Pancho Frijoles
Well-known member
Hi TomLUm from a historical perspective you are clearly wrong
From a historical perspective, the quotes you are posting were written by people who were not even born at the time the author of Hebrews wrote the epistle... or, if born, were babies or little children. The quotes you are posting range between 60 to 130 years AFTER the epistle was written.
So, the historical perspective I am referring to is the historical perspective of Jesus, his apostles and scribes.
If Paul had taught the Trinity, that would have been an enormous, radical change... another religion completely, that would have faced firm resistance from Jew converts.
Instead, we find Jew converts (the Judaizing) concerned about topics like the need to cut their foreskins, keep Sabbath and abstain from certain meals. Do you think that Jew converts would have resisted Paul on these issues, and not on the Oneness of God?
In the epistle of Hebrews, the author presents Christ as a priest between man and God, not as God! ... as a priest appointed by God, not God!
- 3:1 "consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Jesus Christ, who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses was faithful in all His house.
- 4:14 "Since then we have a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to our confession.
- 5:5 "So also Christ did not glorify Himself to be made a High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: “You are My Son; today I have become Your Father.”
- 5:9,10 "...and being made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey Him, being designated by God a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek"
- 8:1 Now this is the main point of the things that we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens,