Praying to Jesus

Many years ago i was having a conversation with a few JW
What had occured was they were going out to my mothers house
and had began to witness to her . I was telling her to beware of that place .
Now i did talk to them .
I would even call one of them over the phone to discuss and talk .
One night , the LORD had showed me something to tell them .
SO i called up the lady .
I read to her timothy three sixteen .
When i had finished the verse , there was no response on that phone by that lady .
she must have been speechless for about twenty or thirty seconds .
WHEN she then began to speak
her speech was stamnmerd more , she was so suprised david , and she managed
to simply then say , WELL , IF JEHOVAH wants us to know this
then HE will reveal it to our ..........
That was when i just wanted to cry . David she had been made speechless
and yet when she realized she could not say ITS NOT TRUE
all she could then do was say , WELL if JEHOVAH wants us to.
SHE made the mistake as many do . THEY TRUST IN THEIR LEADERSHIP .
as though its the voice of GOD .
She never called back either . It was sad david . BUT maybe she eventually
did accept it . On that note
i tell us all , that many even in the protestant realm are like this , and you KNOW the CC is like that .
THEY can be shown the truth , and yet they continue to trust in their scholars , leaders , who etc
as though them leaders are RIGHT . this is a serious problem . ITS CALLED TRUSTING IN MAN , NOT GOD .
I did that for over 40 years as I believed what the reformation taught about predestination, sovereignty and tulip as taught by Calvin. I had a false view of Gods character, salvation-how it works, Gods love only for some not everyone, the atonement and several other doctrines that came from Augustine and made popular by Calvin and his followers.

God a few years ago had me questioning Him and my beliefs during the pandemic when I had lots of free time to study until my heart was context since I was off work for several months. The more questions I asked about my beliefs with an open mind the more God revealed His real character to me through His word. This let me into a deep dive study/journey that I'm still on with Gods character, attributes within His own Being. I'm still in the process of writing a paper that I may or may not publish but there is a thread on it on our forum which I posted. Its below in the link.

To God be all the glory now and forever more. :)

AMEN !!!
Many years ago i was having a conversation with a few JW
What had occured was they were going out to my mothers house
and had began to witness to her . I was telling her to beware of that place .
Now i did talk to them .
I would even call one of them over the phone to discuss and talk .
One night , the LORD had showed me something to tell them .
SO i called up the lady .
I read to her timothy three sixteen .
When i had finished the verse , there was no response on that phone by that lady .
she must have been speechless for about twenty or thirty seconds .
WHEN she then began to speak
her speech was stamnmerd more , she was so suprised david , and she managed
to simply then say , WELL , IF JEHOVAH wants us to know this
then HE will reveal it to our ..........
That was when i just wanted to cry . David she had been made speechless
and yet when she realized she could not say ITS NOT TRUE
all she could then do was say , WELL if JEHOVAH wants us to.
SHE made the mistake as many do . THEY TRUST IN THEIR LEADERSHIP .
as though its the voice of GOD .
She never called back either . It was sad david . BUT maybe she eventually
did accept it . On that note
i tell us all , that many even in the protestant realm are like this , and you KNOW the CC is like that .
THEY can be shown the truth , and yet they continue to trust in their scholars , leaders , who etc
as though them leaders are RIGHT . this is a serious problem . ITS CALLED TRUSTING IN MAN , NOT GOD .
The paper crown has come to town
everyone listen and gather around
this will be really neat
as we sit at his feet

come gather around
the man with the paper crown
he will speak of his religion
as the people worship his position

we sent him a 12 page disaster
for him to fill out
and prove he can be our master

let's whitewash the church
and add a little plaster
what could go wrong?
we have our master
I did that for over 40 years as I believed what the reformation taught about predestination, sovereignty and tulip as taught by Calvin. I had a false view of Gods character, salvation-how it works, Gods love only for some not everyone, the atonement and several other doctrines that came from Augustine and made poplar by Calvin and his followers.

God a few years ago had me questioning Him and my beliefs during the pandemic when I had lots of free time to study until my heart was context since I was off work for several months. The more questions I asked about my beliefs with an open mind the more God revealed His real character to me through His word. This let me into a deep dive study/journey that I'm still on with Gods character, attributes within His own Being. I'm still in the process of writing a paper that I may or may not publish but there is a thread on it on our forum which I posted. Its below in the link.

To God be all the glory now and forever more. :)

AMEN !!!
Civic , you said something and i want to expound on this .
WHY do you think i continously remind folks to get back into the bible for themselves .
Take note
what happened . During covid you had lots of time on your hands
so you began to study for YOURSELF .
THE MORE we read that bible , the more we gonna soon see
whether what we been following is TRUE OR NOT .
but most wont do that . So allow me to say it again .
EVERYONE please get back into your bibles and read them for yourselves and do so
to learn and grow . Love every word and stay refreshed by those reminders .
GOD by HIS grace put me into JUST the bible . what a love and joy it was and is to read .
He has had me in that book every day just loving to read it for myself . For over eighteen years now .
And i am reminding us all today , YOU would be amazed at how much error has been taught
by leaders . Thank you for sharing such a lovely reminder my friend .
The paper crown has come to town
everyone listen and gather around
this will be really neat
as we sit at his feet

