Calvinism is Gospel !

If Calvinism is the Gospel,
Calvinism is not the gospel, but does indeed have gospel truth, but, then again, Calvinistic teaching is different from one Calvinist, to another, just as Amenianism is different among those who would be considered such ~ according to each school of teachings on doctrine of Soteriology the branch of theology dealing with the study of salvation from sin and condemnation.

The term comes from the Greek soterion, “salvation,” and is also related to soter, “savior.” Soteriology relates to several branches of theology in that it asks who is saved, by whom, from what, and by what means.

When all such things are address by the two schools among each who teach the two school ~ diversity is seen to reign among each of them, so, no pure form of either anymore exist, or if it ever did , which we beleive it has never, since God's very elect, had a few who were truly enlightened only from the Calvinistic position, that never held to such teachings as infant baptism; the necessities of gospel mean in regeneration; free justification by the faith "of" Jesus Christ alone, as the only means...... faith by the the elect sinner, is only at best the evidence of regeneration, it is no medium by which salvation from sin and condemnation comes to the elect sinner~an error that some Calvinistic believers hold to.
then to not believe in Calvinism is to not believe in the Gospel
Without question those men and women who teach a synergistic means of salvation, with a sinner having an active part in his salvation from sin and condemnation are in error, serious error concerning the true doctrine of the free grace of God, as it relates to free justification through the redemption that is in the obedience and faith "of" Jesus Christ. Romans 3:21-24; Acts 3:16; Galatians 2:16; 2:20,21; Philippians 3:9; etc.
therefore to not be saved.
For sure they are not practically saved from error to truth, impossible ~legally speaking, yes many of them are, since salvation from sin and condemnation, one's knowledge is not a perquisite to be saved in this sense, since legally, a sinner is saved by Jesus' faith and obedience alone. The sinner's works, pro or con, are excluded altogether, in order to maintain and preach a pure gospel of the doctrine of free grace.
Are non-Calvinists therefore non-Christians?
Some are, also, some who call themselves belonging to the school of Calvinism are lost, and still in their sins ~ lip service proves nothing either way from either school. James 2:17--20.

But in closing I will add this: God, with whom we all have to give account, has strongly placed a curse upon all who preach another gospel, one that has man having an active part in, this should concern each and every person to diligently make sure that what he believes and teaches is according to the gospel of the free grace of God through his Son's acting as a surety for God's elect, and what he offered unto God for their sins was his perfect life of faith and obedience as a fulfillment of what the law of God demanded in order to freely impart eternal life to the sinner. Selah
When all such things are address by the two schools among each who teach the two school ~ diversity is seen to reign among each of them, so, no pure form of either anymore exist, or if it ever did , which we beleive it has never, since God's very elect, had a few who were truly enlightened only from the Calvinistic position, that never held to such teachings as infant baptism; the necessities of gospel mean in regeneration; free justification by the faith "of" Jesus Christ alone, as the only means...... faith by the the elect sinner, is only at best the evidence of regeneration, it is no medium by which salvation from sin and condemnation comes to the elect sinner~an error that some Calvinistic believers hold to.
I only want to make a correction by posting this.

I meant to say: "that never held to such teachings as infant baptism; the necessities of gospel mean in regeneration. (period)

They clearly taught...." free justification by the faith "of" Jesus Christ alone, as the only means...... faith by the the elect sinner, is only at best the evidence of regeneration, it is no medium by which salvation from sin and condemnation comes to the elect sinner~an error that some Calvinistic believers hold to."

By stopping the sentence where did in this short post and then making my other points was needed, so as to keep the reader from being a little confuse....sorry for the above.
If Calvinism is the Gospel, then to not believe in Calvinism is to not believe in the Gospel and therefore to not be saved.

Are non-Calvinists therefore non-Christians?

Since you said this:

Salvation from wrath is potential for all men;

Everything you say is spurious. Well now if I believe Tulip is the Gospel, and folk reject it, then draw your own conclusion
Everything you say is spurious.
What is unclear about “Salvation from wrath is potential for all men;”? What do you think I purport to say that is different from the plain meaning of the statement?

He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. 1John 2:2

…who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Tim 2:4

….who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 1Tim 4:10

What is unclear about “Salvation from wrath is potential for all men;”? What do you think I purport to say that is different from the plain meaning of the statement?

He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. 1John 2:2

…who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Tim 2:4

….who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe. 1Tim 4:10

I already told you, once you made that initial statement, all else is worthless
I already told you, once you made that initial statement, all else is worthless

John Calvin was a deceived and cruel man, who burned persons who disagreed with him, at the stake. I would be ashamed to call myself a Calvinist, just on that fact alone. But then you look at the doctrine - that's nothing to be proud of either, given it's twisting of scripture.
John Calvin was a deceived and cruel man, who burned persons who disagreed with him, at the stake. I would be ashamed to call myself a Calvinist, just on that fact alone. But then you look at the doctrine - that's nothing to be proud of either, given it's twisting of scripture.
Tulip Truth is the Gospel !
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