What Does “Another Gospel” Mean?

Jim, Once again..............

"His faith is counted for righteousness"

As I said above, the identical language used of Abraham (Gen 15:6) and Phinehas (Ps 106:31) is used here for those who show their righteousness by faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ (Romans 4:23-25).

Faith is the first evidence of righteousness granted by God for numerous reasons.
That is NOT what the Bible says!!!
  1. Faith is the consequence of bestowed righteousness through Jesus Christ (2nd Peter 1:1).
That does not conflict with our faith being the reason for God's righteousness being credited to us.
  1. Faith in God from men without understanding by nature is evidence indeed (Romans 3:11).
  2. Faith in God from men that never sought God by nature is evidence indeed (Romans 3:11).
  3. Faith in God from men that had no fear of God before their eyes is evidence (Romans 3:18)
Those verses do not say that. There is nothing there that talks about or even alludes to evidence. If you would like to discuss that entire section, we can do that, but this may not be the best topic to do that.

I will say that verse 20 pretty well summarizes that passage with "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".
Greetings Mike,

The rest of Galatians does not support your assumption. The subject matter of this epistle was to removed believers in Jesus Christ away from the doctrine of free justification by grace alone without the works of the law, meaning, any work man has an active part in in order to be accepted before God and for that person to inherit eternal life ~ this is basically the summary of what constitutes another gospel, which truly is not another, since there is one true gospel sent down from heaven recorded for us in the word of God, that believers are to trust in, preach, and defend with God's working through them to do so.

True believers cannot be removed from the everlasting and unchangeable love of God to them in Christ, of which their calling and faith is a fruit, effect, and evidence; nor from their covenant interest in him, which is immovable and inviolable; nor from a state of justification, in which they openly are, who in the effectual calling have passed from death to life, and so shall never enter into condemnation; nor from the family and household of God, in which they are; no, nor from the grace of calling with which they are called by God, and which has eternal salvation inseparably connected with it; but this must be understood doctrinally of their removal from the Gospel of Christ, though not of a total and final one. It is observed by some men of old, that the word used is in the present tense, and shows that they were not gone off from the Gospel, but were upon going, so that the apostle had some hopes, yea, confidence of their being restored, Galatians 5:10. And besides, though such as are truly called by grace cannot be finally and totally deceived by false prophets and false teachers, yet they may be greatly unhinged by them, and may fall from some degree of steadfastness in the doctrine of faith, which was the case of these Galatians: but what increased the apostle's surprise, and aggravated their sin and weakness, was, that they were "so soon" removed from the simplicity of the Gospel; he having been with them but a few years before, and preached the Gospel to them, which the means of their conversion.

What he did encountered were children who were part of the generation of vipers, same father, different children, but the same generation of vipers, who had never been generated, and never would, Paul prayed that they would be cut off.

Galatians 5:12​

“I would they were even cut off which trouble you.”

They had no choice in this matter once the apostles agreed among themselves, they were not even allow to speak at the first council of the church to decide the truth of the scriptures...... what was to be believed and preached among them.

Galatians 2-5:4 reveals it all to us. I'm sure these three plus chapters will be considered later.
In the general trends of reading Galatians, the problems of views pushed by the agitators are reasonably explained. The recreation of the situation in Galatia has been built on a misperception of how the agitators deceived the gentiles into a false gospel. Their approach was to say that Paul was now preaching a gospel where circumcision is required. Paul does much in the letter to show that he would never promote that doctrine and that he has actively held a position against including works of the law. That is the so-called other gospel.

My analysis of Galatians is only partially shared in this forum and is a new understanding. My purpose is simply to caution that Paul was not stating this point in Gal 1:6-9 as if he preached a gospel better than Peter or the other apostles. That would be a hyper-sensitive application of Paul's statement rather than an accurate exegesis.

The hyper-sensitive application of Gal 1:6-9 leads to people or groups treating their own statement of the gospel as the only true gospel. That level of exclusivity actually would be another gospel since it excludes people who actually have followed the truth of the gospel. It also is important to note that the person and message of Christ are central to the gospel. I am not saying there is a free-for-all definition of the gospel. The only point is that Paul only had a narrow situation presented in Gal 1:6-9. So keep defending the gospel against harmful errors.
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That is NOT what the Bible says!!!

That does not conflict with our faith being the reason for God's righteousness being credited to us.

