The Golden Rule

Christians who join the military are trained to kill their enemies.

Christians from one nation killing Christians from another nation.

Christians killing Christians; and all while asserting that they follow the Golden Rule.
Are you sure you understand the rules of the forum?

I know what I am and so do you.

No one who has read my posts would ever mistake me for a JW.
They as Unitarians believe exactly like you on this issue, it’s right out of their playbook
Christians who join the military are trained to kill their enemies.

Christians from one nation killing Christians from another nation.

Christians killing Christians; and all while asserting that they follow the Golden Rule.
And God has giving rulers of nations the authority to bear the sword . Read Roman’s 13 sometime?

Have you ever read Roman’s 13 before ?

Rulers of nations are ordained by God to bear the sword
And God has giving rulers of nations the authority to bear the sword .

That’s right.

Read Roman’s 13 sometime?

Rules for me but not for thee?

You know I’m a retired pastor. You know that I teach and preach the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

You know that I’ve read Romans 13. Many, many times.

You continue to insult me. Others will see and like what you’re doing. You will have your reward.

Have you ever read Roman’s 13 before ?

See above.
That’s right.

Rules for me but not for thee?

You know I’m a retired pastor. You know that I teach and preach the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

You know that I’ve read Romans 13.

You continue to insult me. Others will see and like what you’re doing. You will have your reward.

See above.
Then you make a fallacious argument, a strawman thanks for proving my point. You reject what God has ordained the punishing of Evil doers by governments.
I’ve done no such thing.

Not so. I don’t “reject what God has ordained the punishing of Evil doers by governments.”
War is the same thing. And Jesus Himself comes back to WAGE WAR.

You are conflating a christian as an individual with governments.

That is a strawman and not rightly dividing Gods word.

hope this helps !!!
War is the same thing. And Jesus Himself comes back to WAGE WAR.

While he’s away, his followers - those who obey the Golden rule - should not be killing their fellows Christians, nor anyone else.

You are conflating a christian as an individual with governments.

You‘re saying that it is okay for Christians to kill their enemies in service to their governments. I counsel Christians (and non-Christians) to obey the Golden Rule. The two don’t mix.


Do unto others (kill them?) as you would have them do unto you (kill you?).

That is a strawman and not rightly dividing Gods word.

hope this helps !!!

I’m a conscientious objector. I follow the Golden Rule, even if doing so would result in me laying down my life.
While he’s away, his followers - those who obey the Golden rule - should not be killing their fellows Christians, nor anyone else.

You‘re saying that it is okay for Christians to kill their enemies in service to their governments. I counsel Christians (and to obey the Golden Rule. The two don’t mix.

I’m a conscientious objector. I follow the Golden Rule, even if doing so would result in me laying down my life.
Conflating the two.

I guess there cannot be a Christian police officer or sheriff.

I guess I’m just to stand by and watch the person who breaks in my house who is raping my wife and daughter then as he tries strangling them to kill them do nothing . God forbid I protect them.

I guess I’m just to stand by and watch the person who breaks in my house who is raping my wife and daughter then as he tries strangling them to kill them do nothing . God forbid I protect them.



Do you want to do to this fiend what this fiend wants to do to your family?

Do unto the fiend as you would have the fiend do unto you?
Can you do that and at the same time be following the Golden Rule?
Exodus 22 gives some clues about God’s attitude toward self-defense: “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed” (Exodus 22:2–3). Two basic principles taught in this text are the right to own private property and the right to defend that property. The full exercise of the right to self-defense, however, depended on the situation. No one should be too quick to use deadly force against another, even someone who means to do him harm. If someone was set upon by a thief in the middle of the night and, in the confusion of the moment the would-be thief was killed, the Law did not charge the homeowner with murder. Got?

You don’t know how to rightly divide the word of God.

Do you believe in blood transfusions ?

hope this helps !!!
Exodus 22 gives some clues about God’s attitude toward self-defense: “If a thief is caught breaking in at night and is struck a fatal blow, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed; but if it happens after sunrise, the defender is guilty of bloodshed” (Exodus 22:2–3). Two basic principles taught in this text are the right to own private property and the right to defend that property. The full exercise of the right to self-defense, however, depended on the situation. No one should be too quick to use deadly force against another, even someone who means to do him harm. If someone was set upon by a thief in the middle of the night and, in the confusion of the moment the would-be thief was killed, the Law did not charge the homeowner with murder. Got?

You don’t know how to rightly divide the word of God.

Do you believe in blood transfusions ?

hope this helps !!!
Jesus didn’t kill his enemies, nor did he instruct his disciples to kill theirs.

I live under the new covenant. I obey the new covenant teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus didn’t kill his enemies, nor did he instruct his disciples to kill theirs.

I live under the new covenant. I obey the new covenant teaching of Jesus of Nazareth.
Conflating again with self defense and God given authority of governments and police to bear the sword 🗡️

One of the best books I’ve ever read and highly recommend on the subject:

If a violent person threatened to harm a loved one … What Would You Do?, written by John Howard Yoder.
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