The Bible does not teach to pray to Jesus

The Sadducees were worse but the Pharisees still were awful. Jesus rejected the Pharisees' oral law and their practices. Jesus has quite a significant departure from the Pharisee's beliefs. Nor were the Pharisees, lawyers, or priests designated as lord or master in their roles.
Jesus didn't change any of the laws the Pharisees wrongly imposed on people, but only clarified them. In other words, Jesus couldn't change God's laws.
When is the last time you read the Bible???
1. So please give us the verse where we are taught to meet in homes.
2. Also give us the verse that says if we call a building "a church", that is anti-Christ and from men.

Instead of verifying your unBiblical statements, because you can't, you mock me. Apparently I know the Bible and you don't.
The Bible, in fact, does teach to meet in homes.

Truth Fact Check : God teaches us that to call a building a 'church' is antic-christ and is from men.
You better get out of your bogus "Truth Fact Check" scheme - at least until you know the truth - which may take awhile given your indoctrination.
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1. So please give us the verse where we are taught to meet in homes.
2. Also give us the verse that says if we call a building "a church", that is anti-Christ and from men.

Instead of verifying your unBiblical statements, because you can't, you mock me. Apparently I know the Bible and you don't.

You better get out of your bogus "Truth Fact Check" scheme - at least until you know the truth - which may take awhile given your indoctrination.
Never mocked you.

Let's work together as is pleasing to the Lord.

Truth Fact Check: Where in scripture did God give the order to build buildings and call them churches?
Jesus didn't change any of the laws the Pharisees wrongly imposed on people, but only clarified them. In other words, Jesus couldn't change God's laws.
In his death and resurrection he ended the era of the law. That is a significant change. But you seek, like the Jews did, do be justified by deeds of the law. This is a natural error that stems from previous heretical views you have. That is the problem with heresy, it takes root into a multitude of doctrine. Your religion deviates from significant bible teachings.
1. So please give us the verse where we are taught to meet in homes.
2. Also give us the verse that says if we call a building "a church", that is anti-Christ and from men.

Instead of verifying your unBiblical statements, because you can't, you mock me. Apparently I know the Bible and you don't.

You better get out of your bogus "Truth Fact Check" scheme - at least until you know the truth - which may take awhile given your indoctrination.
Did you see where i said to you "Shalom" ???
In his death and resurrection he ended the era of the law. That is a significant change. But you seek, like the Jews did, do be justified by deeds of the law. This is a natural error that stems from previous heretical views you have. That is the problem with heresy, it takes root into a multitude of doctrine. Your religion deviates from significant bible teachings.
Question, what is the final judgement like in your world view? Got an Scripture by any chance on this point?
ABSOLUTELY, as that is how i was raised from the death of sin.
So God raised God from the dead? That doesn't sound like how God talks. It is not repeated in the Bible and sounds like how you people talk and not how God talks. The Scripture always refers to God and other people like Jesus in plain language.
So God raised God from the dead? That doesn't sound like how God talks. It is not repeated in the Bible and sounds like how you people talk and not how God talks. The Scripture always refers to God and other people like Jesus in plain language.
Jesus and the Father equally were noted to be the one raising Jesus from the dead. Here is part of the answer by
The Bible indicates that all three Persons of the Trinity were involved in Jesus’ resurrection. Galatians 1:1 says that the Father raised Jesus from the dead. First Peter 3:18 says that the Spirit raised Jesus from the dead (see also Romans 1:4, and note that Romans 8:11 clearly says that God will resurrect believers “through His Spirit”). And in John 2:19 Jesus predicts that He will raise Himself from the dead (see also John 10:18)
So the answer is yes. God raised God from the dead. The reason it does not sound like the way God talks is that you do not know his voice.
Question, what is the final judgement like in your world view? Got an Scripture by any chance on this point?
It is by faith not works that anyone should boast. Rom 3:27
Also Eph 2:8–10.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10
Wow thank you for agreeing with atleast, and possibly the only, one of my points. I really respect that Synergy despite your constant teasing about running away, weaseling, hallucinating, etc (though I honestly am not sure why you keep saying those things since none of that is actually happening.)

That's progress and encourages me to answer you question. Is Jesus both fully divine and fully human according to the hypostatic union doctrine? So Jesus the man and Jesus the God would hypothetically be the same person (a word used for convenience) being right? So Jesus Christ did come in the flesh. Do you agree Jesus came in the flesh?
I need an direct answer from you. Is Jesus Lord/Master according to the flesh or Lord according to the Spirit as is the Father? Take your time to answer but your answer must directly answer my question.
game, set and match- the passage has both the Father/Son Co-Equal in Creation.

end of discussion. :)

its the unitarian stumbling block- the Son- since they reject Him they reject His salvation for their sins.

Romans 10:9–10 (NASB95) — 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
Jesus and the Father equally were noted to be the one raising Jesus from the dead. Here is part of the answer by

So the answer is yes. God raised God from the dead. The reason it does not sound like the way God talks is that you do not know his voice.
The Bible does not indicate three persons raised Jesus from the dead..
game, set and match- the passage has both the Father/Son Co-Equal in Creation.

end of discussion. :)

its the unitarian stumbling block- the Son- since they reject Him they reject His salvation for their sins.
So if you accept that Jesus is the only and only Lord, are you prepared to accept that the Father is the one and only God?
The hypostatic union is a union of God and man

What union do you have?
Can humans, using their skill, design something that looks like Jesus Christ?

If Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine in one person then these are simply two sides of the same coin and cannot be separated. Therefore, someone painting a picture of Jesus Christ or making a sculpture of Jesus Christ would, in effect, be contrary to Acts 17:29. Therefore, God is not a human and a human is not God.

Acts 17
29“Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill.
It is by faith not works that anyone should boast. Rom 3:27
Also Eph 2:8–10.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10
That has its place in context, but as a stand alone passage, no it's not it. Are you one of those "once saved always saved" types and you get to sin as much as you like without ever repenting?

Romans 2
5But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 6God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
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