are the CORE warped Theology regarding this "Doctrine of Devils"., with one being the absolute foundation regarding this Cult theology.

I will show you the MAIN offender, later in this Thread... as its twisted by John Calvinists, and once you see this, then the people who live on Forums to try to Sell you their demonic Calvinism, (or from Pulpits)... wont be able to deceive you.
First let me lay some theological and spiritual groundwork.


John Calvin, was a very poor bible student.. And Here is how He Created Calvinism.. with the help of a Demon.

John Calvin did not understand that the "Foreknowledge" Of God,... is simply and only that God knows everything before it happens next.
So, what Calvin did, is he redefined "God's Foreknowledge", as "God pre-destines everything".
See that?
That is the core ROT, the complete twisting of ONE Concept in the NT.. that Calvin abuses to create all of his false Theology.
What He did was RE-DEFINE... "God's KNOWING Everything before it happens next".. .as = "GOD CAUSING it, all, to happen next".
See that TWIST on the definition?
Calvin redefined "KNOWING all" into "PRE-Destining All", and from that demonic redefining.. Calvin and the evolutionist's of Calvin's doctrine.... just kept on going, kept on twisting verses, and eventually made it even more Cross Denying and Satanic, as the finalized end result : HYPER-Calvinism. "TULIP". "the Five Points" of Calvinism.

A.) Calvin redefined God "KNOWING all" as God Causing All. And that is redefining "God's Foreknowing all"... as "predestining all" or "God's sovereignty"... And then they also falsely teach that you have no Free Will, as by teaching that = they can finalize their false doctrine like this...

Because you have no Free will, and because God pre-destines everything....then you :

1.) Will be Chosen, to believe......vs, you giving God your Faith.

2.). You are caused to become a Christian, and you have no CHOICE

3.) Some of you are chosen by God.. to go to Hell and then burn in the Lake of Fire. (You are not allowed to Trust in Christ).

See those 3 lies?
They are ALL created by redefining "Foreknowledge".. as "pre-destined".. and then they remove your free will, so that their doctrine of devil's seems to all work together.
Yet, its all just a clever lie.. a terribly clever lie that insults God's Grace and Convicts God of being Evil, while denying The Cross, also.

Now, i want to show you the Hyper Calvinism verse from Romans... that they will use against the Truth to try to to prove that some people are born to be refused God's Son's Salvation.
And that is the most Satanic part of Calvinism.........because it Denies The Cross.

Reader.....Here is part of the verse that the Deceived Calvinist will try to use to try to falsely prove that God wont allow some people to trust in Christ.

First You must read this Verse., to get the CONTEXT of the Hyper Calvinist verse that i'll show you, down below.

John 3:36.

These are unbelievers, who are under God's Wrath.... UNTIL they trust in Christ.
So, understand that the wrath of God..... is ON every unbeliever, until they trust in Christ and are rescued from Damnation.
And here is the thing about this situation......Its God's LONG-SUFFERING that is why these who are "under damnation" are given more time.
God is "not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance... = Believe in Jesus".
See that?
God would that "ALL"...........believe in Jesus.

So, keeping that in mind.. that ALL UNBELIEVERS are under God's Wrath,...John 3:36.... until they Trust in Christ and are DELIVERED from that Wrath... now look at this partial verse.. that John Calvinist's twist, abuse, misuse, and lie about...on Forum, and from Pulpits, and on TV, and in commentaries and in books.

1.) "The Vessels fitted for Destruction.."""'

So, that says that someone is "fitted for destruction".
Now that Destruction, is that they will end up in HELL.......that is the Destruction.. its "Eternal Damnation".
Now, John 3:36, just told you, who these Vessels are, and why they are under God's Wrath..... UNTIL.......What??? ??????????????????????
Until they Trust in Christ....and are rescued... REDEEMED from Eternal Judgement. Delivered from God's Wrath.

So, those are the "fitted ones"...the "Vessels"......Who are ALL under God's "Vessels fitted for Damnation"... UNTIL THEY DO WHAT? ???

A.) Believe in Jesus.

So, that verse is saying this.....>>"every one of us....You, me.. us ALL.....were under the wrath of God.. because of our unbelief, until we trusted in Christ" and were SAVED from that Eternal Wrath.
We, ALL of us, were the "vessels fitted for Destruction" and not because we were "chosen" to go to Hell, as LYING JOHN CALVINISM Taught its deceived Disciples to believe.

See that?
That is very easy understand, because its TRUE.

Now, let me show you Calvin's LIE.. the LIE OF Hyper-Calvinism.

