Why Calvinism is a bad thing.


Well since we stated this new forum some have not liked it and sent people here to disrupt our forum like we just witnessed with @Ladodgers6 . This is why the PM was disabled since we have nothing to hide and what can be said can be said publicly. If you disagree with me it’s my forum and that’s ok with me. I just ask we treat each other with respect . I have a moderator. I don’t like to moderate , I like to talk with all the members and discuss our differences and things we share in common .

The Arminian / Calvinist forum is always heated just like the Catholic forums are online . It’s the nature of those discussions. We are all adults and should act like adults . I don’t like to be the forum policeman 👮‍♂️. That’s not me. I wouldn’t be on a forum to do that.

And I don’t want a conflict of interest with posting and moderatoring. I’ve seen moderators who get emotional and ban people who disagree with them. So I stay away from doing that here.
You seem like a nice guy. It’s just that it is a funny position to be in. One one shoulder a person who believes in fee will pretty much telling me if I don’t agree with him I’m being brainwashed. Then on my other shoulder someone who does not believe in free will is calling me of a kind and having ilks.

Wow. I don’t know what to say.
Just do your own research and study. You are perfectly able to think for yourself in spite of the fact that many try to do that for you. In that book I mentioned, Doctrines That Divide, it also covers the various debates on the same subject that came after Calvin and Arminius. The last big one being a man called Charles Finney.

Interestingly enough Finney began as a Presbyterian, a Reformed theology, and served as a pastor in that church. It was there, from within, that he began to dismantle the Reformed/Calvinist theology and replace it with salvation coming by free will choice rather than a supernatural rebirthing in Christ by God. Because of his efforts in the late 1800's Calvinism was declared dead. It began to revive in a big way in the early 2000's.

The efforts and methods of Finney were so successful that I believe what we are seeing today is a recap to try and kill it again. We have a people who walk awhile as Calvinist, teach as Calvinists, then have an about face with their supposed credentials behind them. That of course is only my speculation.

But the effort to destroy it again is definite and obvious and one does have to wonder why is it so important to kill it that untruths about it are propagated in order to do so.
Are you a Calvinist?
Wow I only been here a day and so far I’ve been told of my kind and ilk?
Perhaps you're being way too sensitive about the term ilk? All it means is a group who share the same way of thinking. As for me I have no problem with anyone saying I'm of a certain ilk.
Wow I only been here a day and so far I’ve been told of my kind and ilk? That I'm being brainwashed unless I agree with someone? Why attack me?
No Admin says anything?
I can see why there are only 45 members.

Hopefully something gets done about this. It’s just not right.
Give then a break they'll get there. I think this forms only been up about a week. And I'm noticing some strong opposition from someone's Forum that appears to be leaning toward the Calvinistic side. Apparently they're sending people over here from their forum just to stir up hate and discontent.
Are you a Calvinist?
Reformed. Both present the doctrines contained within the TULIP. The difference is that Calvinists for the most part have a different eschatology, the one coming from dispensationalism (which I am pretty sure Calvin was not) and Reformed being convanantal in its approach to Bible interpretation. Calvinist unless they are Reformed Calvinist are not confessional, meaning that they do not have formal confessions, such as the Westminster Confession and others. Also Calvinist Baptists do not believe in infant baptism and the Presbyterian reformed churches do.

I have never understood infant Baptism myself though I am beginning to gain some understanding. For me it is not an issue one way or the other. I began my journey in the free will camp, at age 33, as that is all I heard. It was prior to the revival of Calvinism, and was baptised shortly after. If parents want to baptize babies I have no problem with it. It is a sign of being in the Christian community and covenant as circumcision was for Israel. Neither of those signs actually saves. And Presbyterians do not believe it does. The Catholics do believe it does.
Calvin got most of his beliefs from augustine who was into gnosticism, Greek philosophy among other man made ideologies .
I am going to post the tracking of this response back to what was originally stated and you tell me in what way it relates to what was said.
Good to hear. Classical Calvinism teaches the Doctrines of Grace and Arminianism teaches a man-centered legalistic salvation which is a oxymoron.
Just the opposite. :)
How about you explain in what way it is the opposite. That would be a contribution instead of just a denial with nothing behind it.
Calvin got most of his beliefs from augustine who was into gnosticism, Greek philosophy among other man made ideologies .
This is what happens when a person doesn't have a leg to stand on. They say random things about a whole other topic and hope no one will notice.
Reformed. Both present the doctrines contained within the TULIP. The difference is that Calvinists for the most part have a different eschatology, the one coming from dispensationalism (which I am pretty sure Calvin was not) and Reformed being convanantal in its approach to Bible interpretation. Calvinist unless they are Reformed Calvinist are not confessional, meaning that they do not have formal confessions, such as the Westminster Confession and others. Also Calvinist Baptists do not believe in infant baptism and the Presbyterian reformed churches do.

