How is it baseless when one sentence before this you, yourself, accused me of being man-centered?
In you OP did you provide any resource for research to support those comments? A simple yes or no will suffice. Free-Willers place all the Glory into man hands by stating God cannot do anything without consent of the individual. Basically you oppose Calvinism obviously, which leads to a lofty view of man. Its man that possesses the power over God in what he can or cannot do without written consent. The human race is not fallen just weakened if that, and specially not dead in sin and trespasses. So, if according to you and your regime, if all what you say and believe is true, then why do we need a Savior? If people are basically good and can determine their own fate, then why did Christ have to come in the first?
You have no proof that it is conjecture—you're conjecturing.
LoL...are you going to provide any substance to this debate?
Classical Arminians such as myself do not believe in any inherent goodness or righteousness of man, but that which is produced by preceding grace alone through Christ's vicarious virtues.
Finally some meat to sink my teeth into. Why isn't there any goodness or righteousness in man? Why is Grace needed?
Because this would attribute low value to God, and so, belittle and demean his glory.
How? God is Love, he tells us to forgive one another, correct? Why can't God forgive Adam & Eve?
You are talking like sin is some rational head knowledge that you can sit down and tabulate on a spreadsheet.
Why not? Just because it presents a huge problem for your position doesn't make it wrong, right? We must question and seek the answer just like the Bereans, right? Your view of Prevenient Grace is man-made and not Scriptural at all. That's the Arminians have to come up with Grace prior to anything man can do. Arminian himself wrote the following:
Arminius on "The Free Will Of Man"
"But in his lapsed and sinful state, man is not capable, of and by himself, either to think, to will, or to do that which is really good; but it is necessary for him to be regenerated and renewed in his intellect, affections or will, and in all his powers, by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit, that he may be qualified rightly to understand, esteem, consider, will, and perform whatever is truly good."
I'll like to point out the similarities between Arminianism and Calvinism here. Both agree that apart from God's regenerating power of the Holy Spirit in Christ, sinners are not capable either to think, or will, or do that which is really good. Excellent because this is a Biblical teaching which is why Arminius himself knew that without God's regenerating Grace nobody would be saved. Now, where part ways though is the application of this Grace; is it effective or not. And we know the Arminian position on this, they believe and teach that this Grace of regenerating power can be resisted and rejected. So, in essence it doesn't save anyone, according to their paradigm.
Side note: Roger Olson a prominent teacher and advocate for the Classical Arminian position also states this Prevenient Grace is not salvific or effectual in saving anyone. This was where as an Arminian I questioned and asked, if this Prevenient Grace or Regenerating Power of God in Christ through the Holy Spirit is not effectual or Salvific in saving anyone, what is the cause of our Salvation? They would the person accepting or rejecting God. But this is not an adequate response, because this is what is actually double talk. And I'll prove it by Arminius own words. He forst states that Man lapse in his sinful state cannot, by himself, think, will or do anything really good. That is it necessary for him to be REGENERATED & RENEWED in his intellect, affections, and faculties. So, if he is regenerated in all his faculties; mind, heart, soul by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit, how is this not effectual? This is renewal and regeneration reveal God's and his truth? Is this regenerated person given the full illumination of his condition and what God has done for him in Christ? If so, how would anyone who is regenerated by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit reject God? Once they have been renewed in intellect, will or affection and in all his powers? Do you see the contradiction?
How absurd is it to say that this RENEWAL & REGENERATION of all his faculties and powers, being illuminated by the Holy Spirit to understand, hear God, and trust God, would reject God??? So, let's say he does reject God after being fully renewed & regenerated in all his powers to understand God in intellect and affection. Does God remove the heart of flesh and puts back the heart of stone, and wipes his memory and all his faculties & powers? Like in the movie MIB, pulls out a flashy thing to wipe his memory? Make no sense at all.
This is why I said you have a man-made & man-centered theology.
Sin has attractive and appealing qualities to a sin nature, that are supernatural and beyond mental reasoning.
Why, you have a Free-Will.
I'm not civic, you are being paranoid here.
In fact, we once sent a book to each other, and it's sad you cared so little for our friendship you don't even remember me.
But I'm used to being mistreated by Christians.
Because he has so many sock puppets.