Praying to Jesus

See Acts 7:59.
Yes Jesus is clearly prayed to there and in verse 60

Acts 7:59–60 (KJV 1900) — 59 And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 60 And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep.
Then they disagree with the Bible.

1 Kings 8:38-39
whatever made...then hear in heaven...for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men.

Only God fully knows the hearts of all, so only God is the proper recipient of prayer.
Catholics have their own Approved translation of the bible

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out. Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary
Catholics have their own Approved translation of the bible

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out. Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary

Catholics have their own Approved translation of the bible

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out. Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary
Yeshua also knows the hearts 💕 of men.
Catholics have their own Approved translation of the bible

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out. Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary
This is a complete list of the translations of the Sacred Scriptures that have received the approval of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops since 1983.

  • Books of the New Testament, Alba House
  • Contemporary English Version – New Testament, First Edition, American Bible Society
  • Contemporary English Version – Book of Psalms, American Bible Society
  • Contemporary English Version – Book of Proverbs, American Bible Society
  • The Grail Psalter (Inclusive Language Version), G.I.A. Publications
  • New American Bible, Revised Edition (NABRE)
  • New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition, National Council of Churches
  • The Psalms, Alba House
  • The Psalms (New International Version) – St. Joseph Catholic Edition, Catholic Book Publishing Company
  • The Psalms – St. Joseph New Catholic Version, Catholic Book Publishing Company
  • Revised Psalms of the New American Bible (1991)
  • So You May Believe, A Translation of the Four Gospels, Alba House
  • Good News Translation (Today’s English Version, Second Edition), American Bible Society
  • Translation for Early Youth, A Translation of the New Testament for Children, Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society
This is the list of Bible versions that are approved for Catholics, according to

  • New American Bible: Revised Edition – 2011 – Optimal Equivalence
  • Ignatius Bible – 2006 – Formal Equivalence
  • Good News Bible: Catholic Edition – 1992 – Dynamic Equivalence
  • New Jerusalem Bible – 1990 – Dynamic Equivalence
  • New Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition – 1989 – Formal Equivalence
  • Jerusalem Bible – 1966 – Dynamic Equivalence
  • Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition – 1966 – Formal Equivalence
  • Douay–Rheims Bible – 1582 – Formal Equivalence
And according to, this is the list of approved Catholic Translations:

Here we have on three members of the trinity in the
Immaculate Conception

Is 7:14
Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel [God with us].

Mt 1:20–25
But as he was thinking this over, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary [as] your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of (from, out of) the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son, and you shall call His name…

Mk 3:21–35
And when those who belonged to Him (His kinsmen) heard it, they went out to take Him by force, for they kept saying, He is out of His mind (beside Himself, deranged)! And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, He is possessed by Beelzebub, and, By [the help of] the prince of demons…

Lk 1:26–38
Now in the sixth month [after that], the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee named Nazareth, To a girl never having been married and a virgin engaged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, a descendant of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And he…

Jn 19:25–27
But by the cross of Jesus stood His mother, His mother’s sister, Mary the [wife] of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. So Jesus, seeing His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing near, said to His mother, [Dear] woman, See, [here is] your son! Then He said to the disciple, See, [here…
Hearing and responding are two entirely different things don’t you think ?
Of course they are. You can hear and do nothing or you can hear and respond.

Here's another one to ponder.

Can We or Should We Talk to Loved Ones in Heaven?​

The question was, from a biblical standpoint, is it okay to talk to our loved ones who've gone on to be with Jesus?

First, would it even be possible for someone in Heaven to know what's happening on earth, and be able to hear us say anything? Many assume the answer is no. But in Matthew 17, Moses and Elijah clearly already knew the events going on when they appeared with Jesus on the mount of transfiguration.

Prayer in many ways can be as easy as having a conversation.

Quote it.

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

God hears everything, but that doesn't mean He approves of it.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out.

We're also talking about the same God who will not contradict His word.

Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary

He does, but He doesn't approve of them being directed to her.
Catholics have their own Approved translation of the bible

I believe God would also hear prayer directed toward Mary.

We're talking about the God that can make stones cry out. Surely he hears a prayer sent to Mary
Of course God hears that. He hears everything. But I doubt that He answers those prayers, because praying to another human being is associated with necromancy and idolatry, expecting that a human who has passed on can hear and answer our prayers. In fact, if you get "an answer" its probably from a demon purporting to be Mary. The Catholic church is filled with idols and demonic activity
also verse 60

Notice how the prayers to the Father by the Lord Jesus corresponds with the prayers to the Lord Jesus by Stephen.

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Acts 7:60
And falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them!

Luke 23:46
Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit!
Acts 7:59
And they stoned Stephen as he called out saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!