I have never understood infant Baptism myself though I am beginning to gain some understanding. For me it is not an issue one way or the other. I began my journey in the free will camp, at age 33, as that is all I heard. It was prior to the revival of Calvinism, and was baptised shortly after. If parents want to baptize babies I have no problem with it. It is a sign of being in the Christian community and covenant as circumcision was for Israel. Neither of those signs actually saves. And Presbyterians do not believe it does. The Catholics do believe it does.
No dispensationalism is not calvinism. Nice try. Calvinists affirm covenant theology.
No dispensationalism is not calvinism. Nice try. Calvinists affirm covenant theology.
There seems to be a great lack of reading comprehension going on. If you pay attention when your read my posts instead of just looking for something to jump on to come against, you will see in this one that I did not say that dispensationalism is Calvinism.
There seems to be a great lack of reading comprehension going on. If you pay attention when your read my posts instead of just looking for something to jump on to come against, you will see in this one that I did not say that dispensationalism is Calvinism.
It read that way to me so maybe it had to do with the way you phrased your sentence that led to my comment .
Of course! That's it!
Misunderstanding people through this medium and texting happens all the time . It happens with my wife, brother , children , boss, co-worker etc…. When it happens I pick up the phone to clarify what was meant and misunderstood.

I do it often with the admin here and just pick up the phone so we understand each other and are on the same page.
Misunderstanding people through this medium and texting happens all the time . It happens with my wife, brother , children , boss, co-worker etc…. When it happens I pick up the phone to clarify what was meant and misunderstood.

I do it often with the admin here and just pick up the phone so we understand each other and are on the same page.
See what I mean? (post #20 in Redemption thread.)
Read post 16 in that thread . See what I mean ?

Why are you ignoring my apology ?
Did you want a sticker? I'm not ignoring it, but why are you continuing on, and on about this? What you are doing now both here and there after your apology is just as destructive to both topics that are supposed to be going on. Bite the bullet and let it go.
Did you want a sticker? I'm not ignoring it, but why are you continuing on, and on about this? What you are doing now both here and there after your apology is just as destructive to both topics that are supposed to be going on. Bite the bullet and let it go.
I apologized let’s move on .
LAdodgers said Calvinism teaches doctrines of grace?? Please explain how the Calvinist "God" chooses millions of people, who have no choice or opportunity for salvation, to go to hell with absolutely no chance of ever escaping their fate. If you call that grace, it only shows how Calvinism has twisted your mind. That's not the God of the Bible. That's a communist dictator.
LAdodgers said Calvinism teaches doctrines of grace?? Please explain how the Calvinist "God" chooses millions of people, who have no choice or opportunity for salvation, to go to hell with absolutely no chance of ever escaping their fate. If you call that grace, it only shows how Calvinism has twisted your mind. That's not the God of the Bible. That's a communist dictator.
Well when you put it like that! But that badly distorts Calvinism and it also badly distorts God.

You see the gospel goes to all the world so it is not withheld from those millions of people. They do have the chance to escape their fate---which is the fate of us all without Christ. They don't believe the gospel when they hear it because they want nothing to do with it. They prefer their sin. It is the natural condition of all men. Something must change inside of a man before He does believe the gospel and He wants Jesus. And it is something man cannot do inside himself. He can't change his nature.

What changes is an act of God. And if you think it is unfair that He doesn't do that in everyone think again who you are dealing with and telling what is fair and unfair. He says quite plainly "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy." And Paul expounding on this says,"Who are you o man to talk back to God?" He doesn't owe anyone anything. So I would think twice before I demanded justice and instead ask for mercy.
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