Studyman, it would have been nice for you to give a direct answer to my questions, but you never did, and I now see why after contemplating your posts ~ it came to me, who you are and why you danced around being direct with your presentation of what you consider the true gospel of Jesus Christ, you have no clue as to what it truly is, since you have a corrupt gospel based upon the covenant of works which you secretly seek to promote under the cover of being sincere, living on an island away from false prophets that you were born into sent here by God to testify of the truth, when you are nothing more than a wolf in sheep clothing yourself. I have had battles with you before on two different forums~ Mountain Retreat where your ID was Studyman; on Grace centered were your ID was GB, you're the gentleman from western Michigan. I was RB on grace centered, and Red on mountain Retreat. You the man that refuses to eat meat lover Pizza with peperoni and sausage, since you still cleave to the Jewish dietary laws and the Sabbath day under Moses' law. You are the very men Paul warned the Galatia believers of!
I remember you as well RB. And Yes, I left this world's religious businesses and sects because they mock God and HIS Judgments as if HE were a man inferior to them, and His Judgments unworthy of their honor and respect, like you do here, and they mock those who "Yield themselves" to Him. Neither Jesus, nor Paul ever behaved in this manner, nor did they teach others to mock God, or those who believe Him, in this way.
Paul doesn't warn about men who "Yield themselves" to God and their bodies as instruments of righteousness unto God, in Galatians.
This is truly based upon your pride in your heart thinking it is in your own power of your so-called free will to turn to God. That's another gospel~where God's grace, power have a place of preeminence into your gospel of works? Where does Jesus Christ's redemption work have a place into your work gospel? No where. Man is the center of your gospel, not Christ, not the Spirit of God.
I disagree with you and Kenneth Copland's religious philosophy that God gives men instruction, but not the capability to follow them. It was God who instructed Eve not to eat of a certain tree. It was the Serpent that convinced her God was lying to her.
It was the Jesus "of the Bible" who Quoted His Father's instruction to me on whose Word's to "Live by". It is the same voice through this world's religions trying to convince me that HE is Lying to me.
Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
Your answer....
???? Not one word about the very question presented to you to did what you do best, you danced areound quesiton so that you can promote your own gospel of works. You said....Am I not one of the "Others"?.......but didn't "make" others believe Moses.
I answered your question completely. God chose Paul, Moses, the Prophets and Sent His Own Son Jesus, that I and others might hear them, and believe God through the Word's HE gave them. God didn't "make" men believe Paul or Jesus. Just like He doesn't "make men" believe you and Kenneth Copeland. It's a free will choice.
I choose to believe Paul and Jesus. If you would repent and turn to God and stop mocking God as if HIS Words mean nothing, I might listen to you. But you don't.
Yet God did apprehend Paul on the road to Damascus, did he not? Acts 9:1-6 Again, was Paul seeking Christ, or seeking to destroy those who were? Your gospel said that it was up to Paul of his own free will to seek, repent, believe, etc. As though man has a free will toward righteousness and the true fear of God.
Yes, God apprehended a donkey once, to warn Baalam. Will you then worship the Donkey? Create a golden image in the likeness of a donkey? Create high days, birth days and judgments in worship of the Donkey? Reject God's Words, Jesus' Words, and all the Words of the Prophets, and create a religious business called "Donkeyism"? Or should a man simply thank God that HE loved Baalam enough to apprehend a Donkey, that he might take heed and be saved, and that I might believe God through his experience.
Yes, as I said before, God chose Paul for a mission. The Mission was to preach to others, that they might "
repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance". But God doesn't "make" men believe those HE Chose to teach us, they must choose to "deny themself" and "Yield themself" and "humble themself" to God as Paul, Moses, James, Jeremiah, Malichi, His Son Jesus, and all the rest of those who God chose to teach us, instructs. I thank God that HE chose Moses, Jeremiah, Paul and Sent His Only Begotten Son, that I might hear them and believe God though them. Why would I reject them, and follow a religion that works so hard to convince people that God is a Liar?
I never said it was up to Paul. Read my posts and then show me one place where I said Paul "chose" himself to be my teacher. And if you can't, then why are you lying about my post?
I am seeking the Christ "of the Bible". God chose Paul through this Christ to teach me. I'm OK with that.
Philippians 3:12
“Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”
I think that a man seeking God's Truth, will listen to "ALL" that His Chosen teachers have to say. When a man does this, he can understand the message.