come gather around
the man with the paper crown
he will speak of his religion
as the people worship his position

we sent him a 12 page disaster
for him to fill out
and prove he can be our master

let's whitewash the church
and add a little plaster
what could go wrong?
we have our master
when the KING who wears many a crown
shall rip the sky and come to earthen town
on that day shall the paper crown
and all who heed the clown
And i just dont desire the death of any
so warn them all we must .
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The paper crown has come to town
everyone listen and gather around
this will be really neat
as we sit at his feet

come gather around
the man with the paper crown
he will speak of his religion
as the people worship his position

we sent him a 12 page disaster
for him to fill out
and prove he can be our master

let's whitewash the church
and add a little plaster
what could go wrong?
we have our master
The paper crown has come to town
and does all to build a diverse tower from the ground
beliving it shall reach to heaven and unto GOD
But on HIS DAY that tower cometh down by HE who holds the ROD .
This is real david .
many now build a inclusie love religoin tower
they believe reaches to heaven .
and have done so by untemptered , untested morter
as they add diverse stone to diverse stone .
BUt that tower will never reach heaven and in no way to GOD
and all them diverse stones had no white garments on
and the untempered morter , Lies of men to replace the truth of GOD , WILL NOT be able to
support that tower on the day of the LORD . ONLY ONE NAME SAVES
and YE MUST BLEIEVE IN HIM to be saved .
when the KING who wears many a crown
shall rip the sky and come to earthen town
on that day shall the paper crown
and all who heed the clown
And i just dont desire the death of any
so warn them all we must .
what's with slashing thru my poem
you agreed that you know-um

your poem is true
just as mine is Blue

your poem ended with 'must'
go back and add
in HIM we Trust
The paper crown has come to town
everyone listen and gather around
this will be really neat
as we sit at his feet

come gather around
the man with the paper crown
he will speak of his religion
as the people worship his position

we sent him a 12 page disaster
for him to fill out
and prove he can be our master

let's whitewash the church
and add a little plaster
what could go wrong?
we have our master
In the days of nimrod the peoples built as physcial tower they beleived would reach to GOD .
THEY were one , they had common ground . and that common ground was to try and build a tower to reach to heaven .
Rather odd i seem to see the same pattern today .
TODAY the peoples holler we are one , and they find common ground with all religoins
beliving this path , THIS SO CALLED TOWER reaches to heaven .
This we are one and everone serves the same god stuff , YEAH , that lie , that tower
ITS COMING DOWN on theday of the LORD .
TROD JESUS UNDER FOOT and believe a lie , and there is no escape from the wrath of GOD .
Rather it provokes HIS WRATH . JESUS is getting denied and most folks just see it as love and GOD has made the path BROAD .
The paper crown has come to town
and does all to build a diverse tower from the ground
beliving it shall reach to heaven and unto GOD
But on HIS DAY that tower cometh down by HE who holds the ROD .
This is real david .
many now build a inclusie love religoin tower
they believe reaches to heaven .
and have done so by untemptered , untested morter
as they add diverse stone to diverse stone .
BUt that tower will never reach heaven and in no way to GOD
and all them diverse stones had no white garments on
and the untempered morter , Lies of men to replace the truth of GOD , WILL NOT be able to
support that tower on the day of the LORD . ONLY ONE NAME SAVES
and YE MUST BLEIEVE IN HIM to be saved .
Where’s your phone @TOTHALORDBEALLGLORY ?
sorry david , it was an accident . i hit the wrong button and the slashes appeared and i have zero idea how to remove it .
my fingers fat finger a lot . it was not meant to be slashed .
thank you Brother,
for when we SLASH thru another man's words it SAYS LOUD and CLEAR that you REJECT what he/she said
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Civic , you said something and i want to expound on this .
WHY do you think i continously remind folks to get back into the bible for themselves .
Take note
what happened . During covid you had lots of time on your hands
so you began to study for YOURSELF .
THE MORE we read that bible , the more we gonna soon see
whether what we been following is TRUE OR NOT .
but most wont do that . So allow me to say it again .
EVERYONE please get back into your bibles and read them for yourselves and do so
to learn and grow . Love every word and stay refreshed by those reminders .
GOD by HIS grace put me into JUST the bible . what a love and joy it was and is to read .
He has had me in that book every day just loving to read it for myself . For over eighteen years now .
And i am reminding us all today , YOU would be amazed at how much error has been taught
by leaders . Thank you for sharing such a lovely reminder my friend .
Jack Russell?
Max is bigger then a Jack Russel

He is a mix with coon hound and other(maybe JR)

He loves to go after squirrels and looks up at trees and will try and climb the tree that has the squirrel in it
When he realizes he can't get up that tree he goes on point looking up and notifying me by barking/howling
Max is bigger then a Jack Russel

He is a mix with coon hound and other(maybe JR)

He loves to go after squirrels and looks up at trees and will try and climb the tree that has the squirrel in it
When he realizes he can't get up that tree he goes on point looking up and notifying me by barking/howling
Mine (not a JR) likes to chase lizards

We have a lot in Florida
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