The Golden Rule

Let me just say then in parting that, despite assurances from the owner of this forum and one of the designated moderators, the forum rules appear to apply only to me.

If I were to say to you what you’ve said to me, then I would not only be violating the forum rules, I would not be following the Golden Rule.

btw, I think you’re honest. I also think you have a misunderstanding of scripture.
Some even think I have an honest misunderstanding of Scripture.
But the fact of your comment remains: God gave the Law of eye for eye and life for life, etc., to the children of Israel. You are not the children or child of Israel. Here, you are passing judgment that it doesn't really mean what God said because you can't 'justify' killing one's enemies as commanded by God. You come into reading the Hebrew Scripture as a Gentile with a Gentile mindset attempting to interpret 2nd century B.C. Scripture given to a group of nomads in the middle eastern desert with a 21st century western world Gentile mindset and this will always lead to error.
As it does here.
You have that "God loves everyone and Christ died for everyone" theology that doesn't square with Scripture. In every covenant God made (Abrahamic, Mosaic, New Covenant, Davidic) He included no Gentiles. With the giving of the Abrahamic Covenant and the sign of circumcision that was performed on every Hebrew/Jew male in this covenant God excluded Gentiles and so for tens of hundreds of years Gentiles outside of this covenant were born and died without God and without hope of eternal life. With God giving the Mosaic Laws to the children of Israel - of whom the sign of circumcision separated Jew from Gentile - every Gentile born and died outside this everlasting covenant without God and without any hope of eternal life in this world and most likely bound for "hell," the Lake of Fire and total separation from God. Are we on the same page with regard to the Hebrew/Jewish covenants here?
Maybe these Gentiles will have a second chance in purgatory as the Catholics say? After all, God loves everybody, right?
He's going to 'love' them all the way to 'hell.' That's the theology of the prideful and arrogant.
Man's pride and arrogance just cannot accept this truth and make all kinds of justifications to make God say otherwise. And with regard to "eye for eye" and "life for life" you have done the same because in your mind you don't understand the Hebrew Scripture as you say, and you cannot understand the Law God gave to the children of Israel and contradict God because you can't "justify killing one's enemies."
Some even think I have an honest misunderstanding of Scripture.
But the fact of your comment remains: God gave the Law of eye for eye and life for life, etc., to the children of Israel. You are not the children or child of Israel. Here, you are passing judgment that it doesn't really mean what God said because you can't 'justify' killing one's enemies as commanded by God. You come into reading the Hebrew Scripture as a Gentile with a Gentile mindset attempting to interpret 2nd century B.C. Scripture given to a group of nomads in the middle eastern desert with a 21st century western world Gentile mindset and this will always lead to error.
As it does here.
You have that "God loves everyone and Christ died for everyone" theology that doesn't square with Scripture. In every covenant God made (Abrahamic, Mosaic, New Covenant, Davidic) He included no Gentiles. With the giving of the Abrahamic Covenant and the sign of circumcision that was performed on every Hebrew/Jew male in this covenant God excluded Gentiles and so for tens of hundreds of years Gentiles outside of this covenant were born and died without God and without hope of eternal life. With God giving the Mosaic Laws to the children of Israel - of whom the sign of circumcision separated Jew from Gentile - every Gentile born and died outside this everlasting covenant without God and without any hope of eternal life in this world and most likely bound for "hell," the Lake of Fire and total separation from God. Are we on the same page with regard to the Hebrew/Jewish covenants here?
Maybe these Gentiles will have a second chance in purgatory as the Catholics say? After all, God loves everybody, right?
He's going to 'love' them all the way to 'hell.' That's the theology of the prideful and arrogant.
Man's pride and arrogance just cannot accept this truth and make all kinds of justifications to make God say otherwise. And with regard to "eye for eye" and "life for life" you have done the same because in your mind you don't understand the Hebrew Scripture as you say, and you cannot understand the Law God gave to the children of Israel and contradict God because you can't "justify killing one's enemies."
Thanks for bringing this thread back on topic instead of going down the rabbit trails
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