Well-known member
I did that for over 40 years as I believed what the reformation taught about predestination, sovereignty and tulip as taught by Calvin. I had a false view of Gods character, salvation-how it works, Gods love only for some not everyone, the atonement and several other doctrines that came from Augustine and made popular by Calvin and his followers.Many years ago i was having a conversation with a few JW
What had occured was they were going out to my mothers house
and had began to witness to her . I was telling her to beware of that place .
Now i did talk to them .
I would even call one of them over the phone to discuss and talk .
One night , the LORD had showed me something to tell them .
SO i called up the lady .
I read to her timothy three sixteen .
When i had finished the verse , there was no response on that phone by that lady .
she must have been speechless for about twenty or thirty seconds .
WHEN she then began to speak
her speech was stamnmerd more , she was so suprised david , and she managed
to simply then say , WELL , IF JEHOVAH wants us to know this
then HE will reveal it to our ..........
That was when i just wanted to cry . David she had been made speechless
and yet when she realized she could not say ITS NOT TRUE
all she could then do was say , WELL if JEHOVAH wants us to.
SHE made the mistake as many do . THEY TRUST IN THEIR LEADERSHIP .
as though its the voice of GOD .
She never called back either . It was sad david . BUT maybe she eventually
did accept it . On that note
i tell us all , that many even in the protestant realm are like this , and you KNOW the CC is like that .
THEY can be shown the truth , and yet they continue to trust in their scholars , leaders , who etc
as though them leaders are RIGHT . this is a serious problem . ITS CALLED TRUSTING IN MAN , NOT GOD .
God a few years ago had me questioning Him and my beliefs during the pandemic when I had lots of free time to study until my heart was context since I was off work for several months. The more questions I asked about my beliefs with an open mind the more God revealed His real character to me through His word. This let me into a deep dive study/journey that I'm still on with Gods character, attributes within His own Being. I'm still in the process of writing a paper that I may or may not publish but there is a thread on it on our forum which I posted. Its below in the link.
To God be all the glory now and forever more.

AMEN !!!