Justification by Faith

Faith is the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22; 2 Thess 2:13
It is ridiculous to me that you read something that explains properly to understand a verse, and all you can say is to restate your wrong conclusion using the same passage as support.

Faith is the result of hearing the Word of God (the Gospel of Christ). Faith includes placing intellectual assent (belief) in the truth of the Gospel, AND taking actions of obedience to that Gospel. Faith is not done for us by the Spirit. Faith is the requirement of salvation that we must exhibit if we expect to receive the gift of salvation from God (Eph 2:8-9 and many others).
It is ridiculous to me that you read something that explains properly to understand a verse, and all you can say is to restate your wrong conclusion using the same passage as support.

Faith is the result of hearing the Word of God (the Gospel of Christ). Faith includes placing intellectual assent (belief) in the truth of the Gospel, AND taking actions of obedience to that Gospel. Faith is not done for us by the Spirit. Faith is the requirement of salvation that we must exhibit if we expect to receive the gift of salvation from God (Eph 2:8-9 and many others).
People kill me, , always talking about, show it to me in the scripture, then when its shown to them, they deny it, they find some kind of way to deny it. Again, Faith is the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22; 2 Thess 2:13
People kill me, , always talking about, show it to me in the scripture, then when its shown to them, they deny it, they find some kind of way to deny it. Again, Faith is the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22; 2 Thess 2:13
Yes, you have shown those two Scriptures, and been shown that they do not say what you think they say (makes me think of the Princess Bride, sorry).

Gal 5:22 says that faithfulness is a gift of the Spirit, not faith (they are very different). 2 Thes 2:13 says that we are given salvation THROUGH the sanctification of the Spirit, and THROUGH faith in the truth. We are not given faith because we received salvation. We are given salvation because we have faith.

Faith is the prerequisite to receiving salvation. The fruits of the Spirit are the result of having the Spirit in us which begins at salvation.
Faith is seen in the seed sprouting and becoming a plant. Fruit is seen in a mature plant well established. Fruit is not part of the planting and sprouting process in a plant, nor is it part of the planting and sprouting process in the Gospel. Fruit comes much later, and faith is required at the beginning.
Yes, you have shown those two Scriptures, and been shown that they do not say what you think they say (makes me think of the Princess Bride, sorry).

Gal 5:22 says that faithfulness is a gift of the Spirit, not faith (they are very different). 2 Thes 2:13 says that we are given salvation THROUGH the sanctification of the Spirit, and THROUGH faith in the truth. We are not given faith because we received salvation. We are given salvation because we have faith.

Faith is the prerequisite to receiving salvation. The fruits of the Spirit are the result of having the Spirit in us which begins at salvation.
Faith is seen in the seed sprouting and becoming a plant. Fruit is seen in a mature plant well established. Fruit is not part of the planting and sprouting process in a plant, nor is it part of the planting and sprouting process in the Gospel. Fruit comes much later, and faith is required at the beginning.
Faith is the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22, its right there before your eyes.
Faith is the fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22, its right there before your eyes.
To understand it in that sense contradicts other Scripture, as pointed out several times in the past few minutes. To continue to harp on a point that has been proven false is pointless. I admire your tenacity, but think that at this point it is beyond tenacity to the point of open defiance of Scripture.
One must be born of God to hear Gods wordsJn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

The context of the dialogue recorded between John 8:12 to the end of the chapter focuses upon our Lord testifying that He came from heaven and that God was His Father who sent Him. The unbelieving Jews argued with Him and said Abraham was their father and also said God was their Father.

The Lord set the record straight that they were not of Heaven but from the world and that He hears and has heard from the Father; something only He alone being God's one and only Son from Heaven has experienced, since He is of God. Their claim that God was their Father was debunked by the Lord in the exchange.

Verse 26 the Lord said, "I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him." (Joh 8:26)
Verse 38 the Lord said, "I speak that which I have seen with my Father".
Verse 40 the Lord said, "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God"
Verse 42 the Lord said, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me".