Here, let me show you what Paul actually says.
12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, "if" that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.
13 Brethren, I "count not" myself to have apprehended (YET) but this one thing "I do", forgetting those things "which are behind", and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
14 I press toward the mark "for the prize" of the high calling of God (Which is) in Christ Jesus.
15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
Notice how the message from Paul completely changes away from your preaching, when a man considers his entire statement. Omitting important parts of God's Inspirited Word is exactly how the serpent deceived Eve. (Did God not say?) Exactly how the "Children of the Devil", the Pharisees, led God's People astray. Paul knows the Law and Prophets, He knows what Jesus and His Father instructed. "Therefore, be ye perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect". Religious men of this world have been preaching that it is not possible for a man to be a "doer" of Christ's Sayings since long before Sodom. And they will cherry pick Paul's words, just as they do God's Word, to convince others of the same thing. But when a man reads what Paul is actually teaching, by considering all of his worlds, the teaching of these religious men who profess to know God, is exposed.
We are warned that there are "many", who come in Christ's Name, that are here for the very purpose of convincing as many people are they can, that Jesus, His Father, and Paul are liars, and don't know what they are talking about. Even something so simple and so basic as "What to eat, and what to drink". And what does the Jesus "of the bible" teach me about these basic everyday things?
Matt. 6:
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek, for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. 33 But "seek ye first" the kingdom of God, and "his righteousness"; and all these things shall be added unto you.
I choose to Believe Him Red. You choose to believe the other voice. God doesn't "make" you call Him a Jew or mock His Judgments. You do so of your own free will.
It is impossible for men or even angels to obey, much more so, perfectly, if left to themselves, this is proven by the very fact of creation, when Adam and Eve were created after God's image with true holiness, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and without a sinful nature to hinder them.
Consider how wicked you must think God is. According to your religion, He creates Adam and Eve, who you say HE created knowing full well they didn't have the Capacity to obey Him, but HE gave them a Commandment any way. He placed the devil in the garden with them which, according to your religion, HE knew full they didn't have the capacity to resist, yet, in your religion, He put the devil there anyway. And when they didn't resist, because in your religion God didn't give them the capacity to resist, HE punished them, the entire world and billions and billions of people who weren't even there. But did HE stop giving humans HE created, commandments impossible to obey? NO! Did HE remove the Serpent you preach to the world they couldn't resist, from the world? No! According to your religion, God allowed the serpent to continue deceiving, HE continued to give them commandments impossible to obey, lied to them by telling them they could obey them, and then punished, even slaughtered them by the thousands when they simply did, what you and Kenneth Copeland preaches to the world, God created them to do, which is to transgress His Commandments.
This is without a doubt, one of the most, if not the most evil and wicked religious philosophy and judgment against God ever perpetrated by this world's religious sects and businesses. The Pharisees killed Jesus to preserve their precious religious sect. You guys Kill the message in order to live by, and convince others to live by, your own precious religious traditions.
It is no wonder Jesus said, "Come out of her, My People, that you partake not of her Sins".
The very second God left them to themselves they sinned.
God has never left men. They have pushed Him away, disregarded His Words, rejected His Instruction. But whoever "Yields themselves" to Him from the heart, HE is there for them. He has always been there for them and will always be there for them. He provides escapes for them in every temptation. HE didn't leave Eve to herself. Eve left Him. He gives us all His Armor. But we are tasked with putting it on. He gives us the New Man, which after God in created in Righteousness and true Holiness, but we are tasked with "putting it on".
Noah didn't reject Him. Abraham didn't reject Him, Caleb didn't reject Him. Zacharias didn't reject Him. Even Paul said himself, that "he wasn't disobedient to the Heavenly vision".
There is not one person ever, in the entire Holy Scriptures, that sinned, that didn't push God away first.
This is why God says:
Is. 55:
6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Jer. 3:
22 Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the LORD our God.
Jer. 4:
1 If thou wilt return, O Israel, saith the LORD, return unto me: and if thou wilt "put away thine abominations" out of my sight, then shalt thou not remove.
Hosea 6:
1 Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
That's the Old covenant, but thank God for the New Covenant of pure grace, where help was laid upon one that was mighty to save, one that did perfectly obey for all that he was a surety for. A covenant that you know nothing about.
Enough for now.
I know that Jesus said you will not be persuaded to listen to Him.
Luke 16:
31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.