The Hypostatic Union- the 2 Natures in Christ

One of the most notable of these heresies was known as Docetism. Docetists—from the Greek
word dokeo (“to seem”)—argued that Jesus only appeared to be human. They were so convinced
of his divinity (which is a good thing), they became equally convinced that God could never take
on the fallenness of human flesh. As a result, they argued his humanity was an illusion."

I would actually argue this is very, very similar to those who deny all kenosis.

They may slap on a human nature onto Christ, but they disassociate it from personhood.

They make the "real" Christ the non-human part.
I would actually argue this is very, very similar to those who deny all kenosis.

They may slap on a human nature onto Christ, but they disassociate it from personhood.

They make the "real" Christ the non-human part.
There is a hierarchy of existence within any person. There are many "pieces" all ruled by the mind.

As witnessed before, there is a desire in some branches of theology to make God in the Person of Jesus Christ just like them. He wasn't. He is Master and Lord. Innately more powerful than any human in the Incarnation.

He is Master for a reason.

As @civic rightfully recognizes, these are Unitarian arguments that seek to rob Jesus Christ of His rightfully place as CoEqual with God.
I found this from Biola University

A quick read through Dr. Craig's comments confirmed that his views are Neo-Apollinarian, as noted by the person who asked the question. The Doctor also bashed the Bible where the Bible explicitly confirms that we can partake of Divine Nature and he took exception to that. He has a Doctorate in what, Heresies?
There is a hierarchy of existence within any person. There are many "pieces" all ruled by the mind.

As witnessed before, there is a desire in some branches of theology to make God in the Person of Jesus Christ just like them. He wasn't. He is Master and Lord. Innately more powerful than any human in the Incarnation.

He is Master for a reason.

As @civic rightfully recognizes, these are Unitarian arguments that seek to rob Jesus Christ of His rightfully place as CoEqual with God.
True Trinitarians never deny His humanity. But real Trins know He is a DIVINE PERSON. :)


Show me a human that is not a person... anywhere.

This guy?

Just like Doctors have diagnostic books for physical ailments, we as Christians should have diagnostic books for Heresies (spiritual ailments in our minds).
Agree 100 % brother. I may have to add a new one into this OP lol. I just need to figure out what to call it. There are a few " Trins" saying the same thing that is really non Trinitarian.

Maybe a Trinisabellianism. :) Talk about an oxymororn 🤣
I'm confused lol. I have no idea why you are against my Trinitarian arguments in this thread since I'm orthodox with my Christological arguments with the 2 natures in Christ.
Who said I am against your Trinitarian arguments? It is crystal clear in Scripture and ancient rabbinical writings.
We are on the same page brother.
Denying his humanity is equally a heresy.

Like us in all respects without sin.
And denying His Deity is also heresy.
Taught by Justin Johnson on Sunday, January 22nd, 2012.


The dual natures of Jesus is essential to implement God’s purpose in the gospel of the grace of God. Christ could not die unless he was a man, yet Christ could not die for our sins unless he was God. This lesson covers some of the problem verses that are solved by a proper understanding of the two natures of Christ.

Included in this lesson are explanations of the Kenosis teaching of Phillipians 2:5-8, Mark 13:32, and other supposed trouble verses about Jesus’ nature as God.

This is the third part of a series on the Natures of Jesus Christ.

Topical Index Page

Related Posts:
- The Natures of Christ – Humanity
- The Natures of Christ – Deity
- The Natures of Christ
- Interpret the Hard by the Easy Verses
- How We Choose Verses
- Mark 13:32 and the Deity of Christ

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