Seems you want to remain just vague and obscure enough to give you the plausible deniability you plead ignorance. If you agree with Greek grammar, you've lost your resurrection debate. If you flat out deny it, you look ignorant. Better for you to just keep running around circles.
So once again, you don't actually have anything about Jesus resurrecting himself. My oh my, the Trinity doctrine takes a pretty big hit without any evidence that Jesus resurrected himself. I've even provided you more examples of the passive voice referring to what people receive, not what they do to themselves.
Here's another one where Jesus isn't said to be a member of a triune Godhead in which he participated in his own resurrection. The grammar rules Jesus out and gives glory to the Father for it.
Romans 6
4Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as
Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.