Those verses do not say that. There is nothing there that talks about or even alludes to evidence. If you would like to discuss that entire section, we can do that, but this may not be the best topic to do that.

I will say that verse 20 pretty well summarizes that passage with "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin".
Decent observations here. I note that the purpose of the Rom 3:10-18 is simply to show the testimony of the law is about the guilt, not justification. The point was to balance the Jewish doctrine of all gentiles being sinners by showing passages that convey to Jews, under the law, not being made righteous through it. It would not be within the scope of Paul's message to use these verses for any purpose other than balancing Jews and gentiles in their default standing with God. Uh. Maybe the verses can be used by evangelists, but that is a different discussion.
Decent observations here. I note that the purpose of the Rom 3:10-18 is simply to show the testimony of the law is about the guilt, not justification. The point was to balance the Jewish doctrine of all gentiles being sinners by showing passages that convey to Jews, under the law, not being made righteous through it. It would not be within the scope of Paul's message to use these verses for any purpose other than balancing Jews and gentiles in their default standing with God. Uh. Maybe the verses can be used by evangelists, but that is a different discussion.
As Paul indicated, the verses are taken from the OT. We find it in Psalms 14. There the words spoken are applied to "the fool" who has said in his heart, "there is no God". Paul in Romans 3 is applying that across the board to Gentiles as well as Jews.

And yes, the point of Paul's discussion there is that the law is not the source for justification, but rather for knowing what God requires.
The phrase "another Gospel" refers to anything that adds to, subtracts from, contradicts, or denies the gospel contained in the Bible. In the context of the New Testament, it was used by Paul to warn against teachings that deviated from the gospel of Jesus' work of redemption. Essentially, the gospel is one, and any variation is not equivalent to the true gospel.

Let's start the discussion with this post from @Red Baker

This verse has been instrumental in my understanding of the way people come to Christ
Rom 10:17 (ESV)
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
A person is saved because of hearing the message and trust being turned toward God. God's sheep know his voice. The ability to hear comes by a transition produced by first hearing the gospel shared. It roughly is like the gospel alerts us and prepares us with the ears to hear. Next, we can hear that the shepherd's voice is behind the gospel and thus come to believe and trust in our shepherd.
Then you immediately added:

This is a very confused two statements by you. I said:
Whats confusing?

The wage of sin is death
As long as I am condemned under the wage of sin, I am dead

So in order to be alive, I must have that wage removed,

Thats what Christ did on the cross.
Correct me if I'm not following you correctly. I made the statement above and then you came back and said "this is not true the scriptures would not claim this," then you seemly agree with what I said verbatim. So, which is it? Moving on.....
You did not say this sir. YYou said we are born again first. then we have faith
Jesus did explain the new birth but totally different than the way you think. Verses 15,16 of John 3, is not how one is born again, not even close. Those scriptures are "a declaration of a bible truth," that the person that believes shall not perish, but have everlasting life ~ believing not being the means but the evidence of one that possess eternal life. The new birth is explained in verses 5-8. I would be more than happy to go into details of John 3:1-8 at your request, no problem to prove the new birth is one by the Spirit of God alone, coming and leaving without even knowing whence He came, nor when He left, leaving only the evidences that it did take place.
Nicodemus asked. How can these things be

You have a right to your opinion, but God knows I labor to put pride far from me, though at more times that I care to admit, I do see it working in my members which makes me ashamed of myself.
You have a right to your opinion, but God knows I labor to put pride far from me, though at more times that I care to admit, I do see it working in my members which makes me ashamed of myself.
When I was born again, I did not specifically hear or read about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rather, after reading Jesus' words starting in Matthew, I was blown away by His humble, kind, pure, and yet authoritative character. It moved me to tears. I grew up in a Baptist church where they preached "You must be born again" every Sunday, but I never thought much about it, or did anything about it, until I hit a low point in my life. I was 21, in the Air Force, lonely, and confused about what life was all about. But then I read Jesus' words and was "shaken" in my heart and mind - I don't know how else to say it. It was like my eyes were just opened and I knew beyond all doubt that I had just "experienced and met" the Man who was Himself the purpose and meaning of life! My "world" was shaken for the good, and I knew it, and I knew God was speaking to me through this man Jesus. I remembered the sermons I heard about being born again as a kid or being saved, and I knew that that was what just happened to me. I knew I was a sinner, but all I could do was say "Thank you God for answering my prayers." (I had asked Him what life was all about, because I was just living without meaning or purpose, and as I said, very lonely.) This experience happened when I had only read the first 7 chapters of Matthew. I had NEVER read the Bible before, except to earn prizes for memorizing verses in Sunday school. But the verses meant nothing to me.

