The Conflation of the Calvinist

Is God involved in the salvation of a person? Yes.
Is salvation self induced? No.
What means does God use for a person to be saved? His Gospel.
Does God require man's participation? Yes.
Does God repent for man? No.
Does God believe for man? No.
Is man regenerated prior to repentance and belief? No.
Can man refuse God and harden his heart towards Him? Yes.
Can God leave a man in his sin? Yes.
Does God take delight when a wicked man perishes? No.
Would He rather they repent and live? Yes.
What EXACTLY is the GIFT (not of yourself) that God gives in Ephesians 2:1-9?
You need to read Charles Spurgeon, a “Calvinist” pastor who has hundreds of published sermons and can educate you about what we really believe. (Your ignorance of Calvinist teaching is cavernous).

The Way of Salvation

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
August 15, 1858
Scripture: Acts 4:12
From: New Park Street Pulpit Volume 4

(The opening, click the link to read on)​

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."—Acts 4:12​

It is a very happy circumstance when the servants of God are able to turn everything to account in their ministry. Now, the apostle Peter was summoned before the priests and Sadducees, the chief of his nation, to answer for having restored a man who was lame from his mother's womb. Whilst accounting for this case of cure, or, if I may use the expression, for this case of temporal salvation, the apostle Peter had this thought suggested to him, "While I am accounting for the salvation of this man from lameness, I have now a fine opportunity of showing to these people, who otherwise will not listen to us, the way of the salvation of the soul." So he proceeds from the less to the greater, from the healing of a man's limb to the healing of a man's spirit; and having informed them once that it was through the name of Jesus Christ that the impotent man had been made whole, he now announces that salvation,—the great salvation, must be wrought by the selfsame means; "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

What a great word that word "salvation" is! It includes the cleansing of our conscience from all past guilt, the delivery of our soul from all those propensities to evil which now so strongly predominate in us; it takes in, in fact, the undoing of all that Adam did. Salvation is the total restoration of man from his fallen estate; and yet it is something more than that, for God's salvation fixes our standing more secure than it was before we fell. It finds us broken in pieces by the sin of our first parent, defiled, stained, accursed: it first heals our wounds, it removes our diseases, it takes away our curse, it puts our feet upon the rock Christ Jesus, and having thus done, at last it lifts our heads far above all principalities. and powers, to be crowned for ever with Jesus Christ, the King of heaven. Some people, when they use the word "salvation," understand nothing more by it than deliverance from hell and admittance into heaven. Now, that is not salvation: those two things are the effectsof salvation. We are redeemed from hell because we are saved, and we enter heaven because we have been saved beforehand. Our everlasting state is the effect of salvation in this life. Salvation, it is true, includes all that, because salvation is the mother of it, and carrieth it within its bowels; but still it were wrong for us to imagine that that is all the meaning of the word. Salvation begins with us as wandering sheep; it follows us through all our mazy wanderings; it puts us on the shoulders of the shepherd; it carries us into the fold; it calls together the friends and the neighbors; it rejoices over us; it preserves us in that fold through life; and then at last it brings us to the green pastures of heaven, beside the still waters of bliss, where we lie down for ever, in the presence of the Chief Shepherd, never more to be disturbed.

Now our text tells us there is only one way of salvation. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." I shall take first of all a negative truth taught here, namely, that there is no salvation out of Christ; and then, secondly, a positive truth inferred, namely, that there is salvation in Jesus Christ whereby we must be saved.
No I don't. Nice try though. Your ignorance of what you think I know about Is stupendous.

You know what's funny though, You want to call people ignorant And then post this:

Since this discussion has thrown off all pretext of Christian discourse and devolved into baseless and empty name calling (abandoning scripture for hate filled rhetoric) … I will take my leave and allow you to WALLOW in the filth without me.

We call that being a hypocrite where I'm from.
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