The Unitarian belief that Jesus is not God causes those who offer worship to the Father's Throne (where Jesus sits) to be guilty of idolatry.

I’m not going back to a Protestant church but I want to visit a Catholic Church.

A Unitarian church is a similar experience to what you would probably see in a Protestant church aside from the doctrines. There are actually theological differences among Unitarians, but I haven’t noticed anything that would cause me to cleave off from them.

Unitarianism isn’t a new idea by the way. Though I occasionally see some say it is. It’s been around since the beginning. Sure there is evidence of the Trinitarians early on as well. We believe the Jews, earliest Christians, Arians, Ebionites, Jesus, and God are all Unitarian. Of course we do.
yes it began with Arius.
Dear readers:

What our brother @praise_yeshua presents is a very old argument that I have read hundreds of times from Forum participants in despair.
It is based on the circular proposition: "The king is not naked. It just happens that he's dressed with a type of clothes that only smart people can see" and has thousands of variants, such as

You can't understand me because only born-again people can understand those things
You can't understand me because only those illuminated by the Holy Spirit can understand those things
You can't understand me because only the faithful can understand those things

This is a very understandable human reaction. Why the other person see what I see? It must be because there is something wrong with him/her

Certainly, our personal biases act like a "veil" that impairs a seamless flow of ideas. We all have those biases. We all have those veils, and onnlynly God can lift them, at certain times and circumstances, according to his sovereign wisdom.

Dear readers.....

I didn't claim a single thing relative to believing me. I posted the words of Jesus Christ explaining how some men are blinded by their faithlessness in Jesus Christ.

"Our brother from another mother" @Pancho Frijoles simple displays his faithlessness in Jesus Christ. I don't care if he believe me or not. I don't matter.
Good morning synergy

There is absolutely nothing you or anybody else can do to convince me that Jesus is YHWH, the Only and True God.
I have read the Scriptures many times. I have defended the Trinitarian position. I know every single argument our brothers have brought to the Forum... and it is OK. Let's not get frustrated about this. :)

To ease our frustration, let's remember that theologians have been debating this FOR CENTURIES! Have they agreed?

So, let's take this as a game of chess in which we develop skills to debate, get to know better our own arguments, and more importantly, get to know better the people we debate with. They are not silly, nor perverse. They have reasons to believe what they believe.
Where have you defended the trinity?
You have not faith in Jesus Christ. You don't believe Him. You can't show sincerity in faithless works. You believe you can prove yourself. All you're proving is your failures. We rest in Jesus Christ. You're combating Jesus Christ. Jacob did the same thing. He wrestled with God. Jacob wasn't a son simply because he was born to Abraham.
The point is that we are not debating me... my faith, my life, my relationship with God.
We are not debating that. Are we? :cool:

If you are interested in Pancho Frijoles so much, you may want to talk to the @Administrator and ask if you can open a thread or a new section of the Forum where you and others can openly judge and pass a verdict on the spiritual life of any Forum member.

Otherwise, I encourage you to focus on the arguments and ideas.
Imagine that Pancho Frijoles is not a real human, but a bot that follows a pre-programmed algorithm, propelled by a still deficient artificial intelligence, in order to trigger certain responses. Imagine I am the creation of a group of teenagers that do it for the fun of it.
Indeed, in few years we will be unable to distinguish between a real person and a software.
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It is more than just desire. We can desire good things. There is a Greek word for desire. It is αἰτέω.

Lust itself is sin. Which is why Jesus said that for a man to "lust after a women" is to commit adultery. ἐπιθυμέω.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know Greek much less English.

"Desire, lust, longing after, setting your heart upon what is forbidden, is part of the battle we are in, fighting against the powers of the air. It's called "Striving against Sin". We are tempted by these wicked thoughts. But God has promised, and I believe Him, an escape for "Every" temptation so that it isn't conceived and turns into SIN. You are saying the Temptation itself is a sin. This is not true. And I can lust/desire, long for passionately my wife, a good trout stream, safety for my grandchildren, and there is no sin, any more than Jesus passionately Longing a last supper with His Friends, was a sin. And if a thought comes into my mind that is wicked, I fight against it with the Armor and weapons God gives to me. I ask Jesus for help, I turn away from the wicked thought. I don't feed it, dwell on it or justify it. This is how Jesus overcame. "Get behind me satan".

Perhaps you might consider doing a word study on the words "desire" and "Lust", as I have. Perhaps after that you might have a better understanding of the Holy scriptures, and not be so quick judge others.

Matt. 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman "to" lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

epithymeō: desire, lust after​
Original Word: ἐπιθυμέω
Transliteration: epithymeō
covet, desire, lust after.
From epi and thumos; to set the heart upon, i.e. Long for (rightfully or otherwise) -- covet, desire, would fain, lust (after).

1 Peter 2: 2 As newborn babes, "desire" the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

epithymeō: desire, lust after​
Original Word: ἐπιθυμέω
Transliteration: epithymeō
earnestly desire, greatly long after
From epi and potheo (to yearn); to dote upon, i.e. Intensely crave possession (lawfully or wrongfully) -- (earnestly) desire (greatly), (greatly) long (after), lust.

Luke 22: 15 And he said unto them, "With desire" I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

epithymia: desire, passionate longing, lust​
Original Word: ἐπιθυμία
Transliteration: epithymia
Short Definition: desire, passionate longing, lust
Meaning: desire, passionate longing, lust

Rev. 9:6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall "desire" to die, and death shall flee from them.”

epithymeō: desire, lust after
Original Word: ἐπιθυμέω
Transliteration: epithymeō

Proverbs 6: 25 Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take thee with her eyelids.

chamad: to desire, take pleasure in
Original Word: חָמַד
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to desire, take pleasure in
Meaning: to desire, take pleasure in

Deut. 21: 11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;

chashaq: to be attached to, love
Original Word: חָשַׁק
Transliteration: chashaq
Short Definition: to be attached to, love
Meaning: to cling, join, to love, delight in, elliptically, to deliver

Ps. 10: 3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth.

taavah: a desire
Original Word: תַּאֲוָה
Transliteration: taavah
Short Definition: a desire

Meaning: a longing, a delight

Ps. 10: 17 LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear:

taavah: a desire
Original Word: תַּאֲוָה
Transliteration: taavah
Phonetic Spelling: (tah-av-aw')

Meaning: a longing, a delight
The point is that we are not debating me... my faith, my life, my relationship with God.
We are not debating that. Are we? :cool:

Yes we are. Hypocrites have no standing in any debate. Talk all you want about me. I am what I believe. If you are not what you believe, then you are a hypocrite and a insincere troll. (not that I believe you are. Just making the "debate point".

If you are interested in Pancho Frijoles so much, you may want to talk to the @Administrator and ask if you can open a thread or a new section of the Forum where you can openly judge and pass a verdict on the spiritual life of any Forum member.

I have to keep saying this. I shouldn't have to keep saying this. I can judge your words. Paul judged the words of all men. That is what righteous men do. They don't make "friends" based upon lies.

Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Read the "berean" word found in the URL of this forum. Noble men QUESTION/Judge everything.

Otherwise, I encourage you to focus on the arguments and ideas.
Imagine that Pancho Frijoles is not a real human, but a bot that follows a pre-programmed algorithm, propelled by a still deficient artificial intelligence to trigger certain responses. Indeed, in few years we will be unable to distinguish between a real person and a software.

I'll do what I please. You're not my Master. You're just a man. Jesus Christ is Master. You will be judged by Him and His words.
Yes we are.
No, we are not debating me. We are not debating the spiritual life of anybody in the Forum.
In any case, if I am mistaken, I will let the @Administrator explain it to us.

If you want to talk about soccer, you should enter a Forum about soccer.
If you want to talk about the personal spiritual life of people you don't know, you should enter a Forum about gossiping or create your own.

I'll do what I please. You're not my Master. You're just a man. Jesus Christ is Master. You will be judged by Him and His words.
Since you are just a man, and not the Master of anybody, and Jesus Christ will judge everybody, don't pass moral judgement on anybody.
Please be consistent.
Perhaps you might consider doing a word study on the words "desire" and "Lust", as I have. Perhaps after that you might have a better understanding of the Holy scriptures, and not be so quick judge others.