The Father
The Lord Jesus

1. The Father is properly prayed to by the Lord Jesus which proves the Father is God.
2. Being God and not a man the Father prays to no one.
3. The Lord Jesus properly prays to the Father which proves Jesus is a man.
4. The Lord Jesus is properly prayed to by Stephen which proves Jesus is God.
5. Stephen properly prays to the Lord Jesus which proves Stephen is a man.
6. Being a man and not God Stephen is not the proper recipient of prayer.
Notice how the prayers to the Father by the Lord Jesus corresponds with the prayers to the Lord Jesus by Stephen.

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Acts 7:60
And falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them!

Luke 23:46
Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit!
Acts 7:59
And they stoned Stephen as he called out saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!

The Father
The Lord Jesus

1. The Father is properly prayed to by the Lord Jesus which proves the Father is God.
2. Being God and not a man the Father prays to no one.
3. The Lord Jesus properly prays to the Father which proves Jesus is a man.
4. The Lord Jesus is properly prayed to by Stephen which proves Jesus is God.
5. Stephen properly prays to the Lord Jesus which proves Stephen is a man.
6. Being a man and not God Stephen is not the proper recipient of prayer.

Jesus is given the honor and titles of deity
The Jesus "of the Bible" teaches that His God and my God is Greater than HE. And HE, my High Priest and Lord, sent to me by His Father, said to me "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name". I understand that this world God placed me in, have created their own gods and I am warned by the Christ, the Rock of Israel who became mortal man, against worshipping them as the masses worship them. I have seen a popular image of God in the likeness of a long haired, very handsome man, created and worshipped by this world's religions. They even created a couple of their own high days in worship of this image. But the Jesus "of the Bible" told me to worship His Father which is a Spirit, and explained how to worship Him, who to pray to and how to pray to Him, and HE warned me about "MANY" who call Him Lord, Lord, but are not "Doers" of His Sayings, and also about "Many" deceivers who come in His Name who would work to turn me away from obedience to His Father and my Father, even as the same spirit tried to turn Him away from obedience to the same Father.

This same Jesus is most certainly an immortal God now, as HE was before coming in the flesh, and has been raised by God and given a body we cannot yet know about, as HE is the first mortal human being to ever be given such a body, or as HE is called in the Holy Scriptures, "The First Fruit" of many. And HE is now standing on the Right hand of His Father, in the Kingdom of His Father, advocating between me and His Father to this very day.

Because I believe all that is written in the Holy scriptures that the Jesus "of the Bible" teaches me to "Live By", as they are Inspired by the God and Father of the Lord's Christ Himself, I am labeled by "many" who come in His Name, a legalist, or even an anti-Christ. But I am not discouraged because the Jesus "of the Bible" told me that if I followed Him and became a "Doer" of His Sayings, and denied the gods of the land God placed me in, I would be hated and slandered because of my belief in His Father and His Words, in the same way HE was hated and slandered for trusting in the Words of the same God in the same world God placed Him in.

It is clearly evident, in my 30 years of experience, that this Jesus "of the Bible" speaks the truth in that regard.

I will, by patience continuance in well doing, as defined by God, seek for glory and honor and immortality, to know the One True God that the Jesus "of the Bible" said to know is eternal life, and to know His Only Begotten Son, who is standing on the Right Hand of His father and my Father, advocating between me and His God and my God even now.

And I wait for His Return, and the Reward HE brings, "to give every man according as his work shall be".

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
another fallacious post.

No Jesus claimed equality with God and the Jews knew it and condemned Him for that very claim. Also Paul declares He has equality with God in Phil 2.

You really dislike the Son, even hate ( love less ) Him. You rob Him , devalue Him of His honor, praise, worship, prayer that the disciples, those He healed gave Him and all creation in heaven gives Him now a per Rev 5:11-14.

If you do not do that on this side of heaven there will be no opportunity for you to on the other side. The testing ground is here and now.

hope this helps !!!
Notice how the prayers to the Father by the Lord Jesus corresponds with the prayers to the Lord Jesus by Stephen.

Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
Acts 7:60
And falling on his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them!

Luke 23:46
Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit!
Acts 7:59
And they stoned Stephen as he called out saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!

The Father
The Lord Jesus

1. The Father is properly prayed to by the Lord Jesus which proves the Father is God.
2. Being God and not a man the Father prays to no one.
3. The Lord Jesus properly prays to the Father which proves Jesus is a man.
4. The Lord Jesus is properly prayed to by Stephen which proves Jesus is God.
5. Stephen properly prays to the Lord Jesus which proves Stephen is a man.
6. Being a man and not God Stephen is not the proper recipient of prayer.
Amen the unitarian demise.

You denied it is the name of Jesus Christ men call on to be saved


Acts 4:9–12 (KJV 1900) — 9 If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole; 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. 11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
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