But now I was hanging on to every red-lettered word in my King James Bible, soaking them up like a sponge! I knew that it didn't matter what Jesus said - I knew I was going to believe it, even before I read it. I KNEW I could trust Him, this man who lived close to 1970 years ago - it was 1970 when I was miraculously saved.
So in light of my abbreviated testimony above, "another gospel" makes me think of "another Jesus". If anyone hasn't met this miraculous life-changing Man and experienced His humility, meekness, mercy, purity, peace, kindness and His authority and forgiveness, then they haven't really experienced the true gospel, i.e. the true good news of Jesus Himself.

"For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully." 2 Corinthians 11:4

Paul is gently rebuking them, telling them that they should NOT accept another Jesus, a different spirit, or a different gospel.
As Paul indicated, the verses are taken from the OT. We find it in Psalms 14. There the words spoken are applied to "the fool" who has said in his heart, "there is no God". Paul in Romans 3 is applying that across the board to Gentiles as well as Jews.
Jim, all men by nature are fools. Paul used Psalms 14 to show all men by nature are equally guilty before, God Jews and Gentiles, since all came from one...Adam. Consider:
So, the conclusion to the depravity of Adam's race is: "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall "no flesh: be justified in his sight:"! Man is without any strength (Romans 5:6) to contribute to his justification, since it is impossible for man to produce any works of the flesh that God would even acknowledge that is even acceptable to please the demands of his law, not including faith, which truly is a fruit that is well pleasing in God's sight.. God gave the law so that we would seek justification through Christ's faith and obedience, not our per Galatians three which I will cover later, the Lord willing.
This verse has been instrumental in my understanding of the way people come to Christ
A person is saved because of hearing the message and trust being turned toward God. God's sheep know his voice. The ability to hear comes by a transition produced by first hearing the gospel shared. It roughly is like the gospel alerts us and prepares us with the ears to hear. Next, we can hear that the shepherd's voice is behind the gospel and thus come to believe and trust in our shepherd.
Mike, faith does come to a believer through the hearing of faith, that's a given. But, the power to see, hear, and believe, is of God, given freely to those whom the Spirit quickens to life (the new birth) by his mighty power sometime after conception and before the death of one's body, and the evidence of this new birth is a person power to see, hear and understand, it's not that complicated, but it does go against the mainstream teaching of modern churches, not so much in the past, but much more so since the mid 1800's.
That is NOT what the Bible says!!!
Sure it is Jim, just not what you have come to accept as the gospel.
That does not conflict with our faith being the reason for God's righteousness being credited to us.
Jim, God's righteousness revealed in the gospel per Romans 1:17 is the righteousness of his son, that he secured for God's elect, by his obedience and faith, not man's who according to the Romans epistle in the flesh, without God's Spirit is not subject to the word of God, neither indeed can be. SO what does that say of your gospel, where you beleive that it was your faith that decided to have faith, repent, and according to your extended theology was baptized for the remission of your sins.

Romans 3:25​

“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”
Those verses do not say that. There is nothing there that talks about or even alludes to evidence. If you would like to discuss that entire section, we can do that, but this may not be the best topic to do that.
Jim, all through the NT faith is given not as a mean for one to be saved form sin and condemnation, but as a evidence that one is born of God.

1st John 5:1
“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.”
Jim, all men by nature are fools. Paul used Psalms 14 to show all men by nature are equally guilty before, God Jews and Gentiles, since all came from one...Adam. Consider:

So, the conclusion to the depravity of Adam's race is: "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall "no flesh: be justified in his sight:"! Man is without any strength (Romans 5:6) to contribute to his justification, since it is impossible for man to produce any works of the flesh that God would even acknowledge that is even acceptable to please the demands of his law, not including faith, which truly is a fruit that is well pleasing in God's sight.. God gave the law so that we would seek justification through Christ's faith and obedience, not our per Galatians three which I will cover later, the Lord willing.

Mike, faith does come to a believer through the hearing of faith, that's a given. But, the power to see, hear, and believe, is of God, given freely to those whom the Spirit quickens to life (the new birth) by his mighty power sometime after conception and before the death of one's body, and the evidence of this new birth is a person power to see, hear and understand, it's not that complicated, but it does go against the mainstream teaching of modern churches, not so much in the past, but much more so since the mid 1800's.

