The Water Baptism of 1 Corinthians 12:13

Immersed into Christ. Baptism designates conversion another way, in that it is associated with being plunged into or immersed in Christ.

In Galatians 3:26 Paul affirms that believers are God’s children in Christ Jesus through faith. The ground for this assertion is that all believers were clothed with Christ when they were baptized into Christ: “For as many as were baptized into Christ are clothed with Christ” Gal 3:27
Great point.

Thus, when Cornelius and the other Gentiles with him were baptized with the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 11:16) they were clothed with Christ.
Romans 6 also emphasizes that in baptism believers are incorporated into Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:13 the emphasis is on induction into the people of God, Christ’s body. Baptism in Romans 6:3 is explained as being plunged into Christ Jesus, being immersed into him as the second Adam. Those who are baptized into Christ have shared in his death: “Don’t you know that those who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore, we were buried together with him through baptism into death” Rom 6:3–4
All of the Bible is inspired. Why do you limit it to just one chapter?
Why proceed further into the NT if you crash into the Acts 2:38 wall?

If you don't obey Acts 2:38, you are not qualified to read the Epistles.

The NT is placed in that order, you know....

Romans 6 also emphasizes that in baptism believers are incorporated into Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:13 the emphasis is on induction into the people of God, Christ’s body. Baptism in Romans 6:3 is explained as being plunged into Christ Jesus, being immersed into him as the second Adam. Those who are baptized into Christ have shared in his death: “Don’t you know that those who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore, we were buried together with him through baptism into death” Rom 6:3–4
That is why baptism must specifically be in the name of Jesus to identify with whom we are dying.
If you don't obey Acts 2:38, you are not qualified to read the Epistles.

For the Jews of that time period (excluding the believers in Jesus). Not one example of anyone else ever being told to be water baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.
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In fact, the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit before their water baptism.
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Why proceed further into the NT if you crash into the Acts 2:38 wall?

If you don't obey Acts 2:38, you are not qualified to read the Epistles.

The NT is placed in that order, you know....
Acts is historical account on the works of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles and its not instructional like the epistles.

None of us are Apostles and its not repeatable. The book of Acts was also transitional not doctrinal.
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For the Jews of that time period (excluding the believers in Jesus). Not one example of anyone else ever being told to be water baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit.
In fact, the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit before their water baptism.
And all this time I thought there was neither, Jew, nor Greek, etc. Split the church in two. Great idea.
Acts is historical account on the works of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles and its not instructional like the epistles.

None of us are Apostles and its not repeatable. The book of Acts was also transitional not doctrinal.
The five fold ministry is ended? Or just the Apostles?

Acts is not repeatable?

Sounds kinda new age.
Do demons call you out by name when you walk by them like they did with the Jesus and the Apostles? Are demons subject to you like they were the Apostles? Do you perform all the same miracles as the Apostles in the book of Acts? Are your words the very words of God like the Apostle’s?

I have dozens of other examples proving we are nothing like the gifted Apostles who were a special group that are the foundation of the church and the foundation stones in heaven.

hope this helps !!!
Do demons call you out by name when you walk by them like they did with the Jesus and the Apostles? Are demons subject to you like they were the Apostles? Do you perform all the same miracles as the Apostles in the book of Acts? Are your words the very words of God like the Apostle’s?

I have dozens of other examples proving we are nothing like the gifted Apostles who were a special group that are the foundation of the church and the foundation stones in heaven.

hope this helps !!!
Are you church of Christ? You don’t believed in the gifts of the Spirit in operation today? You don’t believe in the five fold ministry today. Not even teachers?
I would like to see a scripture in the New Testament that explains how the apostles ministry ended when they died?
And another scripture that explains how the other four parts of the ministry continue.
The definition of an apostle is not a “doctrine maker“. The definition of an apostle is a person that takes the original doctrine to a group of people and converts them to it and to Jesus.
Another thing, the book of Acts means the actions of the apostles. Don’t dismiss them, but copy them in your life. Just a suggestion.
Do you wear glasses?

I've noticed over the years that those who claim such powers are usually wearing glasses......

Don't get me wrong, I wear them myselfs. However, I'm not claiming the power of healing.
I don't have the power, I use the name by faith as this man did....

12 And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?...

16 And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong,

7 And when they had set them in the midst, they asked, By what power, or by what name, have ye done this?

10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ...
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