You seem like a nice guy. It’s just that it is a funny position to be in. One one shoulder a person who believes in fee will pretty much telling me if I don’t agree with him I’m being brainwashed. Then on my other shoulder someone who does not believe in free will is calling me of a kind and having ilks.@Administrator
Well since we stated this new forum some have not liked it and sent people here to disrupt our forum like we just witnessed with @Ladodgers6 . This is why the PM was disabled since we have nothing to hide and what can be said can be said publicly. If you disagree with me it’s my forum and that’s ok with me. I just ask we treat each other with respect . I have a moderator. I don’t like to moderate , I like to talk with all the members and discuss our differences and things we share in common .
The Arminian / Calvinist forum is always heated just like the Catholic forums are online . It’s the nature of those discussions. We are all adults and should act like adults . I don’t like to be the forum policeman . That’s not me. I wouldn’t be on a forum to do that.
And I don’t want a conflict of interest with posting and moderatoring. I’ve seen moderators who get emotional and ban people who disagree with them. So I stay away from doing that here.
Wow. I don’t know what to say.