And then the Lord said, "Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." (Joh 8:46-47)

In verses 46-47 our Lord asked them why they didn't believe Him since they claimed God was their Father, and then He said, he that is of God hears God's words; you for that reason don't hear God's words because you are not of God...This is the contextual meaning of John 8:47, after taking the whole dialogue into the meaning.

It has nothing to do with having to be regenerated in order to believe. One hears the message of Jesus Christ with their ears and either believes or not. When one does believe, then they are born again and hear from God who takes up residency within them.

God Bless
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Justification by Faith is in two senses, First and foremost Its Justification by the Faith / Faithfulness of Jesus Christ. For its by this Faith alone how The elect obtain Justification before God, by the Blood and obedience of Jesus Christ, for all whom He died in their place and stead..​
Rom 5:9,18-19​
9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him​
Note, being Now Justified by His blood, not our Faith + His blood, that's a false Gospel, but by His blood..to whom is this True of ? Not only the roman believers, but to all the election of grace of all time..Thats who Justified by His blood..​
Hello @brightfame52,

The first reference that you gave in your O.P., is Romans 5:9 (above) and on the strength of what is said in that verse, you say that justification by faith is a false gospel. Yet, if you look at the context of verse 9, you will see that in verses 1 & 2, it says:-

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith,
we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
through Whom we have gained access by faith
into this grace in which we now stand.
And we boast in the hope of the glory of God.'

(Rom 5:1-2)

* So all that follows is built upon this, including verse 9: and we therefore know that we are now saved through faith in His blood ( ie., His all-sufficient sacrifice for sin).

18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men[of all time] to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men [of all time] unto justification of life.
19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
Again no mention of our Faith as a securing means of Justification unto Life or being made righteous, but solely the obedience and righteousness of One Jesus Christ..​
This constitutes the Faith / faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Therefore its written The Faith of Jesus Christ:​
* This must also be read with the opening two verses in mind.
Gal 2:16,20​
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.​
20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
In Faithfulness Jesus Christ Loved the elect and gave himself for them.​
* Again the context must be consulted in regard to these verses:-

'Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ,
even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ,
and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners,
is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid.'

(Gal 2:16-17)

* We hear the gospel concerning His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and believe what God has said concerning Him, and the work of salvation that He has accomplished: and in so doing we are declared righteous, i,e., justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who loved us and gave Himself for us, that we may have our sins forgiven and receive the hope of eternal life in Him.

In Christ Jesus
Sometimes its good to post others whom God has enlightened to the Truth, particular to the Truth of Justification by Faith, and how it should equate to Justification by Christ, from an article by Tobias Crisp:

Justification by Christ Alone

But, you will say; the apostle Paul saith (Romans 5:1,) “That being justified by faith, we have peace with God;” and since the Holy Ghost saith, “we are justified by faith,” we must not dispute against it. I will answer in brief, and desire one thing of you, and that is to consult Beza upon this place; he renders the words out of the original, “Being justified by faith we have, peace with God,” without any stop from the first to the last. Our translators render the words thus, “Being justified by faith,” and then put a comma; but as Beza renders them (who is accounted a most sincere renderer of the original) he makes no stop: and, if that be true, why may not they be as well rendered thus; “Being justified, by faith we have peace with God?” And so ascribe justification to Christ, as a thing done before, let faith have reference to our peace; being justified by Christ, by faith we come to have peace with God, which stands current with the analogy of faith, and truth of the gospel: “For it is God that justifieth,” Romans 8:34. Justification is truly and properly the work of God himself, and cannot be the work of faith. But, Secondly, suppose the words to run as they are commonly rendered; I answer, then are we to distinguish in faith two things; there is the act of believing, and the object on which we believe; and so the words may be understood thus, “Being justified” by the righteousness of faith, or by the righteousness of Christ which we believe, “we have peace with God;” and so ascribe our justification to the object of our believing, the righteousness of Christ, and not to the act of believing. The truth is, beloved, the act of believing is a work, and as much ours, as our fear, prayer, and love are; and the apostle should contradict himself when he saith, “We are saved by grace, through faith, not of works,” if he mean the act of faith; he might as well have said, we are not justified by works, but we are justified by them. Tobias Crisp {Christ Alone Exalted}
The context of the dialogue recorded between John 8:12 to the end of the chapter focuses upon our Lord testifying that He came from heaven and that God was His Father who sent Him. The unbelieving Jews argued with Him and said Abraham was their father and also said God was their Father.