Sure it is Jim, just not what you have come to accept as the gospel.

Jim, God's righteousness revealed in the gospel per Romans 1:17 is the righteousness of his son, that he secured for God's elect, by his obedience and faith, not man's who according to the Romans epistle in the flesh, without God's Spirit is not subject to the word of God, neither indeed can be. SO what does that say of your gospel, where you beleive that it was your faith that decided to have faith, repent, and according to your extended theology was baptized for the remission of your sins.

Romans 3:25​

“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”

Jim, all through the NT faith is given not as a mean for one to be saved form sin and condemnation, but as a evidence that one is born of God.

1st John 5:1
“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.”
My contribution to this topic is that Paul did not write Gal 1:6-9 to reflect a general rejection as if other apostles had an incorrect gospel. He actually was renouncing the idea that he would preach a different gospel than the one he first shared with them. If the passage is taken out of context, it causes much havoc and disunity in the church -- of a group saying it has the only gospel while another group makes the same claim.
I see it as a spectrum of "Gospel-ness" where at some point you simply fall out of what can still be considered orthodox Gospel.
Jim, all men by nature are fools. Paul used Psalms 14 to show all men by nature are equally guilty before, God Jews and Gentiles, since all came from one...Adam. Consider:
But all men do not say there is no God.
So, the conclusion to the depravity of Adam's race is: "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall "no flesh: be justified in his sight:"! Man is without any strength (Romans 5:6) to contribute to his justification, since it is impossible for man to produce any works of the flesh that God would even acknowledge that is even acceptable to please the demands of his law, not including faith, which truly is a fruit that is well pleasing in God's sight.. God gave the law so that we would seek justification through Christ's faith and obedience, not our per Galatians three which I will cover later, the Lord willing.
That is not really true. If one were to live his entire life, obeying God in every thing and in every way, then he would be justified by the law. So the problem isn't in the law. Paul said the law is holy and the commandments holy and righteous and good. The problem isn't that man can't, the problem is that no man, save Jesus Christ Himself, ever has or ever will.

And you interpretation of justification through Christ's faith, which in itself is an oxymoron, is false. The places where you read the phrase "faith of Jesus" are just wrong. And every credible commentarian and theologian knows and asserts that it is an error in interpretation.
Sure it is Jim, just not what you have come to accept as the gospel.
Never, not even once does the Bible ever say that.
Jim, God's righteousness revealed in the gospel per Romans 1:17 is the righteousness of his son,
The righteousness expressed in Romans 1:17 is the righteousness of God, period.
that he secured for God's elect, by his obedience and faith, not man's who according to the Romans epistle in the flesh, without God's Spirit is not subject to the word of God, neither indeed can be.
It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible either. That is another of you misinterpretations.
SO what does that say of your gospel, where you beleive that it was your faith that decided to have faith, repent, and according to your extended theology was baptized for the remission of your sins.
It says that I am right. I have never used the phrase my faith decided to have faith. I wouldn't even know what that could even mean.

Romans 3:25​

“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”
Yes, our faith in his blood, to.....
Jim, all through the NT faith is given not as a mean for one to be saved form sin and condemnation, but as a evidence that one is born of God.
Red, all your statements about evidence is purely and only yours. There is again not a single passage that says the faith is the evidence of being born of God. We are told again and again that it is our faith through which we are saved, justified, made alive, put on Christ, in Christ, etc.
1st John 5:1
“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him.”
Born of God is the result to whosoever believes that Jesus is the Christ. That is the formula from beginning to end. Even when Jesus was walking this earth and performing miracles, He said "your faith has saved you". That very concept continued throughout the NT. Jesus' own words in Mark 16:16 says it is in faith that we are saved. Peter's first sermon declares the very same thing. On and on and on.

The last time I flew on an airline, when the boarding began, the announcement came that "all those with travelling with small children will board first. So, which was the cause, and which was the result. Clearly, travelling with small children was the cause, boarding first was the result. The same reasoning applies with 1 John 5:1. All those who believe that Jesus is the Christ are born of God. Here again believing is the cause, born of God is the result.
The phrase "another Gospel" refers to anything that adds to, subtracts from, contradicts, or denies the gospel contained in the Bible. In the context of the New Testament, it was used by Paul to warn against teachings that deviated from the gospel of Jesus' work of redemption. Essentially, the gospel is one, and any variation is not equivalent to the true gospel.

Let's start the discussion with this post from @Red Baker

In the Holy Scriptures, Paul says:

Rom. 1: 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

17 For therein (Within the Gospel of Christ) is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: "as it is written", The just shall live by faith. (Hab. 2:4)

So here, Paul is saying that "within" the Gospel of Christ, the Righteousness of God is revealed "From Faith to Faith". When I studied this, I was led to Heb. 11, where so many of God's Examples of Faith was shown to me. From the Faith of Abel to the Faith of David. (From Faith to Faith) Paul said that it was written within the Gospel of Christ, that "The Just shall live by Faith", which is found in Habakkuk 2:4, the Law and Prophets, along with every example of Faithful man in the Bible. Jesus, Paul, Peter, James all referenced this same "Gospel of Christ" when teaching about Faith.

God's Laws concerning how to Love Him, and Love others, which is His Righteousness, Yes? All of this is revealed to us in the Law and Prophets, AKA, the Gospel of Christ.

Paul continues:

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

This too, was revealed from within the same Gospel of Christ, that God's Righteousness was revealed within.

Duet 32: 15 But Jeshurun (Israel) waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed "the Rock of his salvation".

16 They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger. 17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. 18 "Of the Rock that begat thee" thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee. 19 And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters.

20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, "I will see what their end shall be": for they are a very froward generation, "children in whom is no faith."

So this is, in part, where God's Wrath was revealed from heaven, against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, Yes?

And God did show them the consequences of sin and obedience. (See. Deut. 27, 28. Blessings and curses) So Israel knew of this Gospel, and Paul also pointed this out in Romans 1. 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; "for God hath shewed it unto them".

20. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

This is also confirmed in Hebrews 4.

1 Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. 2 For unto us was "the gospel preached", as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed "with faith" in them that heard it.

This is confirmed again in Luke 1 and 2 where Zacharias, Simeon and Anna, all of whom heard the Same Gospel that Paul and Israel heard, but they mixed the hearing with "Faith", according to what Luke was inspired to say about them. And clearly, they were Blessed as promised, and they knew and understood the Gospel of Christ, certainly better than the Pharisees who were the religious leaders of the mainstream religious sect of that time, who sat in Moses seat and were in charge of the religious business they had created, selling sacrifices for Salvation.

What a contrast between a man who heard the Gospel of Christ and mixed what they heard with belief/Faith, VS the Pharisees who also heard the Gospel of Christ, as they were given the Oracles of God, but didn't mix what they heard with belief/Faith.

Listen to a man who had true Faith, even before the Prophesied Christ was born.

Luke 1: 5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. 6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. (It is interesting to note that Abraham left a sinful life, and became faithful as well, according to the Gospel of Christ)

Luke 1: 67 And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, 68 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, 69 And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;

70 As he spake "by the mouth of his holy prophets", which have been since the world began: (Noah was also preachers of righteousness) 71 That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; 72 To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; 73 The oath which he sware to our father Abraham,

So for me, given that Jesus said His Gospel, the Law and Prophets, will be here until all the Prophesies concerning the Lord's Christ are fulfilled. And clearly, HE has not returned as HE promised.

Rev. 22: 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

And Paul said;

2 Tim. 3: 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

And in his and Jesus Time, there was only the Gospel of Christ, the NT had not yet even been written.

So I have always wondered why this world's religions don't align themselves with what Paul and Jesus taught was the Gospel of Christ. In many cases, creating an entirely different gospel. I think this is why the Spirit of Christ in Paul warned us about men who "Transform themselves" into Apostles of Christ, who promote a "different Gospel" than the One Paul promoted. Jesus made similar warnings, specifically about men who "Come in His Name", or "Call Him Lord, Lord, as though HE knew they were coming.