I have. Many times. Not just "now" like you have. Many many years ago. I once believed like you do. It is study that changed my mind.

Lets make this simple.......


Lust never exists without conceiving something to lust after. It is first the expression of thought relative to desire. It is literally a EVIL DESIRE.

You can not have the word "lust" without it referencing a sinful thought. That thought itself is sinful.

Do you even know why you have such thoughts?

Mankind all lose their innocence through learning. Even the law itself imparts knowledge of how to commit sin.

Rom 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.

Once innocence is lost, the mind is tainted. Then experience permanently alters our minds. For example, experiencing sex leaves a lasting impression on your brain. It imparts knowledge that you would not otherwise have. Which is why Paul spoke of how a man/women that is a virgin isn't tainted to the point where they "burn in their lust" for one another.

1Co 7:9 But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

It is why Jesus said......

Mat 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Jesus never experienced sex. Jesus never lusted for another women. Never. To say otherwise is to charge Jesus Christ with sin.

Now YOU. You lust all the time. All men that have experience "lust" as such do. You can't help it. Your mind is tainted/tarnished through knowledge imparted to your in your innocence and your own experiences.
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No, we are not debating me. We are not debating the spiritual life of anybody in the Forum.
In any case, if I am mistaken, I will let the @Administrator explain it to us.

If you want to talk about soccer, you should enter a Forum about soccer.
If you want to talk about the personal spiritual life of people you don't know, you should enter a Forum about gossiping or create your own.

Since you are just a man, and not the Master of anybody, and Jesus Christ will judge everybody, don't pass moral judgement on anybody.
Please be consistent.

I'm accurately judging your position based upon your words and the words of the Scriptures. You're losing this debate and now you're resorting to false claims about me.

You are judging me. You are criticizing me for the very same things you're doing. The definition of this action is the English word. Hypocrite. You will find this very word all throughout your bible.

Do you really think this is the first time I've had this discussion. This is basic debate 101.
Noble men question everything.
Noble men do not pass moral verdicts on people they don't know, because that is the opposite of questioning.

Do you question morality? You most certainly do. You have the entire you've been here.

You're "word parsing". You're losing. See.... I judged you just now by saying.... YOU'RE LOSING.....

I mean seriously. What adults will say is mind boggling.
Noble men question everything.
Noble men do not pass moral verdicts on people they don't know, because that is the opposite of questioning.

BTW.... two things....

1. I'll guarantee you that I will not say anything when you're being Judged by Jesus Christ Himself. I'll stay silent.

2. Also, Judging is all about hypocrisy. I can call out hypocrisy any time I want. Jesus did. Paul did it. Nobile men do.
So why did you become Beha'i?

Such doctrines make men feel better about themselves. He has obviously never become "guilty" before God.

Most all of the experiences we have this life are to make us unequivocally aware of our own condition.

Rom 2:3 And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?
Rom 2:4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

Endless tests of our self awareness. Good men find fault in themselves before they ever find fault in another.
2Co 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

They always judge God by themselves.......

He doesn't understand what it actually be a father. If he did, he would makes such silly comments. Evil men judge themselves greater than their sons.
Well, they cannot possibly accept the Holy Spirit and the Father are one and leave Jesus out of it.
If something does not exist. Then I see no reason to refer to myself as one who does not believe in something that does not exist. Thus, I don't refer to myself as an Uni-not-exist. I'm a Christian. And you?

Did you really think about this answer? I'm not sure you did.

The Book of Acts and The Book of Peter were not written till many years after the very life of Christ. I could claim that Abraham was a Christian. I believe he was. What would you say then?

I mean Jesus did say that Abraham was pleased/overjoyed to see His day....

Joh 8:56 Your father Abraham was pleased to see that my day was coming. He saw it and was happy.” (GW)

Your father Abraham was overjoyed that he would see my day, and he saw it, and rejoiced.” (REV)
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