What Does “Another Gospel” Mean?

Not to intrude into your discussion with Studyman, but we cannot use the example of Jesus' call to Paul as an example for answering the gospel call. God had a special work for Paul.

It makes no sense to blame the "sinful nature" as the reason man sins and then say that Adam, who had no sinful nature, sinned. So then, why did Adam sin? And how is that different from us?

And it is not impossible for men and angels to obey. No one, except Jesus, has ever obeyed perfectly, but many have obeyed much. Even one committing only a single sin becomes accountable for the whole law (James 2:10).
Agreed Paul's conversion was unique.
It makes no sense to blame the "sinful nature" as the reason man sins and then say that Adam, who had no sinful nature, sinned. So then, why did Adam sin?
Not blaming sinful nature~but, your question is utmost important: "So then, why did Adam sin?"

Your question shows the difference shows between the two covenants. Jim, as you well know, God alone is immutable, he neither can sin, or even be tempted to do so, his infinite holy nature hates sin, and the sinner. Neither angels, or man, who are created beings, posses that glorious attribute of immutability, an attribute which only the Everlasting God posses. This is one of the many truths we learn from the fall of angels and man.

Under the New Covenant, God's mercy and power secured our free gift of eternal life through the faith and obedience of His Son, Jesus Christ, which is the message of the true grace of God/the gospel as preached by the first church.

And how is that different from us?
We are born with a sinful nature, and sin will will serve, unless, and until God's mercy is given to us freely on the behalf of Jesus Christ, according to the will of God, if we are indeed part of the election of grace.
Agreed Paul's conversion was unique.
I never said Paul's conversion was not unique, for indeed it was, yet in his regeneration, we all are quicken to life/born of God in the same manner, so, the question is when was Paul quicken to life? That's is hidden from us.
I never said Paul's conversion was not unique, for indeed it was, yet in his regeneration, we all are quicken to life/born of God in the same manner, so, the question is when was Paul quicken to life? That's is hidden from us.
Unlike you and I Paul was set apart by God from his mother womb( Galatians 1:15 ) like we read with both John the baptist and Jesus. We read this about no other Apostle except Paul.
I will answer you later, after I first answer another couple of posts. RB
I'm considering how to answer your (Jeremiah) post without leaving the threads purpose of addressing the true gospel vs another gospel.

I want to spend time watching the inauguration of our 47th President. 🙏 For our nation, our president, and vice president. He has many enemies that would love to see him dead.
I'm considering how to answer your (Jeremiah) post without leaving the threads purpose of addressing the true gospel vs another gospel.

I want to spend time watching the inauguration of our 47th President. 🙏 For our nation, our president, and vice president. He has many enemies that would love to see him dead.
2025 should be a real interesting year in our countries history. Yes we should all be praying for wisdom in leading the world according to Gods plan.
Unlike you and I Paul was set apart by God from his mother womb( Galatians 1:15 ) like we read with both John the baptist and Jesus. We read this about no other Apostle except Paul.

I believe such words are often misunderstood.

I'd reference the event as being similar to Samuel and Hannah. Paul spoke of being a Hebrew of Hebrews. A faithful man because of his fathers/mothers. To me, obviously, dedicated.

I would agree that this very seldom happens. If it were not for Hannah, Samuel would have been what?

Calvinists always seek to see themselves unique in the purpose of God when in reality they are just like everyone else.
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I never said Paul's conversion was not unique, for indeed it was, yet in his regeneration, we all are quicken to life/born of God in the same manner, so, the question is when was Paul quicken to life? That's is hidden from us.

Paul had faith, what He lacked was repentance.

This is the very reason that John the Baptist came preaching repentance.

It took seeing the death of Stephen and God's purpose in the early church playing out before his own eyes to recognize what God was doing.
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Calvinists always seek to see themselves unique in the purpose of God when in reality they are just like everyone else.
This thread is not about Calvinism, nor, Arminianism ~ give us your understanding of the true gospel...better yet, please address:
What is another gospel........Is the gospel preach a source of information concerning how we are born again, or is it the means thereof?......... the gospel, the power of God for whom and why?
Four simple questions, can answer them according to God's testimony?
God has covenant with Abraham and with his Hebrew seed. I find no covenant between God and non-Hebrew Gentiles in Scripture.
There is no way to address your post without redirecting this thread from it original purpose. For now I will only say this,

The Seed of Abraham is Christ and His elect.​

Galatians 3:16
“Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”

Galatians 3:27-29
“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Agreed Paul's conversion was unique.
Are any two conversions IDENTICAL?
No, I think ALL are unique.
The MEANS God used to reach Paul was uncommon, but only unique in its details.
  • God has laid other enemies low before raising them up as servants
  • Paul was not the first or last to claim God spoke to them
  • God has sent believers to minister to those in need of Truth
  • Those passionate against God have become equally passionate for God once they saw the truth
This thread is not about Calvinism, nor, Arminianism ~ give us your understanding of the true gospel...better yet, please address:

Four simple questions, can answer them according to God's testimony?

Then I will reference you by name.

The Gospel is the message of Jesus Christ as preached by the apostle Paul. I believe what Paul preached.....

There is no other definition.

Gal 1:1 Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead

Gal 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Gal 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Simple answer. Are you trying to complicate it?
Are any two conversions IDENTICAL?
No, I think ALL are unique.
The MEANS God used to reach Paul was uncommon, but only unique in its details.
  • God has laid other enemies low before raising them up as servants
  • Paul was not the first or last to claim God spoke to them
  • God has sent believers to minister to those in need of Truth
  • Those passionate against God have become equally passionate for God once they saw the truth

John came preach a Baptism that was different than what was preached after the ascension of Jesus Christ. There are several other difference but it certainly experiences are certainly similar now.
Are any two conversions IDENTICAL?
No, I think ALL are unique.
The MEANS God used to reach Paul was uncommon, but only unique in its details.
  • God has laid other enemies low before raising them up as servants
  • Paul was not the first or last to claim God spoke to them
  • God has sent believers to minister to those in need of Truth
  • Those passionate against God have become equally passionate for God once they saw the truth
Paul was the last person Jesus appeared to in person.
Jesus spoke with Ananias and ordered him to heal Paul.

(1205) Francis of Assisi reported a vision in which Jesus spoke to him: "Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins." ... which led him to renounce his merchant family, embrace poverty and form the Franciscan order.

(1372) Julian of Norwich was on her deathbed and had been given her last rites when she reported a series of visions of Jesus, followed by a sudden recovery. Twenty years later she wrote about these visions in her book "Revelations of Divine Love” ... she saw the image of Christ and her understanding that Christ still dwells in the souls of those who love him (celebrated in the Anglican Church).

I am not in a position to authenticate or refute it ... I merely cannot put Jesus (God) into a box and say "never". He spoke to me (no visions) and THAT ENCOUNTER changed everything for me.
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