The Issue of Limited Atonement

Nope it’s only applied to those who receive/ believe as John 1:12 and 3:16-18 teaches.

Any more fallacious arguments?
Any more non answers know it all?

On what basis is anyone judged? Their sin has been atoned/propitiated for. It can't be unbelief or lack of faith. Both sins.
Forgiven of what? LOL

All their sin has been atoned/propitiated for. What sin is left?
It’s only applied to a person once they have done the following as scripture teaches.

Hears the gospel
Believes the gospel
Receives Christ as Lord
Repents of their sins
Then their sins are forgiven

It’s only applied to a person once they have done the following as scripture teaches.

Hears the gospel
Believes the gospel
Receives Christ as Lord
Repents of their sins
Then their sins are forgiven

What sins? They were atoned/propitiated for on the cross. According to you they have no sin to be forgiven.
Why would He intend to do something in a world He created intentionally, purposely to not happen?

Common sense does.
I’m struggling to understand what you’re asking!

The only thing God intended was for a relationship with his creation/mankind, and that by man’s own volitional choice. (Relationships are meant to be reciprocal.)

Common sense doesn’t jump on the idea that God creates a mass of humanity for the purpose of sending them to a lake of fire.

I’m struggling to understand what you’re asking!

The only thing God intended was for a relationship with his creation/mankind, and that by man’s own volitional choice. (Relationships are meant to be reciprocal.)

Common sense doesn’t jump on the idea that God creates a mass of humanity for the purpose of sending them to a lake of fire.

Again Doug, then why create a world where that happens? Why put the tree of good and evil in the garden? The serpent? Why create the garden at all? Common sense tells you the fall was part of the plan. If God is omniscient. He knew exactly what was going to happen. He did not have to create this paticular world. That's common sense.

By the way, could God the Father choose not to love the Son?
There is nothing to forgive. Christ has already atoned/propitiated them remember? Including the sin of unbelief.
Atonement is not forgiveness; it is the means through which forgiveness is found, but to be atoned for is not to be forgiven.

Atonement, through Christ, takes away God’s affront towards us so that he can “not hold men’s sins against them” (2 Cor 5:19). This allows Grace to be enacted in forgiveness.

Forgiveness, however, is conditioned on faith, which is expressed through repentance.

Atonement is not dependent on anything; it is an accomplished fact.

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