The Father

And is a separator.
first ERROR of the DAY. Listen and Learn, "A conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses". what are these connectors? answer, Coordinating conjunctions allow you to join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical rank in a sentence. The most common coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so;

Try again.

first ERROR of the DAY. Listen and Learn, "A conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses". what are these connectors? answer, Coordinating conjunctions allow you to join words, phrases, and clauses of equal grammatical rank in a sentence. The most common coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so;

Try again.

John and Mary==not the same, a separator showing 2 different beings. God and Jesus=2 separate beings-One is God, one is not. There is only 1 God.
God and Jesus=2 separate beings-One is God, one is not. There is only 1 God.
if the Lord Jesus is not God then "WHO MADE ALL THINGS" according to John 1:3 and Isaiah 44:24? is this two separate being?, if so, then U have two CREATORS... (smile) ..... your answer please.

if the Lord Jesus is not God then "WHO MADE ALL THINGS" according to John 1:3 and Isaiah 44:24? is this two separate being?, if so, then U have two CREATORS... (smile) ..... your answer please.

Jehovah created all things. He created the being he sent to earth first direct=Jesus Col 1:15--Then created all other things-THROUGH Jesus. Col 1:16
If things are being created-THROUGH one, that means its another who is doing it.
Jehovah created all things. He created the being he sent to earth first direct=Jesus Col 1:15--Then created all other things-THROUGH Jesus. Col 1:16
If things are being created-THROUGH one, that means its another who is doing it.
second ERROR of the DAY, "HE went through NOBODY, but himself. can U READ? listen, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

do U know what "ALONE" means? "having no one else present". if no one else was present ..... THINK.... he went "THROUGH" no one.... hello

now you Colossians 1:16 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:"
that word by that you and many take as "THROUGH" is the same thing. meaning he was "BY" himself or he was "ALONE", when he "MADE ALL THINGS". this is backed up and proven out in Revelation 4:11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." NOW, is this your Jehovah as you said? if so, please tell us who gave your Jehovah "POWER?" because he who sits on the throne here RECIEVED "POWER" so, if this is your Jehovah please give BOOK, Chapter, and verse as to who Gave your Jehovah POWER. 101G will be looking for your answer.

Man this is just too easy as to exposing false doctrine. we suggest U re-read this post for edification, and proper training in the word of God.

second ERROR of the DAY, "HE went through NOBODY, but himself. can U READ? listen, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

do U know what "ALONE" means? "having no one else present". if no one else was present ..... THINK.... he went "THROUGH" no one.... hello

now you Colossians 1:16 "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:"
that word by that you and many take as "THROUGH" is the same thing. meaning he was "BY" himself or he was "ALONE", when he "MADE ALL THINGS". this is backed up and proven out in Revelation 4:11 "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." NOW, is this your Jehovah as you said? if so, please tell us who gave your Jehovah "POWER?" because he who sits on the throne here RECIEVED "POWER" so, if this is your Jehovah please give BOOK, Chapter, and verse as to who Gave your Jehovah POWER. 101G will be looking for your answer.

Man this is just too easy as to exposing false doctrine. we suggest U re-read this post for edification, and proper training in the word of God.

Col 1:16 says --through Jesus. So i am not in error. The darkness you twist it into makes you the one in error. the bible does not contradict itself.
YHVH(Jehovah is the only one with power and the wisdom to create. That is what alone meant= He alone has the power and wisdom to create. YHVH(Jehovah) did all the powerful works through Jesus while he was on earth( Acts 2:22)--Best believe Jesus--He can do 0 of his own initiative.(John 5:30)
Jesus is Gods master worker of Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process, he gives 100% credit to God at Prov 8.
Col 1:16 says --through Jesus.
is not the Lord JESUS God in the ECHAD? ....... Think man.
So i am not in error. The darkness you twist it into makes you the one in error. the bible does not contradict itself.
personal opinions do not move 101G. try something else.
YHVH(Jehovah is the only one with power and the wisdom to create. That is what alone meant= He alone has the power and wisdom to create.
so he didn't go ........ "through" ....... anybody..... (smile).. lol, lol, lol, Oh my.
YHVH(Jehovah) did all the powerful works through Jesus while he was on earth( Acts 2:22)--Best believe Jesus--He can do 0 of his own initiative.(John 5:30)
why? because he is his OWN ARM, see Isaiah 63:5..... Oh Lord what will they say next.....
Jesus is Gods master worker of Prov 8:30= the one beside God during the creation process, he gives 100% credit to God at Prov 8.
he God is Wisdom, and that wisdom, (WHO IS GOD HIMSELF), manifested in flesh which is his OWN SELF, (HIS OWN ARM, per. Isaiah 63:5). My God this is too easy not to be understood.

PS, so your Jehovah is not sitting on the throne .... correct...... (SMILE), Just couldn't find that book, chapter, or verse, Right?

To all,
people listen up. JESUS, who is the Holy One, the Holy Spirit is Father, without flesh, without bone, and without blood, title "LORD" all Cap. who CREATED and MADE ALL THINGS, in the dispensation, as the Ordinal FIRST.