The Lord set the record straight that they were not of Heaven but from the world and that He hears and has heard from the Father; something only He alone being God's one and only Son from Heaven has experienced, since He is of God. Their claim that God was their Father was debunked by the Lord in the exchange.

Verse 26 the Lord said, "I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him." (Joh 8:26)
Verse 38 the Lord said, "I speak that which I have seen with my Father".
Verse 40 the Lord said, "But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God"
Verse 42 the Lord said, "If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me".

And then the Lord said, "Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." (Joh 8:46-47)

In verses 46-47 our Lord asked them why they didn't believe Him since they claimed God was their Father, and then He said, he that is of God hears God's words; you for that reason don't hear God's words because you are not of God...This is the contextual meaning of John 8:47, after taking the whole dialogue into the meaning.

It has nothing to do with having to be regenerated in order to believe. One hears the message of Jesus Christ with their ears and either believes or not. When one does believe, then they are born again and hear from God who takes up residency within them.

God Bless
One must be born of God to hear Gods wordsJn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
One must be born of God to hear Gods wordsJn 8:47

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
You can ignore context all you want; that is your prerogative, but John 8:47 is not about being born again to hear God. Jesus was definitely telling the Jewish people that He had heard God and hears God because He personally came from God. They would not believe Him. If one does not believe Jesus is who He says He is, where He came from, and who sent Him, then one is unbelieving like these Jewish people. These three points are what Jesus declared, because by hearing they could believe and be saved, but they disbelieved instead relying upon their heritage and themselves.

Adding a spin to the text distorts and hides the true meaning of the verbal exchange.

God Bless
Justification by Christ Alone

An ungodly person, after he is justified, believes; but you must understand it, it is not the faith of the man that simply and properly justifies, but it is that Christ in whom he believes; believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly: it is he that justifieth, that is Christ. It is not believing that justifies. Mark well that phrase; him that justifieth. Justification is an act of Christ, it is not an act of faith. But you will say, It is an act of Christ by faith. I answer, Then Christ justifies not alone. Is faith Christ himself? If not, then Christ must have a partner to justify, or else faith doth not justify, but Christ alone doth it. Nay, I say more, Christ justifies a person before he believes; for, he that believes is justified before he believes; for I ask you, whether in justification a man must believe a truth or a falsehood? You will say, he must believe a truth; then say I, it is a truth that he is justified before he believes it; he cannot believe that which is not, and if he be not justified, that he may believe it, he then believes that which is false. But he is first justified before he believes, then he believes that he is justified. But what then serves faith for? I answer, It serves for the manifestation of that justification which Christ puts upon a person by himself alone: that you by believing on him, may have the declaration, and manifestation of your justification. Faith is the evidence of things, it is not the being of things; and it is the evidence of things not seen. A man is justified, and that by Christ alone. “Faith is an evidence;” faith gives evidence to this thing, faith makes it known; by faith we come to apprehend it; by faith we come to rejoice in it, as we apprehend it to be our own. Tobias Crisp {Christ Alone Exalted}
You can ignore context all you want; that is your prerogative, but John 8:47 is not about being born again to hear God. Jesus was definitely telling the Jewish people that He had heard God and hears God because He personally came from God. They would not believe Him. If one does not believe Jesus is who He says He is, where He came from, and who sent Him, then one is unbelieving like these Jewish people. These three points are what Jesus declared, because by hearing they could believe and be saved, but they disbelieved instead relying upon their heritage and themselves.

Adding a spin to the text distorts and hides the true meaning of the verbal exchange.

