Well-known member
You did not quote a single verse to support your position and only alluded to one removed from the context of nations not individuals. That is called presuppositionalIsm .Well when you put it like that! But that badly distorts Calvinism and it also badly distorts God.
You see the gospel goes to all the world so it is not withheld from those millions of people. They do have the chance to escape their fate---which is the fate of us all without Christ. They don't believe the gospel when they hear it because they want nothing to do with it. They prefer their sin. It is the natural condition of all men. Something must change inside of a man before He does believe the gospel and He wants Jesus. And it is something man cannot do inside himself. He can't change his nature.
What changes is an act of God. And if you think it is unfair that He doesn't do that in everyone think again who you are dealing with and telling what is fair and unfair. He says quite plainly "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy." And Paul expounding on this says,"Who are you o man to talk back to God?" He doesn't owe anyone anything. So I would think twice before I demanded justice and instead ask for mercy.
hope this helps!!!