This Lie is simply that some are chosen by God, to never be able to believe in Jesus.. so they are CAUSED by GOD to end up as the "Vessels fitted for Destruction".. according to LYING JOHN CALVINISM.
See that Lie?
And that Satanic Theology... is created by changing "Foreknowledge" into "pre-destined". And then Hyper-Calvinism refines this lie by teaching that because you have no Free Will, you can't of yourself trust in Christ.
So, lying Hyper Calvinism, has you ... pre-destined to be a """ Vessel fitted for Destruction"", by eliminating your free will, by changing "God's Foreknowledge" into "God predestined everything".. that you now become predestined to go to Hell, and have no Free will to believe in Christ.
So, this ends up as God choosing you for Hell, and that is unbelievably Satanic, as a Theology, as it denies that Jesus died for everyone..John 3:16... and then Blames God for it.

A.) = That is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, as a Theology.

Now let me show you the most important part of the "vessels fitted" verse so that a Calvinist can't deceive you with it.
The Romans verse says... that God has "long-suffering" toward these "Vessels".
And that is related to this verse...found in 2 Peter

Notice it carefully.

""""The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING toward us, not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.""""""

See that? That verse is written to every unbeliever........ALL of them..,
and we were ALL that at one time.........ALL of us... every person.
And when you read the "vessels fitted for Destruction".. it says the same thing.....that God is "" LONGSUFFERING toward them...""

So, reader, THINK......= if these "vessels fitted destruction" are Pre-Destined before they are born to go to Hell and can't Trust in Christ.... because God wont choose them..according to LYING HYPER CALVINISM.....then why is God "Long-Suffering Toward them???..= exactly as He is "longsuffering" toward "US"... in Peter's verse. ??
Its because God is not pre-destining anyone to Hell, as if He had chosen some for Hell, He would not care if they Go...He would not be "Longsuffering" toward all.....and yet, He is........longsuffering toward these "vessels fitted for detruction" because these are just UNBELIEVERS, who are in John 3:36. And, READER.... that was ALL OF US.. until we were Saved. We were ALL the "vessels fitted for destruction" until we TRUSTED IN CHRIST..

= No one is pre-destined for Hell.
= No one is pre-destined to not be able to trust in Christ.


God is not a Calvinist.
Jesus is not a Calvinist.

Calvinism and Hyper Calvinism, is a Cross Denying SATANIC Theology.

God creates : Christians

John Calvinism, is a ""Doctrine of Devils"", Hebrews 13:9...... and His deceived Disciples feel a inner compulsion, an obsession to try lead you to believe it, and become one.
I'm starting to think Calvinism may not be a good fit for me.
I'm starting to think Calvinism may not be a good fit for me.

Here is Calvinism..."The Five Points" "TULIP" its unveiled and rawest state of Satanism..

1.) An unbeliever says.....>>"JESUS, please save me"........ and Jesus says....>>>"you can't ask me that, as you are not PRE-Chosen to Believe"... says Hyper-Calvinism.

2.) Another unbeliever Says....."JESUS, please save me".. and Jesus Says..>"I can't, as you are not pre-chosen to believe"... according to John Calvinism.. so "i'll see you in Hell"... as that is your pre-destined END.""

So, is that JESUS?

NO, its not Jesus..
So, whatever god....= Calvin is serving, is not the Father God who Sent Jesus to the Cross for the "sin of the World".

John 3:16

Believe it.
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Here is Calvinism..."The Five Points" "TULIP" its unveiled and rawest state of Satanism..

1.) An unbeliever says.....>>"JESUS, please save me"........ and Jesus says....>>>"you can't ask me that, as you are not PRE-Chosen to Believe"... says Hyper-Calvinism.

2.) Another unbeliever Says....."JESUS, please save me".. and Jesus Says..>"I can't, as you are not pre-chosen to believe"... according to John Calvinism.. so "i'll see you in Hell"... as that is your pre-destined END.""

So, is that JESUS?

NO, its not Jesus..
So, whatever god....= Calvin is serving, is not the Father God who Sent Jesus to the Cross for the "sin of the World".

John 3:16

Believe it.
Is the God of Calvinist the Only and True God… or is it a false god?
Is the God of Calvinist the Only and True God… or is it a false god?

The God who is responsible for our Salvation........gave it to us ALL as Christ on the Cross.

2 Peter 3:9 KJV """"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is LONGSUFFERING to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.""

"ALL".. Is John 3:16

Calvin's God, according to John Calvinism... denies The Cross to some people..
John Calvin's God refuses to allow some people to trust in Christ and be forgiven.

What does that look like in Real Life?

It looks just like this..

A sinner finds Jesus and says...>>>"Jesus , please save me".

And Jesus looks sad, and says......>>"I can't save you.. as John Calvinism wont allow you to believe in me" "you are predestined not to be able to Trust in me"......So.. "i'll see you in hell, and you mother also".
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