God Bless
Its you who is ignoring a solid truth found within the context its inspired in. One must be of God, meaning Born of God in order to Spiritually and profitably hear Gods word with understanding, as Vs 43 points out as well Jn 8:43

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Now you can ignore it if you want to !
Its you who is ignoring a solid truth found within the context its inspired in. One must be of God, meaning Born of God in order to Spiritually and profitably hear Gods word with understanding, as Vs 43 points out as well Jn 8:43

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Now you can ignore it if you want to !
Context brother, you must stay in context to rightly divide the Word of truth. The quotes you've mentioned have nothing to do with being born again before believing. It has to do with believing the testimony of Jesus Christ. No one needs to be born again to believe His testimony.

"Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word."...They refused to listen to Him. It is not that they were not born again and couldn't believe Him.

God Bless
Justification by Christ Alone

You may consider justification in a double sense, and that, according to the opinion of our divines, there is justification in heaven, and in a man’s conscience. Justification in heaven is God’s act alone; justification in the consciences of men, is the manifestation of that act of God to them, by which a man comes to know, and consequently rejoice in it; and so you may read the words thus, “Being justified by faith,” that is, through faith having the justification of God evidenced and manifested to our spirits, “we have peace with him.” And, beloved, you shall find this to be a very solid and genuine interpretation of the words, and agreeable to the scriptures; for peace and joy are always appropriated to persons believing; as much as to say, the act of justification in heaven, though perfectly done, is yet secret in the breast of God alone, till he gives persons faith, that beholds the grace of God, that brings the glad tidings of justification to the soul, and so it rejoiceth in it; therefore the apostle prays after this manner, “The Lord fill you with all joy and peace in believing.” So that it is true, we have not the comfort; we cannot say particularly to our spirits, God hath justified me, and I rejoice in this, till we believe; because faith is made, by the Lord, to be the “evidence of things not seen,” as in Hebrews 11:1. And that is the proper work that God hath given to believing, not to effect anything to the good of a man, but only to be the witness of that good to his spirit; and so give light to that which was secret before. So that still it remains, that the laying of iniquity itself upon Christ, is the Lord’s act, and his only; our faith seeth what the Lord hath done; and, when God gives us to believe, faith manifests it to us, and so our souls come to have peace, in sum, therefore, beloved, God lays, Christ bears, and faith sees iniquity laid upon him. God, through Christ, perfect this work in us, that so, faith seeing, “we may have all joy and peace in believing.” Tobias Crisp {Christ Alone Exalted}
Faith essentially includes an assent of the understanding to the truth of the Scriptures, revealing the sole-sufficiency of Christ for the reconciliation of sinners, and the non-imputation of sin; as also the will and command of God, that all men should believe in Him alone for life and salvation; and a fiducial adherence and reliance of the will upon the same Christ, the understanding being made effectually to assent and subscribe to the fore-mentioned propositions, the will also powerfully drawn to accept, embrace, and adhere unto Christ. Our Divines do include both these acts in the definition of Faith making it to be such an assent unto the truths of the Gospel, as that withal, the soul tastes an ineffable sweetness in the same; and thereupon resteth, and relieth upon Christ for all the benefits of his death. William Eyre {Justification without Conditions – 1654}
By Faith we have the knowledge and comfort of that reconciliation which Christ hath made between God and us, though we cannot say, that we obtain a right and interest therein by Faith; through Faith we come to know, that God is our God, though our believing doth not make him to be our God. William Eyre {Justification without Conditions – 1654}
By Faith we have the knowledge and comfort of that reconciliation which Christ hath made between God and us, though we cannot say, that we obtain a right and interest therein by Faith; through Faith we come to know, that God is our God, though our believing doth not make him to be our God. William Eyre {Justification without Conditions – 1654}
Through faith we complete the formula that God established: IF you obey me, then you will be My people, and I will be your God. It is through faith in Christ that we become God's people, and so He becomes our God. We do not "come to know", we establish the fact through our obedience.
Through faith we complete the formula that God established: IF you obey me, then you will be My people, and I will be your God. It is through faith in Christ that we become God's people, and so He becomes our God. We do not "come to know", we establish the fact through our obedience.
You still dont understand.
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