Listen carefully, JESUS, who is the Holy One, the Holy Spirit is Son, with flesh, with bone, and with blood, title, "Lord'. who REDEEMED, and SAVED ALL THINGS that .... "he" Made in the beginning. do we understand now. please understand the "ORDER" of FIRST and LAST in "TIME", "PLACE", and "RANK". knowing this, it will answer all your Godhead question.

is not the Lord JESUS God in the ECHAD? ....... Think man.

personal opinions do not move 101G. try something else.

so he didn't go ........ "through" ....... anybody..... (smile).. lol, lol, lol, Oh my.

why? because he is his OWN ARM, see Isaiah 63:5..... Oh Lord what will they say next.....

he God is Wisdom, and that wisdom, (WHO IS GOD HIMSELF), manifested in flesh which is his OWN SELF, (HIS OWN ARM, per. Isaiah 63:5). My God this is too easy not to be understood.

PS, so your Jehovah is not sitting on the throne .... correct...... (SMILE), Just couldn't find that book, chapter, or verse, Right?

Jesus is NEVER God--he is Gods son--All sons are made by their Father. God always was and always will be. 1Cor 1:16 teaches 100% that creation was done-THROUGH Jesus.
Jesus is NEVER God--he is Gods son--All sons are made by their Father. God always was and always will be. 1Cor 1:16 teaches 100% that creation was done-THROUGH Jesus.
another ERROR, if what you say is TRUE, is not God, who is JESUS, sitting on the Throne? was it not God who sent his angel to John with this revelation, supportive scripture, Revelation 22:6 "And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done."

is not the Lord JESUS is that Lord ...... "God" who sent his, his, his, angel to John, per Rev. 1:1? correct.

another ERROR, if what you say is TRUE, is not God, who is JESUS, sitting on the Throne? was it not God who sent his angel to John with this revelation, supportive scripture, Revelation 22:6 "And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done."

is not the Lord JESUS is that Lord ...... "God" who sent his, his, his, angel to John, per Rev. 1:1? correct.

Do you understand English? Rev 1:1--A revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him= The giver is God, the receiver thus is not God because there is only 1 God. 2 beings spoken of at Rev 1:1= 1 is God, 1 is Jesus.
Do you understand English? Rev 1:1--A revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him= The giver is God, the receiver thus is not God because there is only 1 God. 2 beings spoken of at Rev 1:1= 1 is God, 1 is Jesus.
are you sure, you better Read your OWN... New world translation, for the One who sent his angel is the Lord.... "GOD", yes ... GOD who is Jesus per Revelation 22:6 according to angel.... listen, Revelation 22:6 "And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done."

the "Lord GOD" is Jesus.

don't make another ERROR, Listen and Learn, see your BIBLE as well as Mine say the same thing as to who sent his angel. yes the Lord Jesus. just come down to verse 16 ..... Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

see, the Lord God in Revelation 22:6 of the Holy Prophets is JESUS, and not your Jehovah. which now you're stuck in a title pawn, for your bible say it is Jehovah at Revelation 22:6 and then say at Revelation 22:16 it's .... "JESUS" who sent his angel.

which means it is only the Lord Jesus who is GOD in Revelation 1:1 and not two Person, for if it is.... then you have two Gods..... (smile), YIKES! :ninja:


Now the floor is yours again,
don't make another ERROR, Listen and Learn, see your BIBLE as well as Mine say the same thing as to who sent his angel. yes the Lord Jesus. just come down to verse 16 ..... Revelation 22:16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

see, the Lord God in Revelation 22:6 of the Holy Prophets is JESUS, and not your Jehovah. which now you're stuck in a title pawn, for your bible say it is Jehovah at Revelation 22:6 and then say at Revelation 22:16 it's .... "JESUS" who sent his angel.

which means it is only the Lord Jesus who is GOD in Revelation 1:1 and not two Person, for if it is.... then you have two Gods..... (smile), YIKES! :ninja:


Now the floor is yours again,
My bible has Jehovah at Rev 22:6--error filled translations may have the name Jesus but i doubt even that. Which translation are you using?
My bible has Jehovah at Rev 22:6--error filled translations may have the name Jesus but i doubt even that. Which translation are you using?
the KJV, and your bible is in ERROR at Revelation 22:6. for it is the Lord Jesus who sent his angel, per Revelation 22:16. and every bible translation has Jesus the Lord as the sender of the angel.
understand a title was used in 22:6 and that title belong to the Lord Jesus as he said in 22:16

the KJV, and your bible is in ERROR at Revelation 22:6. for it is the Lord Jesus who sent his angel, per Revelation 22:16. and every bible translation has Jesus the Lord as the sender of the angel.
understand a title was used in 22:6 and that title belong to the Lord Jesus as he said in 22:16

Its you twisting it into error. Assuming NEVER makes a truth.
Its you twisting it into error. Assuming NEVER makes a truth.
GINOLJC, to all.
ok, if 101G is twisting anything please point it out. and if assuming, please post where 101G makes an assumption, so in order to defend himself.

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