It is certainly a great Study.
But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly,
his faith is accounted for righteousness, (Rom. 4:5 NKJ)
In the Holy Scriptures, Paul says:

Rom. 1: 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

17 For therein (Within the Gospel of Christ) is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: "as it is written", The just shall live by faith. (Hab. 2:4)

So here, Paul is saying that "within" the Gospel of Christ, the Righteousness of God is revealed "From Faith to Faith". When I studied this, I was led to Heb. 11, where so many of God's Examples of Faith was shown to me. From the Faith of Abel to the Faith of David. (From Faith to Faith) Paul said that it was written within the Gospel of Christ, that "The Just shall live by Faith", which is found in Habakkuk 2:4, the Law and Prophets, along with every example of Faithful man in the Bible. Jesus, Paul, Peter, James all referenced this same "Gospel of Christ" when teaching about Faith.
Greetings Studyman,

Your post was well written and true, but it is not concerning the subject at hand and I do not believe it is what Paul meant when he said:

Romans 1:17​

“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”

In the gospel concerning Jesus Christ is truly revealed "how" we are made the righteousness of God, even though wicked and ungodly by nature, where every man has turned unto his own ways, away from God, not toward him if left to ourselves and nature by birth. This gospel is only revealed by one who has faith, to another person who has the power to have faith, because those whom God regenerates lives by faith in his word, they do not trust the words of men concerning truth. By their new nature given freely by God's power and grace, they are made willing in the day of God's power.

1st Thessalonians 1:4,5​

Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.”
It is certainly a great Study.
Amen...... none no greater than coming to the knowledge of the truth concerning the true gospel of Jesus Christ, as preached by the apostles.
But all men do not say there is no God.
Jim, that's true, they do not say so verbally, but their sinful life speaks loud and clear.
That is not really true.
It is absolutely true concerning all men who comes through Adam's posterity.
If one were to live his entire life, obeying God in every thing and in every way, then he would be justified by the law.
But, that's impossible since Adam's fall, which every single person coming through his lions inherits his fallen nature at conception! So, why even mention this?

Genesis 5:3​

“And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:”

Which can only means, his fallen nature ~ children of disobedience coming forth speaking lies, etc. You can attempt to quote Genesis 9:6, as you have in past, yet I will remind you again ~ that image was lost the very second Adam and Eve sinned.
And you interpretation of justification through Christ's faith, which in itself is an oxymoron, is false. The places where you read the phrase "faith of Jesus" are just wrong. And every credible commentaries and theologian knows and asserts that it is an error in interpretation.
Only the ones you read behind. I can prove this was not the case back many hundred's years ago. I have proof if you would only read them.
http://www.mercyuponall.org/pdfs-cl...ichardson-justification-by-christ-alone-1647/ One on the best articles I have read, but there many others.

Concerning the rest of your post, I will be addressing most of that later today, the Lord willing when I consider much in Galatians 2-5:4.
Jim, that's true, they do not say so verbally, but their sinful life speaks loud and clear.
No that is not true. Every group, every tribe, every citystate, every nation of man on this earth from the very beginning has sought the great power, or the great spirit. They had no way of finding it until God produced His written word, the scriptures wherein the gospel is contained.

Consider Paul's introduction in the Areopagus, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription, 'To the unknown god.'
It is absolutely true concerning all men who comes through Adam's posterity.

But, that's impossible since Adam's fall, which every single person coming through his lions inherits his fallen nature at conception! So, why even mention this?
There is not one word in the whole bible that says that it is impossible to obey God. We inherited only our physical nature from Adam. Our spiritual nature comes from God. Our fallen nature comes from us not Adam. We, just like Adam, fall when we sin.

Genesis 5:3​

“And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:”

Which can only means, his fallen nature ~ children of disobedience coming forth speaking lies, etc. You can attempt to quote Genesis 9:6, as you have in past, yet I will remind you again ~ that image was lost the very second Adam and Eve sinned.
That is simply not true. Your traducianism is a false doctrine. Gen 9:6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
Jas 3:9 With it [
the tongue] we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God.

So not only should we not murder man, we should not curse man. And that because man is made in the image, the likeness, of God. That is not just Adam and Eve. But mankind, every man. And if man is no longer in God's own image, then the shedding of the blood of man or cursing man with the tongue is not necessarily wrong. It is wrong because man is in the image of God. And in each one's own sin, that image is damaged, damaged but not destroyed or lost, depraved but not totally depraved.
Only the ones you read behind. I can prove this was not the case back many hundred's years ago. I have proof if you would only read them.
http://www.mercyuponall.org/pdfs-cl...ichardson-justification-by-christ-alone-1647/ One on the best articles I have read, but there many others.
I will take a look at that. But I can guess what I will read there, and it will not align well with scripture.
Concerning the rest of your post, I will be addressing most of that later today, the Lord willing when I consider much in Galatians 2-5:4.
I await your response.
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