calivinism is more dangerous than mere man can realize .
And you can bet SIN lies within it . Just a fact my friend .
Let me make this very clear, I have
never defended Calvinism, since within that system there many different folks, whose beliefs are different, very much so. Nevertheless, I will defend with all my might
unconditional salvation that
was secured for God's elect by Jesus Christ's faith and obedience,
acting as their surety before the law of God ~ that I
will defend and give my life for until the day I leave this world. I will and must defend a gospel that
totally removes man from having
any part of his salvation from sin and condemnation.
calivinism is more dangerous than mere man can realize .
You are good at making
blanket statements, but very seldom do you use scriptures to support you thoughts, which generally and for the most part are repeated over and over again. Now, that being said, there are some of your statements which I truly happen to agree with, but it is left up to me to make the connection, which I generally do.
Why do you not prove this proud statement with scriptures, so we can test it out to see if indeed Calvinism is so dangerous than most realize, and by that statement you are saying you
do realize this,
so prove it?
And you can bet SIN lies within it . Just a fact my friend .
Explain yourself .....You seem very confident, so, pray to tell me what sin lies within Calvinism? Are we suppose to believe that it is so just because you said this? All you are doing is just attempting to turn folks even more against unconditional election and God's predestination of them in time to believe the gospel.
Let us see, what Jesus taught shall we? What did Paul teach the early church. Augustine was not the first person who taught this truth, he just happen to resurrect a truth that had been discarded by men who crept in unware, who begin to disregard God's truth for their own teachings, one at a time, until they were successful, until the Pharisaism came alive once again in the EOC/RCC false cults.
Jesus' teaching on God's sovereignty in the salvation of sinners.
Matthew 11:25
“At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father,
Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast
hid these things from the wise and prudent, and
hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father:
for so it seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and
no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither
knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and
he to whomsoever
the Son will reveal him.”
Let me ask you a question: If you were living in Jesus' day and hear him say these exact word, would you have turn and walk no more with him? I think you would, no doubt.
John 6:65
“And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that
no man can come unto me,
except it were given unto him of my Father. From that
time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.”
More than they care to believe, they had their own precious beliefs that they thought was much more merciful than what Jesus taught the people.
Matthew 11:25-27 is in the word of God, placed here by the Spirit of the Living God, what are you going to do with it? Jesus said.....
I thank thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth. This is an address to God, by way of thanksgiving; glorifying and praising him, confessing and acknowledging his wisdom, power, grace, and goodness,
discovered in the things he after mentions:
so far was he from being discouraged and dejected at the poor success of the Seventy: at his ill treatment by the Pharisees; and at the general impenitence and unbelief of the cities, where he preached and wrought his miracles; that he is
abundantly thankful, and admires the distinguishing grace of God in the calling of a few in those places. This he mentions to show the sovereignty of his Father, in the salvation of men; and
that it was not for want of power in him, that there were no more wrought upon under the ministry of John, himself, and his disciples. Consider carefully what Jesu is thankful for, and if you or myself, cannot be thankful just as Jesus was, then we have a serious problem with the word of God, and the word of God has a serious problem with what we believe to be the truth.
Because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent. The "things" he means
are the doctrines of the Gospel; such truth are hid form all men, until the Spirit is pleased to reveal them to some,
never to all, is so clear from such scriptures as 1st Corinthians 1.
And hast revealed them unto babes; foolish ones, comparatively speaking, who have not those natural parts, learning, and knowledge others have, that wisdom and prudence in worldly and civil things; and are so in their own account, and in the esteem of the world; and who are as babes, helpless, defenseless, and impotent of themselves, to do or say anything that is spiritually good, and are sensible of the same:
now to such souls God reveals the covenant of his grace, Christ, and all the blessings of grace in him, the mysteries of the Gospel, and the unseen glories of another world. Can anything have been spoken any plainer than what Christ is speaking. No~so, would you call Jesus a Calvinist, where as you said:
"SIN lies within"?
Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. This difference among men, with respect to the Gospel revelation,
cannot be owing to natural sagacity, prudence, and penetration; for these things are with those from whom it is hid;
nor to any worthiness in those to whom it is revealed; for they are the poor, the base, the foolish things of this world, and even things
that are not; nor to any foresight of their making a better use and improvement of such a revelation, but
to the good will and pleasure of God only. Do you reject this truth that Jesus clearly taught? If so, then that places you among his enemies, not among those who loved him and believe him for who he was and what he taught the people during the days of his flesh.
More to come....